Chapter 9

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Ainnileas moved deeper into his village. His friends and neighbors were stopping and staring. No doubt they were completely surprised to see him. There was no telling what stories the survivors of that ambush had brought back. The ambush seemed like it had been ages ago. He was sure everyone was staring for another reason as well. He was sure he looked different to them as well. His beard had grown and it had been years since he'd worn a sword. Now here he was walking into the village with a sword at his hip like it had never left it. He was sure Mariska, his late wife, would understand he'd donned it out of necessity. He was no longer a soldier and he'd told her he would not pick up another weapon. Perhaps she would understand that he'd had no choice. He hoped that she would understand why he broke his own promise.

"Ainnileas?" He stopped and saw Zoran. "Holy Elohim! It's you! You're alive!"

"I had a fool save my life."

The look on his face was priceless. "I... I had... How did you escape the Wolf Brothers unharmed?"

"I wasn't unharmed." Ainnileas was aware of the rough bandages still wrapped around his healing wounds but managed not to touch them through his clothing. "Those warriors you called fools were Rangers."

"That would explain the dogs..."

Ainnileas glared at Zoran. "Truly, Zoran? Those Rangers saved our lives that night and all you can do is make comments about their dogs? You should know two of them gave their lives so that you and the others could escape! Show some respect, man!" Now that he'd gotten to know one, mostly, he was willing to defend them. Villagers had heard his raised voice and had begun to gather around nearby.

"I show no respect to Wolf Brothers. No matter if they'd regained their minds."

Ainnileas didn't know why the comment had set him off. He grabbed Zoran and shoved him into the closest house, much to the surprise of the gathered villagers.

"They're not Wolf Brothers!" It was Jelina he was defending now. "They fight them, you idiot!"

"Is that what they told you?" It was hard for him to imagine that a few short weeks ago he'd believed they were Wolf Brothers himself. "Why are you defending them?"

"They gave their lives so you could return home! Without them, we would all be dead or Wolf Brothers ourselves!" The gathered villagers gasped and murmured amongst themselves.

"Your foolishness nearly cost you your life!"

"Perhaps it did. But my eyes were opened to the world around me. And in case you didn't notice, I still live!"

"If a Ranger is a Wolf Brother, Zoran," the shepherd who'd seen Jelina spoke up. "Then why make sure Ainnileas made it home alive? No Wolf Brother would do that."

"Now you're defending them?"

"I know what I saw."

"You are a fool!"

Ryman stepped between Ainnileas and Zoran. "Let him go. He's not worth it," he said to Ainnileas. He turned to Zoran. "Are you trying to justify yourself?" He was glaring at him. "Ainnileas was the only one of us willing and brave enough to turn back and face the Wolf Brothers to give us a chance to escape. He saved our lives just as much as the Rangers did. It was not an excuse to tell everyone who would listen that he was dead." Someone grabbed Ainnileas' arm as Ryman continued to berate Zoran.


He turned and saw his daughter pulling on his arm. "Mara." He swept her into a hug and she began to cry tears of joy. He could feel his own tears streaming down his cheeks. He had thought before Jelina, Ruarc, and Alistair came along that he would never see her or her brothers again. His quarrel with Zoran was forgotten, although he and Ryman continued to trade words. Holding his daughter made him think of the sacrifices of the past few weeks.

Thank you, Elohim, and thank you, Jelina.


Jelina and Tristan were alone for the first time in many years. She'd grown used to Ainnileas' company in the short time they'd known each other. And she missed Ruarc and Alistair. Their banter and roughhousing. Their friendship and love. She would return to the Rangers' stronghold, Tearmann, and bring the news of their brothers' deaths. And she would have to tell the Ranger Commander that one had died by her hand. Killing one of your own, mercy or not, was not something one lived with lightly. Especially a close friend. Jelina should be used to death. Not only being a Ranger but also being an elf. Elves weren't immortal but they were long-lived. She, herself, was a youngling, a young elf. She was just over half a century. Tristan barked and nudged at something near a large oak tree.

"What did you find now?" Jelina went over to the oak and saw three dead sheep, torn to shreds. She crouched down next to the remains. "Looks like the shepherds aren't keeping...," She trailed off when she noticed the footprints. "Elohim!" There were Wolf Brothers in the area. And they had claimed it as theirs. The sheep were their first markers. "Tristan, go back to the village and warn them!"

Tristan barked in protest.

"Don't argue! Go! Now!"

The Wolfhound bounded off and Jelina drew her swords as she heard yips. "Elohim, aid me and give me the strength to keep them occupied."

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