Chapter 12 ➳I'm Not Your Bitch

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(Let's just stop for a moment and just see how cute Paul is in the gif on the side xxx)

Elizabeth POV

"I'm back" I hear Silas call out while walking into the house.

I was laying on the couch drinking a blood bag. I got up and brought my delicious drink with me and saw Silas standing in the hallway with a body over his shoulder.

Silas and I had got a house near the edge of Mystic Fall and what I mean by 'got' we both killed the owners and took over the house and put the dead bodies in the closet.

"Where did you find her?" I asked raising an eyebrow. I could see Maggie was still unconscious on his shoulder.

"She was driving and let's just I might have been in the way" Silas shrugged and smirked.

"Well, you can put her in the basement" I ordered while crossing my arms against my chest.

Silas raised his eyebrows. "Liz, I'm not your bitch," He said calling me my new nickname that he had grown fond of. I rolled my eyes.He suddenly drops Maggie's body hard wood floor. "Last time I checked, I'm older and stronger," Silas said and then walked off into the sitting room, leaving Maggie's almost lifeless body.

I glared at Silas while he strolled of to the sitting room. I looked back at Maggie and saw she was coming too. I rolled my eyes and picked up her body and started to head down to the basement. I could hear Maggie mumbling to herself. I dropped her on the dirt floor while she groaned in pain. She started to open her eyes and suddenly looked around. I got some handcuffs and put on her wrist and the other side on a pole was on the wall.

"What's happening?" She said. "Who are you?"

I knelled down at her height while I could see fear in her eyes. I smiled and laughed lightly. I know that Stefan had once again erased her memory's of what happened at the warehouse. He's so pathetic, he can't even get a girl without compelling her to forget the real monster he is.

"I'm your worst nightmare" I smirked, her eyes widen while she tried to break her wrist from the cuffs. Try all you want, sweetheart. They are not coming off, well unless you want to lose a hand.

"You know I want to get this over with and I'm just too tired to torcher you, so I'm just gonna kill you," I say shrugging.

"What? Why are you doing this? Please don't kill me, please" She cried tears filling her eyes.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk upstairs while I heard Maggie's starting to cry and trying to get out of the handcuffs. Once I got upstairs I went into the sitting room where Silas was sitting on the couch. I went over to the coffee table where I had my special box. I opened and got my special dagger.

A witch made it for me in the 60's. She put a spell on it, when you stab a witch in the heart the one holding the knife will obtain the power they hold. You can see how eager I am to kill Maggie. But it to work I have to get Maggie to trigger the power first.

"What are you doing?" Silas asked.

I look up at him and saw him smirking. "What do you think I'm doing" I snapped. It was pretty obvious, to be honest, I had already told Silas about the dagger.

I started to walk out of the room and started to head towards the basement when Silas stopped me.

"We had a deal" Silas said looking down at me with serious eyes. "I give you Maggie and you help me get Katherine"

"Ya, your point" I said raising my eyebrows and crossing my arms over my chest.

"How do I know your not gonna run off after you kill Maggie?" He asked tilting his head.

"I can do what ever I want Silas" I said standing my ground. I leaned closer to his face. "You can't stop me" I said almost in a whisper.

Suddenly Silas had me by the throat and smashed my head against a wall. He held me by the throat against the wall and I could barely touch the floor.

"You see, that's where your wrong. I am stronger than you Elizabeth and I could kill instantly so don't come around here and think your the boss, because your not. Now you are not gonna kill Maggie until I say you can, you got it?"

I nodded while I gasped for air, he smirked and let me go where I finally could breathe again. I felt like I have seen another side of Silas, I felt like he was my friend and my partner in crime, but that's all changed. I even got even when I thought he had turned to stone, by killing Maggie's mother.

You could say I haven't been threatened since 1864. People who are the 'bad guys' always has a story why they are like that. Mine wasn't a walk in the park, it was the worst part of my life.

"No hard feelings, right?" Silas said smirking.

I nodded because I knew I had no choice. He nodded back while he walked out of the house. I didn't even ask where he was going, I got used to him leaving to be honest.

Sorry this is short !! The next is one is going to be way longer.

In the next chapter is going to be about Elizabeth's past back in 1864.

Please don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts and vote for more !!!

What do you think happened in Elizabeth's past?

Zoe xxx

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