Chapter 2

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Dedicated: @jackienoelle02

"What's your first class?" Chloe asked closing her locker.

"English, yours?"  I asked grabbing my other books for second and third class.

"Drama!" Chloe replied clapping her hands like a 4 year old. I smiled at her childish personality.


"I'll see you on third period babe" Chloe said kissing my cheeks and walked from opposite direction to me.

I walked in the class, as I expected every first day of class most horrible and boring hour of my life. I just hate the "Get to know you" or "Who I Am" activities.

I sat beside Melissa the girl whom I actually liked among all of them. Just then, a hot creature stroll into the classroom. Is he new here or something? The girls were busy eye-raping him. Yes, he is very attractive. He makes his way over to me and sat down in the vacant seat next to mine. And I was like "Ohh Emm Geee!!" did that in my mind I don't want them to think I'm stupid.

God must love me that much!!

               (Picture of Michelle Smith)

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(Picture of Michelle Smith)

"Christopher King is Mine!" she said and her minions are smirking behind her. As if I know who this Christopher she's talking about

I ignored her and walked away. Her minions walked infront of me and blocking my way.

"You shoudn't walk away when I'm talking with you slut!" she said pointing her index finger to me.

"Sorry but I ne-need to go" I said shaking

She grabbed my hair and pushed me in the wall. Eveyone gathered in a group and laughing at me. My face turned red with anger  I'm sooo done with this bullying thing. I slapped her face and we are both shocked at my action. Gosh my hands stinged

Before she can slapped me back we heard someone yell

"Oi! That's enough!" hot creature said. Oh boy I still didn't know his name

Before I can open my mouth Michelle faked crying and hugging him like a leech I rolled my eyes and walked to my third period.


I'm soooo sorry for this short chapter and didn't update I've been busy.. 👐🏼

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