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Mira helped me put my things in the room, it took about an hour to get everything in their places.

"So? How are things with Hoseok?" I asked putting my clothes in the drawer.

"Good. How are things with Taehyung?" She smirked as she sat on my bed.

"How do you know?" I stuttered, blushing.

"Oh c'mon! I knew it from the start that you'll end up together!" She chuckled.

"And how did you knew that? I was acting so cold.." I looked down.

"People change Iseul. Do you still want to be that cold hearted girl that you were when we first met?" She asked.

"I don't....I don't know.." I sat near her. "There was a reason why I started to act like this.."

"Mind telling me?" She looked at me. "I'm your best friend after all!" She added a fact.

"Okay. I think you'll be the first to know.." I sighed, trying to find a comfortable spot. "So when I was 15, everyone thought of me as a weird girl, so I had no friends basically. I had massive crush on my best friend though, which was Taehyung." I felt as Mira shuffled in her seat and when I looked at her, she was smiling as crazy. "But he never looked at me like that. He was getting attacked by girls all the time, but I was never one of them. Once this girl broke his heart like really bad and he always came to me for comfort. Then he started to move on and our friendship became more distant since he hanged out with his friends more. And then he left me to follow his dream. He got this application where it said that he'll now start as a trainee at this BigHit entertainment. He was really happy, although I was really sad. He said goodbyes to his family and promised me to never forget me. When he left, things got worse, I got bullied, because now people knew that there was no one who could protect me. Then I promised myself to never fall in love and to not trust people. They're going to leave you anyway.."

"Awww I would never leave you." Mira hugged me. I really wanted to cry right now, I felt so weak. Finally I let someone to know about my past. Although I couldn't have my best friend moment with her because the door opened, revealing Taehyung.

"Hey, Mira, can you leave us? I want to talk with Iseul alone." He said.

"Sure. Good luck." She said to me, getting up and going out.

"Woah. Did something happened? You look like you're going to cry!" He sat near me.

"I accidentally hit my foot in the table..you know how it hurts.." I awkwardly laughed. "what did you wanted to talk about?"

"Um so..." Taehyung got silent. "Well..."

"Say it Taehyung.."

"Wehaveatourwhichisnextweek" he said with one deep breath.

"I know." I nodded. When I saw his confused reaction. "Hoseok told me when we were sitting in the car.."

"Oh." Taehyung only said.

"And he said guys wanted me to come too?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Maybe, let's ask them. If Hoseok told this, that doesn't mean the others even know." Taehyung stood up and left the room. He didn't even looked at me. Did I said something wrong?

I stood up also and followed him downstairs, where everyone else was.

"Kookie!" I wrapped my arms around his neck from behind. It was a friendly gesture, okay?

"Hey!" He smiled turning around and glancing at me. "Shortie!"

"Wait what...shortie?" I slowly glared at him.

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