Chapter 3

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   “shit” he mumbled “It’s just me Undyne!” he called covering Serenity’s mouth.

    “Sans? What are you doing here nerd? Shouldn’t you be patrolling for humans with Papyrus?” the woman known as Undyne replied.

    “u-uh yea, I just…wanted to come see the rocks before I went to work” he told her.

    “Well hurry up.” Undyne said before she left with heavy footsteps. Once Sans was sure that she was gone she uncovered Serenity’s mouth.

    “Who was that?” she asked.

    “Undyne, we have to go now. If she’s patrolling she may come back here and find you. I’m not going to let her find you” Sans told her standing up.

    “Oh ok” she mumbled as she stood ‘I guess we’re just forget about the fact that that happened’ she thought. She looked back at Sans and went wide-eyed. One of Sans’ eyes were blue, with a flame like mist coming from it. “S-Sans? What’s up with your eye?” she asked

    “I’ll explain later” he told her as he grabbed her hand. They started walking and then next thing Serenity knew they were in the Skelebros’ house. She looked around confused “how-“

    “Magic” Sans told her as he sat down on the couch.

    “Magic?” she looked at him confused.

    “My eye, how we got here so fast. Magic” he chuckled

    “Oh” she sat down on the couch keeping her gaze away from him with a hint of pink on her cheeks. 

    Sans looked at the TV, permanent grin on his face as he watched it. Serenity looked over at it also and raised an eye. On the TV was a robot. Strange.

    “So robots are monsters now?” she asked.

    “Guess you could say that” he chuckled as he leaned back on the couch. Serenity gave a sigh as she stood back up

    “I’m going to go take a nap….” She mumbled.

    “Want me to come up to keep an eye socket on ya?” he asked looking over at her.

    “Nah, I’ll be ok” she smiled back at him. That smile that could brighten up anybody’s day. That smile that could change a rainy day into a very sunshiney day. Sans gave a smile as he nodded watching her disappear into his room. He gave a sigh looking at the TV again. After a bit he groaned putting his head in his boney hands.

    “Come on Sans, get a backbone and go help her” he mumbled to himself then laughed at his own pun. “Good one Sansy boy” he stood up and started to quietly walk to his door. As he grabbed the knob he heard Serenity inside talking to herself.

    “Why are you so stupid around him, he’s just your best friend”

    Just her best friend? Sans gave a sigh and sat down in front of the door continuing to listen to her.

    “He should be easy to talk to about this stuff…why can’t I get the nerves to talk to him”

    What is she talking about?

    “I mean all the hassle just to say Sans I’m in love with you”

    Sans blushed as he stared at the door. Did she just say….she was in love with him? He stood up and gave a sigh as he opened the door.

    “Serenity…” he looked over at her.

    “Yes Sans? What is it?” she asked looking over at him as she made the bed. He gave a sigh as a blue-ish tint came over his cheek bones.

    “u-uhm…I-I uhm….” He rubbed the back of his skull.

    “What is it Sans?” she asked sitting down as she looked at him. This was going to be hard, so he had to do this the only way he knew how.

    “Knock Knock” he mumbled looking down at the ground.

    “Really Sans? Again with the knock knock jokes?” she gave an amused smile.

    “Come on Serenity” he looked at her, for once having a serious tone in his voice.

    “Fine, Who’s there?” she asked.

    “Olive….” He told her.

    “This one again? Really?” she sighed “Olive who?” she answered.

    Sans walked over to her keeping his head down so she couldn’t see his blushing. He gently grabbed her hands in his lacing his boney fingers with hers. He then looked up at her the blush consuming his cheeks. “Olive…you…” he told her. She stared at him a deep pink blush appearing on her cheeks. She said absolutely nothing taking in what he had said. Sans let go of her hands and turned to leave taking the silence as rejection. Maybe he had heard her wrong through the door. As he reached the door Serenity finally spoke up.

    “Sans” she said standing and walking over to him. Sans turned around only to have her lips land on his teeth in a form of a kiss. Sans’ face turned a darker blue as he, in a skeleton way, kissed her back. After a few seconds she pulled away “Olive you too” she smiled at him placing a hand on his cheek bone. Sans gave an even bigger grin as small blue tears appeared in his eyes. He tightly hugged her burying his face in her shoulder.

    “Thank you for not giving me the cold shoulder” he told her

    “Sans! Really?” She laughed pushing him away from her gently. This just caused Sans to laugh.

    “What? That pun not humorous enough for you?” he asked as he leaned back on the wall laughing. “I might have a few more that’ll tickle your funny bone”

    Serenity continued to laugh as she walked over to cover his mouth “stop. I can’t take anymore.” She told him. Then blinked as Sans’ eye turned blue again. Then she felt something wet on her hands. “Ew! Sans did you just lick me?!” she exclaimed wiping off her hand. The skeleton just grinned showing sort of a blue ecto-tongue, and some pretty sharp teeth.

    “Nope, I have no idea what you’re talking about” he told her as his eye slowly faded back to normal the teeth going back to the permanent grin and the tongue disappearing.

    “You’re lying through your teeth” she told him. There was a silence in the room before the two started to howl in laughter. Serenity had fallen over holding her belly while Sans had to use the wall just to keep himself up. This was the beginning of something beautiful. 

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