Chapter 7

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----------------------------------Hours later------------------------------------

          Everyone was dead. Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton, and all monsters in between. This kid didn’t know how to stop. Alphys had already evacuated everybody she could, but some weren’t lucky enough to make it. Serenity gave a sigh as she followed Alphys to the emergency exit. However she kept looking back at the entrance. Sans was still out there, and she knew where he would be.

          “Alphys I’m sorry” she looked back at her friend “but I have to go to Sans” she told her before running towards the entrance ignoring Alphys’ cries for her.

          As she ran she passed many piles of dust. This filled her with determination to get to Sans in time. She continued to run, passed all the puzzles in her way and eventually made it to the door to the corridor she knew the two would be in. She gave a shaky sigh and quietly walked in nearly missing getting hit with a bone. She jumped behind the pillars and stepped closer and closer to them. As she got closer everything that had happened in her nightmare seemed to be replaying itself. However there was one part she refused to let happen. Even if that meant getting involved.

          The battle between the two raged on for hours, and there were a few close calls. Then Sans special attack came up, he didn’t do anything. Like absolutely nothing. He just sat there and talked to the kid. Eventually though he fell asleep. This caused Serenity to tense up as she saw the kid inching closer and closer to him. “Leave him alone!!” she yelled and ran towards Sans, just as the blade was coming down she pushed him out of the way taking the blow for him. Sans jolted awake having been pushed and looked at who had pushed him.

          “Serenity?!” he ran back to her and kneeled down to her holding her in his arms. She now how a huge gash going from her belly to her chest, and she was losing blood fast. “Serenity why did you do that?! Why didn’t you stay with Alphys?!” he exclaimed trying to stop her bleeding.

          “I….couldn’t let you…..get killed” she choked out coughing up some blood.

          “You should have stayed with Alphys” he told her blue tears coming to his eye sockets and spilling over. She shook her head and placed a hand on his cheek rubbing her thumb over it. The kid stared at the two and rolled their eyes as he walked over to finish off Sans, however Sans’ eye turned a fiery blue and a blue mist picked up the kid and sent them flying to the other side of the corridor away from them.

          “Please stay with me Serenity…” he choked out placing a kiss on her forehead. “Please”

          “I….I’m…trying Sans” she choked out gripping his jacket tightly. Sans gave a sigh then looked over at the child.

          “Listen buddy, I….I know my brother saw some good in you. I know he did, and I know there is still some good in you too. Please just r-reset. Please” he choked out “I-I can’t lose her. Just please reset!” he pleaded. The kid stopped in their tracks and was now just staring at the skeleton who was now begging them to reset. Only moments ago they had wanted to kill him, but now…seeing him holding the other human and begging for a reset, it kinda made them feel guilty. They dropped the knife and brought their hands to their head screaming in pain. Sans looked at them confused for a minute. What the hell was going on? His attention was then brought back to Serenity who was choking on her own blood.

          “Doll stay with me” he choked out placing a hand on her cheek. Serenity looked up at him the life slowly leaving her eyes.

          “I-I….I love you….” She choked out before taking her last breath, within seconds. She was gone. Sans broke down crying into her hair.

          The kid finally took his hands down from his head and looked at Sans.

          “I’m sorry…….for all the pain that I’ve cause you” they told him tears coming to their eyes. “I’m so sorry. I-I’ll reset…a-and make sure to do this right” he told him. Sans gave a smile before looking down at Serenity again pushing some hair out of her lifeless face.

          “I’ll see you on the other side doll” he told her leaving a kiss on her lips as everything disappeared. Next thing he knew he woke up in his living room with the smell of spaghetti in the air and the laughter of his brother and lover in the kitchen.

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