Chapter XIV || Blizzard

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I legit thought that Yetis only lived in Asia; I guess I’m wrong. Yuki is Asian though, it isn’t hard to tell just by looking at her name. I’m not being racist or anything; I’m part Asian too. I snap back into reality where the Yeti just notices us. He turns its head with blood dripping of its pure white fur. I could hear a growl escaping from his lips. He jumps onto all of us and Adam pushes me while using his arms to shield me away. Willow's body begins to change, her body structure gets stronger, her eyes bigger and fur grows out that's caramel. She attacks the Yeti straight away by clawing her way up his back.The Yeti grabs Willow like a rag doll and she struggles to escape from his grasp, then he digs his giant teeth into her thigh. She shrieks and he throws her across the snow.

“Willow!” Noah kneels beside her; he turns into a werewolf to protect her. I notice Noah is more intimidating as a werewolf. He's bigger and walks on his hind legs. His fur is also jet black, collecting snow falling from the sky.

Ivy jumps on the Yeti’s shoulders and smashes her fist into it continuously. It is futile though, he flings her off and she lands on the ground. Jace flickers the light in the whole area to make the Yeti confused. He roars in frustration and starts swinging his arms everywhere. Jace gets knocked over and he’s out cold. The only people left are Skylar, Noah, Adam and I. I barely stood any chance against this monster.

Adam turns into a snow leopard and pounces protectively in front of me while Skylar prepares a potion. She scatters the potion on the ground. The snow begins to melt and the ground makes cracking sounds. The Yeti falls in the new-found hole in the ground. He hangs onto the edge, and we all thought he’s as good as dead but he gains his balance and climbs back up. He swipes his sharp claws across Skylar’s face, ruining her perfect skin. She falls to the ground holding her bleeding face. Noah growls extremely loudly and catches the Yeti unguarded by jumping on his back. He claws it and sinks his teeth into its back. It lets out a deafening roar and throws Noah away with his hands. The Yeti walks up to Adam and I, I start trembling in discourage. Adam’s teeth suddenly get longer and sharper and he bites the leg of the Yeti. The Yeti kicks Adam over and he hits a rock. I gasp as his eyes close slowly.

The Yeti reaches down and uses its enormous, clawed hands to hold me. His grip is so hard now that my air supply it starting to cut off; my bones are being pressured to the limit of breaking. Tears begin to flow out of my eyes. The Yeti opens his mouth ready for me to become his latest meal.

I bite on his hand with my fangs, hopefully distracting him. It didn't work much though; it just made him a whole lot angrier. His grip tightens around my arms. My vampire-like strength doesn't work against the Yeti. I keep trying by digging my nails into his pure white fur, making blood seep out, while pulling his hands apart. 

“Help! Someone wake up!” I yell frantically. The blizzard abruptly gets even thicker, to the point where I couldn’t see any of the group. A path clears through the blizzard and a graceful ghost-looking young woman walks through it. Her eyes are a mesmerizing violet while her skin is almost transparent. She has long black hair that flows behind her peacefully. I could feel the Yeti trembling as much as I am; he’s scared of this spooky girl. The Yeti drops me on the ground, and the height and impact causes my ankle to twist. I exhale heavily to relieve the pain. He runs but the girl controls the snow, which zooms after him and crushes him. The snow blizzard gets sucked up into the young woman’s fingers.

The snow starts falling ever so gently on my face; it helps with the distraction from my ankle. The snow girl approaches me; she blends in with the snow. Her skin is so abnormally pale and all her clothes are white too.

“Are you okay?” She asks in her nearly mute voice.

“I’m fine.” I smile.

“Can you help me then? I want to bring these people to my home.” She pushes a bit of hair behind her ear. I nod and the snow starts swirling over everyone’s unconscious bodies. It carries them up the mountain.

“Ah!” I reach down and hold my ankle as I stand up.

“Sumimasen.” (A/N: Sumimasen means, “I’m sorry” or “Excuse me” in Japanese.) She repeats over and over again. A whirl of snow picks me up too. The cloud of snow felt so soft. I lay my head to rest on it until I fall asleep.

My eyes open, I am in a chilly cave lit by blue lanterns. Everyone else is unconscious, lying on fluffy blankets. I could see the snow girl from before, playing with the crunchy snow on the ground.

“Hey, um, what’s your name?” I ask while brushing snow of my shoulders.

“Yuki, Yuki Onna. I’m a Snow Ghost, hunted by Phantom like all of you.”

“I’m Autumn Scarlet, hybrid vampire. That’s Adam Sumner, Ivy-Rose Alexis, Skylar Star, Jace Carter, Willow and Noah Heart.” I point to each one of them.

“Is that one Willow?” She kneels besides Willow. “She won’t survive with losing this much blood.” I swallow hard at the sight and smell of blood. My ankle throbs with pain as I sit next to Willow. I knew what I have to do. I close my eyes and place my hands over her wound. I ignore my strong craving for blood and felt pity on Willow as she writhes in pain. Her wound glows purple and mends itself.

“That’s skillful.” Yuki says while passing me a roll of bandages. I couldn’t heal anyone else; Willow’s wound was huge so it took a great amount of energy. She hands me a bowl of hot water and a cloth.

“Can you please clean their wounds? I can’t go near high temperature.”

“Sure.” I use my hands to drag my body across to Skylar. She had three parallel cuts across her left cheek. I dip the cloth into the steaming water, which felt pleasurable from being out in the cold, and dab it gently on her face. I look around; no one else seems to have open wounds.

I lean against the wall of the cave, trying to relieve myself of the agony of my twisted ankle and possibly fractured ribs. They would heal themselves eventually; faster than normal vampires but not fast enough for it not too hurt for a while. Ivy is the first to be conscious whom Jace follows; they could never stay asleep for long. Ivy stretches her back and rubs her injured area. Jace’s stomach is bruised from the strength of the now dead Yeti.

“Where are we?” Ivy’s eyes wonder around the cave.

“Yuki’s house, she saved us from the Yeti.” I answer. Adam starts moaning in his sleep and suddenly shoots up.

“Autumn?” He gasps.

“I’m right here.” I play with the ends of my hair. He moves himself next to me and pulls my head into his chest. I hold my arms around him and squeeze him tightly.

“So when are we leaving?” Yuki asks in her timid voice.

“Once Skylar is awake, she’s the one who knows where we’re going.”

“I know too.” Ivy crosses her arms. “I read her mind a while ago.”

“So where to next?” Jace queries.

“Las Vegas, Phantom’s base.” She sighs. “It’s time to destroy Phantom.”

Picture of Yuki Onna on the side! Who likes her? I know I do!

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