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I walked down the hallway only to find four girls standing near my locker. Here we go again.. When one of them saw me, she pushed me against one of the lockers.

"Still hanging out with them?! Didn't you hear what we told you?! We said don't go near them!" She yelled as she kicked my shin. Ow, that hurt. I knew I was cold in front of everyone but inside I was just a weak little teenager, who turns a blind eye on this harsh world. Yet my coping mechanism is exactly being that harsh world's epitome. I couldn't control myself when I nearly pushed the girl away. She looked at me even angrily and her friends started to push me around..like a toy. There was nothing I could do. Mira wasn't here with me and she couldn't stop this nonsense. I lost all of my bravery. I collapsed on the floor feeling my head ache with pain.

"Let's get out of here.." I heard one of them say as I just laid there. Then suddenly I blacked out.

I opened my eyes only to see that I was in schools nurse room. There was no one around me, but then I heard the door open. I turned around and saw the nurse come in.

"Hi dear.. Feeling any better?" She asked giving me a cup of tea.

"What happened to me?" I didn't answer her question, because I didn't know how I felt.. It was the first time I have fainted.

"Some students found you lying on the ground so they brought you here. Can you tell me what happened darling? There's some bruises on your face." She said as she gave me the small mirror. I looked at myself. I looked like crap, my hair was a mess and there was some bruises on my face. They weren't deep but still quite visible.

"I fell down the stairs and when I was walking to my locker I felt bad and I guess I just blacked out.." I lied. The nurse only nodded.

"By the way, lessons are nearly over, so you can go home early." She said giving me a paper to show the teachers that I fainted. I nodded.

"Can I go home now?" I asked. She nodded smiling widely as she helped me to stand up, because I still felt the headache. "Thank you.." I said as I left the room. I slowly started walking out of school. Thank god my parents worked late, because I don't know what I would tell them why I'm not at school at this time. They wouldn't believe me if I just told them that I fell down the stairs. I can act, but it's too obvious for them to know when I act. They're my parents after all. I sighed walking outside. Some fresh air and my headache started to disappear.


"Where are you?" I heard Taehyung's voice from another lane. He called me and I totally forgot they were waiting for me, when I'm not even at school.

"Home." I said shortly.

"What? You already left without us?" I heard Hoseok shouting in the background.

"Sorry guys. I was at the nurse because I fainted. Look it's a long story and I have a painful headache so I need to go. Bye." I said ending the call. I wasn't in the mood to talk.

After 15 minutes I heard a doorbell. Please don't tell me it's them..I thought walking downstairs to open the door.

"Are you kidding me.." I whispered to myself seeing seven faces looking at me.

"What happened to your face?!" Namjoon shouted pinching my cheeks.

"Ow! Don't do that!" I yelled swinging my hands around.

"What happened?" Taehyung looked at me with a worried look.

"Didn't you say that you're going to the bubble tea shop?" I ignored his question.

"Iseul-ah.." Taehyung said and I knew there was no chance for me to not answer it. I'm still lying! I can't tell him the truth, that his dearly fangirls are bullying me!

"I just tripped and fell down the stairs, then felt bad and collapsed. You know how clumsy I am..." I nervously laughed at the last part. "That's it Tae. No need to worry.."

Jin and Yoongi looked at me confusingly. Maybe they sensed that something was wrong but I just looked away. Jungkook came closer and hugged me, which surprised me.

"Just don't hurt yourself like that.." He whispered. "Promise me."

"I promise Kookie. Don't worry. Accidents happen.." I said wrapping my arms around him.

"KOOKIE?!" Hoseok laughed very loudly. "WHERE IS MY NICKNAME ISEUL-AH??"

"Hey! I'm not a nickname machine!" I smiled at his pouting. "I think Mira will give you something for a nickname.. By the way don't forget!"

"Don't forget what?" He looked at me.

"Don't forget that you're still an idiot." I chuckled. "That's it, Hoseok. You have a nickname!"

"I don't want to be an idiot! You're right! Maybe Mira will give me something special!" He smiled at the memory of her.

"Ew" Yoongi said as he entered my house. "I just realized..we haven't been in your house.."

"Because I never invited you" I said following them.

"Don't be a meanie Iseul-ah.." Tae hugged me from behind, that made me blush a little bit. STOP IT!

"AWHH YOU MADE HER BLUSH!!" Hoseok screemed while I blushed even harder.

"Stop it you two!" I said pushing myself out from Taehyung's grip. Suddenly I felt dizzy again as I hardly gripped on the kitchen counter. "Uh.."

"Iseul-ah.." Jungkook hurriedly passed past Taehyung, who was looking weirdly at me, and walked towards me. "You okay?" He patted me on the back.

"Yeah.. I should take some medicine.." I said looking at the medicine box as I grabbed one of the headache calling pills and gulped it down with water, that Jin gave me. After a few minutes I felt the pain slowly go away.

"Are you feeling better?" I heard Taehyung ask, when everyone left to watch a movie.

"Yeah, thanks Tae" I looked at him after washing my hands.

"For what?" He asked confused.

"For making me feel happy...again..." I said. He didn't say anything, he only just hugged me and kissed me on my forehead.

What just happened Kim Taehyung..

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