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So I was studying for my next History assignment in school when a bright light as bright as the sun shined behind me. Turning around was a big mistake as I pretty much just burned my eyes. Trying to heal my eyes, the light was gone. When I looked up, I saw what looked like buffed up people stepping on some black brick. I probably could've seen what it actually is I'm seeing if I hadn't practically just set my eyes on fire. All I could see was darkness, if not then blurry blobs. "Hello, young sir. We are from the WWE and we need your help."

"Well, you could've appeared in a less... bright way." I said, still moaning with my eye pain. "Why do you need my help?"

"One of our fighters broke their leg... well... both legs and we need you to-"

"Wait... did you just say fighters?" I probably shouldn't have interrupted them as soon as I heard that word.

"Yes. We are championship fighters kind of like Mike Tyson. We are in the Smack Down team about to fight Raw in a few hours."

"But... why me? Why now? I was in the middle of studying."

"Well we're sorry but you're going to have to continue studying later, right now we got to go to the training room. Now let's MOVE!" Ending that conversation by creating a crunching sound. What just happened?

The guy I couldn't see then grabbed my arm and dragged me... somewhere. I couldn't really see what was going on, but after the ride of some sort, I heard some cheering from some sort of crowd. "Wait, where are we?"

"We're at...W...W...E!"

Holy crap. I was in the stadium. I never have agreed to this, but at the same time I never mentioned what they have done to both my burning eyes. I was about to do this when I heard that I was supposed to be in the ring. "I thought you guys said it starts within a couple hours." I said honestly.

"I thought that too. Must have been some sort of mix up."

"Do you know that my eyes are still burning!?"


By the sounds of that and the sound of footsteps walking away, I thought that whoever I was talking to would enter the ring and fight the Raw team. Until I heard the footsteps coming towards me that is.

"Here. Have some of this."

"What is it?"

"Eye drops. It will help you see well again."

Not seeing where I was aiming, I got that comfortable drop in both my eyes. Images starting clearing up in front of me. I found myself in what looks like a garage with bunch of national championship fighters. I also noticed some boxing gloves in one of the fighter's hand. Looks like I'm going to fight someone. But who? As the match bell rung, the fighters at Smack Down pushed me ahead and wished me luck. "Alright, time to do this thing." I thought to myself as I was walking through the walkway and to the ring.

"On the left side, we have... EEEEEEMERAAAAAALD!"

No turning back now. I just wanted to get this over with and go home.

"On the right side, we have... JOOOOOOHN CEEENAAAAAA!"

"What!?" I then thought to myself almost straight after the referee said that. Looks like that one guy back at the training room wasn't kidding when he said there was some sort of mix up, because I found myself about to fight Raws #1 fighter, John Cena. I felt a lot of butterflies in my stomach at this point. You think a small squeakling like me can take on John Cena? Didn't think so.

"Whelp, here I go, I guess." I yet again thought to myself. I started off dashing toward him, but he grabbed my head and threw me in some random direction. I then tried simply punching him, but he countered it by blocking it, and punching me in the face. What else could I do with this guy? I knew he was up to no good, to my health that is. I was bleeding pretty badly. I thought a little bit about that and got an idea. I tried climbing up the ring and smash him from above. Guess what he does. He grabs me from above and literally threw me outside of the ring. Ouch! I, however, did remember something: If you need to, you can use the folded up chairs from under the ring. I grabbed one of those chairs and tried hitting him from behind. Ouch! There he goes, to the floor, bleeding a little bit. That's what I had to do, sneak attacks! I did that a couple more times but I think John here is starting to become angry about it. He dashed toward me, but I smashed him with the chair before I had to go to the hospital. John Cena was unconscious, I had won. I felt so happy with my bleeding face. When I got my mini trophy, John Cena smacked me from behind... I had suddenly gone from winner to sausage, because after that, I was unconscious.

Moments later, I found myself on my bed, in my room. I thought it was just a dream, but those same fighters with that same bright light burned my eyes again and took off. What have I just been through? A cast was on my arm and leg, and I was in deep pain right now. I'm only happy that it's over, but more weird things are probably going to happen soon. Oh yeah, and that crunching sound from before the fight turned out to be a crack. A crack on my bedroom floor.

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