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"You did this wrong." Heechul said giving a glance at the paper in front of me.

"Hey! Stop staring!" I smacked her head.

"I'm not! You just did this wrong!" She pointed to the paper again.

"Okay fine. Then explain." I sighed.

"You needed to minus that and then double it." She chuckled. "Not opposite of that."

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes. It was math of course and Heechul was sitting right beside me. We don't really talk much, but I know she's a nice kid,  a nerdish kinda type. But she's cool overall.

"Oh!" She jumped from her seat when the bell rang. "I need to go! See you later Iseul!"

I slowly took my things and put them in my bag, following the latter out of the door. But I stopped when my name was called.

"Yes?" I turned around. Mr. Chang was standing near his table looking at me.

"Come here. There's something we need to talk about." He smiled. I nodded and slowly approached him.

"What is it Mr. Chang?"

"Lately you've been failing at math. So
I thought that you need a tutor." He explained while my jaw dropped.

"A tutor? I'm doing just fine!" I whined.

"Please keep your voice down Min Iseul." Teacher warned. "I found a boy, who excels perfectly good in math. He could really help you with your homework and other things."

"But I don't need help.."

"Iseul." Teacher sighed. "Don't you see? Your grades are going down the hill. If you don't do anything now, you might as well not pass the exams. And that wouldn't be very good for your future either."

"Fine." I groaned. "Fine. Get me a tutor then."

At that exact time a boy walked through the door. Seeing us he quickly wanted to walk out, but the teacher's voice stopped him, catching me out of guard.

"Hyun-woo. Just in time. This is the girl I was talking about that you should tutor." Mr. Chang said smiling.

I looked at him and he looked at me. No way in the ducking hell I'm getting in this.

"Me?" He pointed at himself.

"YOU?" I glared at him. "NO. You can pick everyone but not him! Please teacher!"

"Yes, him. Our conversation here is done Iseul. Please discuss with Hyun-woo his plans of tutoring you and don't try to avoid it." The teacher smiled and shooed us from his classroom. I didn't even spare a glance at Hyun-woo before walking another side of the hallway. I can't believe that I need a tutor. It can't be possible!

But it is.
Then screw me.


"Hey. What's up with you?" Namjoon looked at me.

"You know.. just casually laying on the grass...in the middle of nowhere..." I watched the sky before mumbling.

"What do you mean nowhere? We are at school." Namjoon laughed. But I didn't even smile or anything. "Aish. Why so blank?"

"Teacher told me I needed a tutor...." I sighed.

"So...what?" Namjoon tilted his eyebrow.

"And for a tutor he gave me Hyun-woo! It's so frustrating! That boy is everywhere I go!" I groaned.

"Wow! Calm down Iseul. Maybe you're soulmates.." He grinned.

"Oh. Shut up with that!" I smacked his arm. "Now help me get up!"

"Okay okay.. Geez.." He gave me his hand and helped me stood up.

"Phew..." I sighed again. "Wait! Maybe I can change tutors! Do you know any smart heads around?"

"Ya know, I'm pretty smart." He smirked.

"I mean like SMART smart" I said, emphasizing words. Namjoon scoffed.

"What's so wrong with Hyun-woo anyways? He probably wants to be friends and you keep pushing him around." He said.

"I don't know.. It just gives me this weird aura..." I murmured. "Look Namjoon I need to go.. Meet you later." I walked leaving him behind me.


I was walking around the school for awhile now. My classes have already ended long ago but I was still at school. And I had no idea why I was here anyway. Maybe I was thinking to much.

Namjoon was right. I shouldn't be pushing people away. Maybe they just want to talk and make friends.

I just don't understand what's happening with me. Sometimes I look happy and other times I don't want to see anyone. I think I'm just difficult.

"Difficult....to live with.." I whispered to myself, lowering my head down and sitting on one of the benches.

"Hi.." I heard a voice, which made me look up. "Can we talk? About that tutoring thing?"

"Sure." I replied, making some space on the bench. He sat near me and turned to me.

"Look if you really want to avoid me I can just tell the teacher to change me to another student. I think he will unde--"

"No. It's okay." I sighed.

"Okay? But I heard--"

"What you heard was in the past." I tried to smile. Even a bit. "It's totally okay now."

"Really? Because it hasn't been that long.."

"Yes, really. Now quit it and let's plan the tutoring sessions"

"Huh.. Well okay..." He smiled. "So do you want to study at school, at yours or mine's place?" He suggested.

"I think my place works for it. And if you have time we can study at school too." I said.

"Wait. Do you have a free period tomorrow?" He asked.

"I think so. I don't have the first lesson."

"Then that's it! I'll meet you tomorrow in the library." He stood up. "You're staying here?"

"Nah. I think I'm going to go home right now." I stood up as well.

"Can I walk with you? Still we're neighbors right?" He chuckled. Just say no Iseul.

"Yeah sure. We can walk together.."

Another part because why not? :D

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