Chapter 59

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Valana couldn't remember the last time she felt so afraid. Once Jelina had attacked, Randel had grabbed both her and Rhiannon and fled. How had she slipped her shackles?

"Get out of the city if you can. Stay away from the fighting," he said when they finally stopped. "Stay low and stay hidden. And be careful."

"Randel." Valana grabbed his arm, fear gripping her heart. He was like a son to her.

He placed his hand on hers. "Do not worry about me, Máthair."

He'd always called her that. He'd learned it from Jelina and she found out years later that it was the elven word for "mother". And she'd been more of a mother to him than his own. He kissed her cheek and pressed something into her hand. "Go and know freedom." He turned and headed back towards the chaos.

Valana looked down and opened her hand. A key lay in her palm. "Rhiannon, hold your hair out of the way."

The Desert woman complied and Valana fitted the key into the lock of her neckband. She heard the click of it unlocking. Soon they were both free of their slave bands.

"What do we do now, Valana?" Rhiannon asked, the fear in her voice. "Where do we go?"

Valana smiled and took her hands. "We go to Aleera."


"I think we may need a little help," Dante said.

Jelina glanced around and saw they were highly outnumbered by guards. The time had come. "Time to fulfill a prophecy."

"What?" Reilen could barely speak the word before Jelina sprinted towards the edge of the platform and leapt off.

While in midair, she threw her arms outward, using the same spell that unlocked their shackles. She landed lightly on her feet and immediately defended against the two guards who had rushed her. "Come on, Tobias," she whispered.

The next moment she heard Tobias' familiar battle cry and knew the Arena slaves had joined the battle.


The square was in complete chaos. People were fleeing from the fighting, many screaming in panic. But Randel was charging towards it. He heard screams and saw the Arena slaves had slipped their bonds and had joined the battle. Denae; why was he still calling her that? He knew that wasn't her name; was no longer on the platform. Her dress was torn and tattered and she was surrounded by guards. She used those twin blades with experience and many guards were falling. But as she felled one, two more took his place. Randel rushed to her aid. He blocked a blow meant for her back. She spun around and he saw the surprise in her eyes before she nodded her thanks. They sprinted in two different directions. His sword was soon bloodstained. Several guards went flying, literally flying, past him. The sounds of battle slowly died and Randel turned to see a circle slowly widening around the elf, who still had her blades raised before her, almost daring anyone to attack her.

"Slaves of Moldov! Hear me!" she cried, her voice ringing clear. "The rumors of the Elysium are true! Rise up and fight with me! Take back your freedom as I did!" Murmurs rippled through the crowd. "Fight for your freedom!"

"We are with you, Jelina!" One of the Arena slaves, the Ranger that had been one of Marcus' champions, cried. Others took up the call. The four men who'd been on the platform with her jumped down and joined her. Randel joined them. He heard Vesta scream. He only smiled.

"How could you!? How could you!?" she could only scream.

"Nice, Randel."

He saw Silas give him a small smile and a quick nod, encouraging him. He trusted Silas to continue to aid them from inside the palace.

"She doesn't own my life."

They heard marching and they all turned to face the soldiers led by Nikolai. They faced off before the two fractions charged at one another.

"For freedom!"

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