Chapter 49

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"Jelina, a word."

The Elysium had just stepped out of Darien's room. She turned towards Dante. "Yes, Sir?"

"I know about Darien."


"I know he's your brother."

Jelina remained silent. She didn't even move to deny it. "Who told?" she asked instead.

"I figured it out on my own. You share the same features." Dante paused. "Wait. Who knew?"

"Ainnileas and Tobias."

"How did Tobias know?"

"Darien told him. If you didn't know, then what made you buy him?"

"A promise I made to Tobias. I promised I'd find a way to free him. I don't think at the time he knew, either. Why did you keep that from me?"

"I didn't want you to think my mission had turned personal."

"It was personal before it began, Jelina. You were once a slave and you have been given the chance to help those you left behind and help those who were once like you. I'm sure your mission turned even more personal when you saw your brother the same it turned personal for me when I saw Tobias. I now understand your reactions at their fights, especially that last one. I now see that the Wulfgar fight weighed heaviest on you and that is a burden I wish you did not have to carry."

"My burdens will only become heavier. It is my task to free the slaves but I know I cannot do it alone and we have the constant strain of discovery, especially if Nikolai informs his father about us."

"Do you think he recognized you?"

"I don't know but I'm sure the missing tattoos threw him off. I'm sure he has his doubt about you, Ruarc, and I but he knew Ainnileas for who he was."

Dante frowned.

"If he informs the Emperor, suspicion will fall upon us and we will be closely watched, if not outright arrested."


A rumor was spreading quickly throughout Moldov. A rumor brought from Aleera herself. It spread first amongst the slaves, passed to the lesser classes, and then slowly made its way to the noble houses. This rumor spread a hope the slaves had never had before. It planted in the minds of the rebellious that the Emperor may soon fall and the slaves would once again have a life to call their own. It brought fear to many others. If these rumors were true, then their way of life would come to an end. An Elysium had risen in Aleera and it would only be a matter of time before they would make themselves known in Moldov. It was with this rumor circling that Jelina was given an odd invitation.

"It is an important matter to discuss, Denae. But you need to trust us," Wen said.

Jelina gave her an odd look, hoping the suspicion she felt didn't show.

"Come to the family crypt. Without Astaldo. Only then we will know you trust us." It was a risk that Jelina was going to have to take to completely gain their trust in return and pray they weren't going to betray her.

"Very well. When?"

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