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The next day at school was all about awkwardness between me and Taehyung. The others have noticed that and lately have been bugging me about it until I snapped a little bit. Right now I was standing in the lane in the cafeteria.

"Hey Iseul!" Jimin approached me.

"What do you want?" I looked at him.

"Geez just saying hi..." He groaned. I really wanted to say sorry but I couldn't, that was just my attitude. I didn't say anything, just watched him grab his plate of food from the cafeteria lady and going to his table.

"Thank you." I said taking mine. I turned around and searched for the empty table. There's no way I'm sitting near them today. The awkwardness is just too much. I started walking to the one, who was empty and just perfect for me. In the very corner too.

This day just wasn't made for me. I pumped into someone and all the food was all over. On me, on the person and on the ground. I looked at the person, so annoyed.

"What the hell?! Watch where you're going!" That was me, who yelled first, catching basically everyone attention.

"Excuse me?! Watch your mouth!" She pushed me. "Look what you did to my clothes, bitch!"

"We had the same fight two weeks ago, don't start this again!" I pushed her too.

"Don't touch me you freak!" Hyuna swayed her hands around. I really thought she's going to slap me, but no, her hand was grabbed by the other, pale one. I immediately knew whose it was. Yoongi.

"Get your friends and get out of here, before I call the principal, for bullying others." He groaned. She sighed and snatched her hand from his and walked past me, but that didn't end well either. By her way she managed to grab orange juice from the one of the tables and spilled it over my head. I quickly closed my eyes and didn't even move. She laughed followed by her friends and walked out.

The students who were in the room also started laughing.

"SHUT UP!" Yoongi screamed at them. Then he looked at me. "You okay?"

"Yeah.. Yeah totally fine..thanks..I need to go now." I smiled a bit, still feeling the liquid on my face. I turned away from him and glanced at his table, where they were seated. Just one glance and then looked away, walking out of there.

Right now I didn't care at all for skipping school. I felt like shit and I'm not going to sit in class with wet clothes either. I have no idea what's her problem with me?..

"Iseul!" I heard and I quickly turned my head that way. Jungkook was running at full speed.

"Stop right there, before you crash into me!" I screamed just before he bumped into me. "Why are you following me?!"

"Stop screaming! I might do something to shut you up" he smirked.

"Ew, you stop. Never again say those words or I will actually hit you. What do you want?"

"I thought that something bad might happen to you, so I'm here to protect you from anyone bad." He scratched his neck nervously. "You are going home?"

"Yes, there is no way I'm staying in school. And you should go, don't skip the lessons without any reason. And I can protect myself just perfectly."

"No, no you can't. Stop saying lies. You already discussed that with Jimin and Yoongi ." He said.

"Do you want me to actually punch you in the eye or something?" I hissed. "No? Then leave me alone!"

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