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"Hello Namjoon." A voice, that I haven't heard for awhile now, just appeared in my hearing area.

"Um hello, this is Iseul. I know it might seem weird that I'm calling you from Namjoon's phone, but this is kind of important. Can we maybe meet somewhere?" I asked, my hands trembling. Why was I so scared all of the sudden?

"Sure Iseul, what about the central cafe?" He replied.

"Yeah, I'll be there in ten minutes. Thank you so much." I ended the call. "Okay Mira, I need you to stay here and delete this call from the calls history, so that Namjoon wouldn't see it. Although create something that he'll believe by with the phone thing, okay? I'm going then. If the boys ask, tell them I just walked to the store to buy some things." I quickly said everything to her and she nodded.


I sat on the chair, nervously waiting for the boys manager to walk in. Soon I saw his silhouette. He looked around and when he saw me, he smiled while walking closer. Finally we were just sitting across each other.

"What is it Iseul?" He asked.

"Um i overheard the boys talking about the upcoming tour.. I just wanted to know what could happen if me and Mira would go with them?"

"First of all, I don't think I would let you." He said, that made me freeze. "They are working very hard on these days, and the smallest things could stop them for doing that."

I kept silent. I didn't know what to say.

"But I know that you're their best friend so I could trust you in that." He continued. I looked up. He doesn't know that I'm dating Taehyung? Maybe Taehyung didn't tell him.. "Also there could be some hard times for you too. They're idols and if the fans see you with them, they could go crazy. Soon the hate will come towards you. They don't care if you're their best friend or are you dating them. Speaking of dating. You're not dating any of them right?"

I didn't know what to say at this point anymore. If I say yes, he might get angry. I don't want that.

"N-No. I'm just their best friend" I tried to smile and confront him that I'm telling the truth. It hurt to say that, but I don't know what he could do to me after I tell the real truth.

"That's amazing. I don't want any drama in their group." He smiled.

"Y-Yeah.." I chuckled. "So what's your answer?"

"You can go with them, if you really want to. But just know that I warned you, it could be hard at sometimes" he said and I nodded.

"Thank you so much." I smiled. Then our conversation ended and it became silent again. The silent got interrupted by his phone ringing.

"Hello Namjoon" he answered, while looking at me. I looked down and kept playing with my fingers, completely dozing off. "Yes. Maybe later, I'm with someone important right now. Okay, bye."

The chat ended quickly. I looked up at that time when the manager ended the call.

"You should go and tell the news yourself." He spoke.

"What?" I gasped. "I mean the boys don't know that I'm here..!"

"I've figured that out already. They'll find out anyways." He stood up. "It was nice meeting you Iseul. I'll get going."

"Goodbye.." I mumbled and he left the caffe, leaving me to sit alone. I've no idea what to do now.

~a huge time skip right now. Like two days.~

It all happened really fast. Guess where am I right now? In the airport. Yep, I told Mira what happened, but she still wanted to go with the boys. Though I didn't tell the boys that I met with their manager. They'll figure out anyways, like the manager said.

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