Chapter 28

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Ryman glanced over his shoulder when he heard someone climbing the stairs leading to the Temple's tower. It was the highest point in the village, thus making it the perfect vantage point to watch for an attack. He nodded at Jelina, who returned the greeting. "Jelina."


He turned back to his watch. He no longer stared at her ears or her tattoo, having grown used to both. When he'd gone to Tearmann, they'd met briefly as they waited for their turn at being tested. He'd stared at her ears then as well. She was young but a year or two older than he. While she went on to begin her training, he'd been sent home. Ryman had been disappointed that he didn't have the immunity or resistance to become a Ranger, but he pursued the life of a trader. He remembered that first time he'd laid eyes upon her in daylight after the ambush. He hadn't realized that this had been the same elf from Tearmann all those years ago until he saw her when they were facing the Wolf Brothers. He was sure his mouth had hung wide open. She'd transformed from the scared young girl to the confident and fearless warrior he saw now.


"Nothing. I don't know who I should be watching for, the Moldovans or the Wolf Brothers."

Jelina chuckled and placed her hands on either side of the window facing east. "I don't know either."

They fell silent as they looked over the area surrounding the tower. Ryman glanced over at her. The night she and the other two had saved him and his fellow traders from certain death, he'd had no idea she was an elf. He would have never guessed it. Or that he had known her many years ago. Although, he'd suspected she was a Ranger. He'd feared that the Rangers and Ainnileas had given their lives to cover their escape and he regretted not having the courage to turn back as Ainnileas had. He'd been brave enough to agree to be recruited. It shamed him. Maybe the third Ranger would still be alive. Or Ryman would be dead. He had been overjoyed to see his friend alive. But he'd returned a changed man. Ainnileas was a soldier once more and had remained so since that day. He understood why he'd defended the Rangers. Ryman still defended the Rangers, knowing that he could have been one. Even as surprised as he'd been on what Jelina was, he'd come to respect both her and her skill.

Jelina's eyes searched over the trees, looking for any sign of either enemy. But that had not been the reason she'd retreated to the tower. She could not be around Ainnileas or Ruarc right now. She hadn't spoken of it to anyone, but she felt as if her heart were being pulled in two directions. She'd loved Ruarc for many years. He'd been her constant companion for many of her thirty years as a Ranger. Their love had crossed all bounds. But when she thought he'd been killed by the Wolf Brothers, she'd warmed to Ainnileas. She'd never had a friend outside the Rangers and he was a different man and she didn't know how her friendship had turned to something more from her side. She had been on the verge of telling him so when she'd fallen into the trap and discovered that Ruarc was still alive. Now she did not know which one her heart wished for more. And she wasn't even sure if Ainnileas loved her in return. And judging by the tension between the two, they were all but fighting over her.

Ryman broke her thoughts. "How does a woman like you come to join the Rangers?" he asked.

She looked over her shoulder at him. "What do you mean by a woman like me?"

"Well, um, elves aren't exactly common outside of the Wilds."

"That they are not. At least in Aleera. It is actually a long story I do not wish to share."

"Very well. I will not pry."

Jelina smiled. "And I thank you for that."

"Thank you for proving all of the tales wrong."

Jelina chuckled and turned back to her watch. She caught sight of movement and watched the area of the Wood she'd seen it. Then she saw the Wolf Brothers stalking out of the Wood. "We have company of the beastly kind." She darted to the stairs.


"There's Wolf Brothers coming from the east!" Jelina cried the moment her feet touched the main floor of the sanctuary. Everyone froze.

Ryman joined her a moment later. "Looks like quite a few, too," he added. "They'll be here soon."

"The time has come, then," Dante said. "They've been training for this moment."

Ainnileas nodded. "Get to your positions!" he cried. The villagers took up their weapons of choice and scattered, many heading to the gates. "Mara."


Ainnileas gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Be careful. Remember, if we are overwhelmed, you are to get out of the village and make for Tearmann. We'll be counting on you to get word to the other Rangers."

"Yes, Papa. You be careful, too." Mara squeezed her father's hand before turning and running to her place.

Jelina took his arm. "Are you ready for this?"

"I am." He looked at her. Not a drop of fear on her face or in her eyes. How did she do that? "Let's do this."


The Wolf Brothers charged at them. The Rangers, their Wolfhounds, Ainnileas, Ryman, and Maitru made up the front lines. With a long and loud battle cry, Dante led the counter charge. The others gave their own cries before following his lead. They crashed into the Wolf Brothers with the sounds of body against body and steel against steel.

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