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"Iseul?" She slightly knocked on her daughter's bedroom door. "I know you're feeling broken and mad at us, but please just listen this once.." She said but no answer was heard. "Please.. I'm very very sorry. I still love you and I want you to know that you're still my number 1 even if I lied this whole time.. Please Iseul.."

There was no one who could answer that and so she started worrying about Iseul. What if she did something to herself?

"I'm coming in, okay?" She said slowly opening the door and walking in. It broke her what she saw in front of her. The room was empty and very cold to be in. Some clothes were scattered around the ground. What's the most hurtful was the teared photos on the ground of them. She nervously glanced around the room. Her eyes caught that opened window. That made the room so cold. 'It can't be.. She didn't ran away did she?' She thought, running to the bathroom, that was connected with Iseul's room. There wasn't anyone there.

"No.. Min-sung!" She yelled to her husband. Her head begin to ache while she balanced herself, leaning on the wall. "MIN-SUNG! SHE RAN AWAY! MY ISEUL RAN AWAY!!"

"You didn't except for her to actually stay, did you?" Anna asked Ji-ae. (A/N: Anna is Hyun-woo's mother and Ji-ae is Iseul's. They're sisters btw) "She left for good. She is hurt and she wants to have space too.."

"She should've told me. I'm so scared of actually losing her Anna..it's not even possible how scared I am..." Ji-ae cried.

"It'll be okay. She'll come back. I'm sure she is staying at her friend's place or something.."

"How can you be this calm about this? What if she doesn't come back? I know her, that's probably what she is thinking. I'm so scared.."

"You know what? We search for her. I'll call police and inform Hyun-woo to tell her's closest friends too. Just don't worry, we'll find her." Anna comforted her.

"This is all my fault.." Ji-ae started crying even more.


Mira's POV

"Guys!" I saw them across the corridor of the school.

"Mira! You are here!" Hoseok ran towards me and embraced me in this really big hug.

"Hey to you to" I kissed his cheek. "You are okay?"

"Yeah, it's so good to see you.." He grinned, I smiled.

"Ew guys can you not do this here?" Yoongi shook his head, walking towards us with the rest of them. I laughed with Hoseok.

"By the way... Have you seen Iseul?" I asked, when we were walking to eat our lunch. "I haven't seen her all day.. It's actually scary, she didn't even replied to my messages.."

"Maybe she's sick?" Jimin said.

"Nah, she would replied me.. I feel like something bad happened" I shook my head.

"Wait isn't that Hyun-woo guy?" Namjoon pointed at the boy who was frantically searching for something.

"Oh yeah it is.." Jin smiled. The boy looked at us and ran our way. "Hey, man. What happened? You look pale.."

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