Chapter 45

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"I have found I can trust you, my friend," Reilen said. "There are few I can say that about."

Maethor blinked in surprise. "I am honored but we have only known one another for a short time."

"Yet I feel as if I have known you most of my life. Come, there is something I would like to show you."

There was no turning back now. No rescinding the invitation.

Reilen opened the hidden doorway that led down a flight of stairs and into a hidden room. He wasn't the only one or the first in his family to dislike Moldov's policies. While the manor had been in his family for centuries, this room had been built by his great grandfather and had harbored many an escaping slave. Unfortunately, those slaves never stayed escaped. He found himself thinking again of Vashti and wondering exactly how she had escaped and remain so.

Maethor broke into his thoughts. "Where are we going?"

"I fear you only fled from a revolt into a rebellion, Maethor."

The Therian stopped, the surprise showing clearly on his face.

"We must be careful of who we trust."


"There are only seven of us who are daring to rebel, although only one will do it through messages. We have yet to see him or her. But even that must be done in secret and where undue attention will not be drawn to us. Rebellion is treason, after all." Reilen sighed. "Perhaps you two should have fled to Aleera."

Maethor had an amused look in his eyes. "Yes, perhaps the Wolf Brothers would be easier to face than Kildea and his army."

Reilen chuckled as they stepped off the stairs. A handful of nobles turned towards them. Both Cassia's parents, Kaisa and Caius, as were Alair and Fenis, Phoebe's father and grandfather, were there. Valerian was an old family friend and usually kept to himself since his wife had passed on and his children were now grown and had children of their own. And every one of them were glaring at him.

"Reilen, what are you doing bringing the Therian down here?" Kaisa asked, her flame-colored curls bouncing as she shook her head angrily.

"Are you insane? How can you bring him into this?"

"We can't trust a foreigner!" Their voices were raised and melting together.

He could tell they would turn to violence if he didn't calm them. Maethor's stance had changed from relaxed noble to experienced warrior. As quickly and smoothly as his stance changed, Reilen knew, just knew, that he'd done so many times before.

"I trust him!" Reilen shouted over them, attempting to defuse the situation. He knew if he had included Hathel or Astaldo in this meeting blood perhaps would have been spilled. Both men were fiercely loyal to their employer and would no doubt give their lives for either Maethor or Denae. "This is the man who purchased Darien to save his life!"

The others began to quiet. "That was the Therian?" Valerian asked.

"Yes, that was me. Gavius and Marcus were willing to let him die. He deserved a chance to live."

The others looked at Reilen. "So you decided to trust him based on that?" Alair asked.

"Among other things."

"Then give him time to prove his trustworthiness," Valerian said. "If he betrays us, it'll only be his word against ours."

"Fair enough, though I betray you, I betray myself." Reilen saw the knowing look in his eye and knew that he'd chosen well. "What can you tell me about your rebellion?"


Nikolai held a finger to his lips when Rhiannon looked up from the dress she was arraigning across her arm. The girl nodded towards the dressing screen before disappearing behind it with the dress.

A few moments later, Nikolai heard Vesta's voice. "This cut is no good. I am not a tavern wench. This does not flatter me at all. Get this monstrosity off of me!"

"You look ravishing in anything," Nikolai said.

Vesta quickly emerged from behind the screen. She was wearing a dark purple dress cut so low that her ample cleavage threatened to spill out of it, not to mention it was perhaps a size too small. "Nikolai! You're back!" She rushed towards him, throwing her arms around his neck.

If Conaire had known about this, he'd killed them both. He may have been indiscreet with his slaves but he was fiercely possessive of his wife. They'd been having the affair since Conaire "hired" him to track Vashti. She turned to him after she found out about his indiscretions.

"I returned weeks ago but I was unable to come to you."

"Why? What happened?"

"Well, we found the elf."

"So she finally stumbled. Did she think we had given up on her after all this time? Is she here? In Moldov? I want to see the wench that stole our honor!"

"She was rescued by a group of Rangers." Her expression darkened. "One nearly killed me when I tried to stop them. We were able to track them to a village and Conaire attacked them."

She closed her eyes. "How will we ever regain our honor if he starts a war with Aleera?" she sighed. "Did he attack openly?"

"Very. He thought that their little Wolf Brother problem would aid him." He paused. "Conaire was slain in the battle. By Vashti herself."

Vesta turned away and was silent for a moment. "So she finally finished what she started?"

"You could say that."

"And you let him die?"

"I was badly injured in the battle. I managed to return to Moldov with the rest of the slavers and as soon as I recovered I returned to Aleera to track her."

"Where is she now?"

"I lost her trail. Again."

"I thought you were the best bloody tracker in Moldov."

"I am the best bloody tracker in Moldov, but I am no match for Ranger woodcraft. And they protect their own."

Vesta spun around. "She's a Ranger!?"

"She has a tattoo that just about covers her forehead. No one else would do that." He thought it best that he didn't mention the part about his suspicion of her being an Elysium.

She frowned. "There's a pair of nobles that recently moved from Thera. The girl looked so familiar but they claim she'd never been to Moldov before their move. I'll try to invite them to the masquerade so you can see for yourself. If the girl can be convinced."

He knew Vesta too well. "What did you say to her?"

Vesta glared at him. "I pretty much called her a liar and questioned her honor."

"Then tell them you want to apologize to her."

"I didn't think about that."

Nikolai kissed her forehead. "Afterwards, I'll see if they really are from Thera."

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