Chapter 8

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A/N: forewarning, Tissue may be needed.

"What do you mean, your child? When were you guys even pregnant? How did this..-?", Louis went on unable to even get out all he was trying to say.

"We didn't even know we were", I explained to them through my crying. "I was just told that he was and in the same sentence told that our baby was being taken from us. How does that even happen?", I say as I start to cry harder

"How is Niall handling this?", Harry asks sympathetically. I forgot if I even told them about Niall being out still

"H-He doesn't even know yet. He is still out. They had to hook up a blood bag to his I.V. This is what he gets to wake up to. when and if he wakes up", I say as I just fall apart all over again. At that time, the door to Niall's room opens and the doctor steps out

"Mr. Payne, may I have a word with you?", The doctor asks softly. This cannot be good.

"Yes, can my friends be with me, please?", I ask him as Harry and Louis help me up off the floor.

"That is up to you, Mr. Payne. If you're okay with it then, sure they can be with you", The doctor answered. We took our previous seats, me in a chair instead of the floor this time.

"Okay, here are the results we have come up with. Niall does have female parts, obviously, he was pregnant. But the parts are not completely formed as they should be. Yes, he can get pregnant, but his body will not house them. So we have come up with a conclusion to prevent this from happening again", He explained.

"Do continue", I said not really having much to say right now as my head is still trying to wrap around everything that has happened.

"We suggest surgery to completely remove all female parts, that way he can no longer get pregnant and not have to live this nightmare again", He explained simple and sympathetically. He was being really nice about everything. No judging. No hurtful words or snide remarks. The nurses have been the same way

"I say go for it, yes. But I can't make that decision for Niall", I say to him. I wish I could, but I can't.

"We wont do it till he gets healthier. Probably Tuesday. We will wait till he is fully awake and can comprehend all that is going on. We then will proceed with it. So, Tuesday depending. Niall should be waking up by sometime tomorrow..well, today", He explained as he looked at his watch to see the time. It is now one in the morning. I got up from my seat and went back into Niall's room to grab my keys and to give him a kiss

"I am going to the house to grab somethings for Niall and I", I explain to the lads as I walk out of Niall's room. "I know it's late, and you guys are tired, but can you stay here just long enough for me to get back just in case he wakes up?", I ask them trying not to cry again. Well, harder, anyways.

"Liam, mate, we are here for you. Go do what you need to do and we will be right here", Louis answered. Harry nodding his head in agreement. I made my way down stairs and barely got out the door. Paps and reporters everywhere. Lights flashing as soon as I walk out the door, paps sticking their microphone's in my face as I tried to get to my car. I just covered my head with my hands and screamed to the top of my lungs and pulled on my hair. I looked up at all of them, my fingers still tangled in my hair

"The next asshole that sticks there microphone in my face or flashes their camera will get those items shoved up their motherfuckin' ass!!", I screamed out. At that time I feel two sets of arms grab me gently yet firmly

"Come on Mr. Payne I will escort you to your car", One of them said. I looked up and seen that they both were security for the hospital

"Thank you, sir", I said as I let him lead me away from the crowd. Pushing our way through,  another camera flashed in my face. I knocked it away causing the reporter to drop it, it smashing into pieces on the cement.

A New Life, A New Dream (sequel to The Boxer VS The Bartender)Where stories live. Discover now