Chapter 2

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  As Serenity left Sans looked back at his food and gave a light sigh. What happened in the dream that was bothering her so much? Did what happened in the dream make her hate him? What happened?

"Sans. SANS!!!" Papyrus yelled trying to gain his attention.

"hm, yea bro?" he asked looking over at his brother.

"What do you think is wrong with the human? Something seems to be bothering her." he asked.

"I have no idea bro" he gave a sigh as he pushed his plate away "I'm going to go keep an eye on her" he stood and walked out.

"Alright, be careful Sans. I'm going to go out patrolling for anymore humans"

"Alright, I'll see you later Pap" His right eye turned a blue-ish color and then he was gone.


As Serenity walked through the calm environment of Waterfall staring up at the glistening rocks with a small smile on her face. Man how she loved this area. It reminded her so much of the surface. It was beautiful. She carefully sat down on a flat rock staring up at the rocks. Best place in the world to think, and she was in a good place to hide from Undyne. She gave a sigh and started recounting the dream she had.

"Why did that dream feel so real" she mumbled as she hugged her legs to her chest. She gave a small shuddery sigh "That kid...that fucking kid...." She choked out small tears coming to her eyes again as she laid her forehead on her knees.


Sans sat on another rock a good distance away from Serenity just watching and listening to her. "What kid?" he mumbled to himself as he started to get a bit confused. When she started to cry is when he decided to go over to her. He got up and slowly walked up behind her. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder as he sat next to her. He had obviously scared her because he could feel the jump that startled her from her thoughts.

"Oh....hi Sans" she mumbled putting her head back on her arms.

"Hey kid" He looked over at her "what's wrong?" he asked.

"Sans....this....this nightmare. I-It felt so....real" she mumbled leaning on her best friend and resting her head on his boney shoulder.

"Well, it would help if ya talked about it kiddo" he told her gently wrapping a comforting arm around her.

Serenity gave a shaky sigh "i-it was in some room..well a hallway of was...all yellow, and you could see a castle out the window...." She told him looking down at the ground.

Sans looked ahead as he listened tensing up as she described the room. He knew exactly what room she was talking maybe what she was dreaming couldn't be.

"Y-you had told me to stay with somebody named Alphys....while you went off to do something....but I didn't listen....I-I followed you to that hallway..." she continued looking up at him tears in her eyes "I'm sorry Sans...I-I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you" she choked out hugging the skeleton around his neck tightly.

Sans hugged her back tightly blue tears coming to his eye sockets. Out of all the things she had remembered.....she remembered that. "It''s ok..." he told her gently rubbing her back in comfort.

"I-I watched a kid.....he-he stabbed he walked away like nothing happened....I-I watched you call out to Papyrus...a-and me, then you fell over" she cried harder gripping to the hood of his jacket "I-I watched you die...."

Sans gave a sigh as he continued to comfort her. The tears spilled over as she described his death. He had put her through that...and is now putting her through this. What kind of friend was he? "Is that it?" he asked trying to hide the fact that he was crying.

"B-before you started a joke" she mumbled "even though it was at a horrible time"

Sans gave a light chuckle "oh really? And how did that go?"

"It was a knock knock joke" she mumbled.

"Well how did it go?" he asked pulling away to turn and face you "gotta know how my jokes are in your head"

"Sans it's not funny, you bonehead"

He just gave his usual wink already knowing what the joke was, but he was just trying to lighten the mood to cheer her up. "I'll be the judge of that"

She gave a glare and then sighed " went uhm....knock knock"

"who's there?" he replied.


"Olive who?"

"That's where it was cut off" she mumbled tears in her eyes again.

"That's ok, I know the joke. I'll finish it" he grinned at her. "Look at me"

Serenity turned her body so that she was facing him. Sans' grin slowly faded as he stared into her eyes. Under the light of the rocks her green eyes looked gorgeous. He gently placed a hand on her cheek as a soft blue tint came over his face "knock knock" he mumbled

"W-who's there?" she replied leaning into his boney palm lightly as she looked into his eye sockets.

"Olive" he told her hesitantly moving closer to her.

"O-Olive who?" she replied again doing the same.


"Who's there!!" came a female voice pulling Sans and Serenity out of their little daze. Sans tensed up recognizing the voice.

Olive You, SansWhere stories live. Discover now