Chapter 18

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I woke up to soft kisses being placed on the back of my neck and shoulder. A hand softly caressing my belly.

"Good morning, mummie", Louis breathed into my ear softly before kissing the shell of my ear, sending shivers all through my body. I smiled at the little gestures he was making. But then an idea came into my head. I quickly turned over to where I was facing him, rolling him onto his back and then grabbing his hands and pinning them on the bed above his head. I then climbed on him, straddling him.

"I maybe the babies mummie, but I will always be your daddy", I said to him as I leaned down to kiss him, feeling him buck his hips up to make contact with mine.

"Always", He breaths out as the kiss got heated. Pretty soon what clothes we had on were being tossed onto the floor and the moment got more intense and heated. After a few minutes of moans and groans and shouts of each others names, we were laying next to each other trying to catch our breaths.

"That was a mazing", I let out as I looked over to a sexed out Louis.

"Yeah, I need to call you mummie more often", He said as he laughed a bit.

"Why? So I can prove you wrong, again?", I asked with a small smirk on my face

"Exactly", Louis said as he scooted off the bed. "Time for a shower and to get ready for work"

"Mind if I join you?", I asked him with one of cheeky grins

"No funny business, Styles", He said as we walked into the bathroom. "Need to get ready for work". Just as Louis said, there was no funny business, in which I am happy for as we now have just a few minutes to get ready and head to the school. Today is Monday and I am back to work today. Thankfully the medicine they gave me for nausea has been working. Today is also the day I will talk to Mr. Scheiffer about my little situation. I am a bit nervous to say the least. When we get to the school, we do our normal routine. We park. Meet each other in the middle of the parking lot to say our goodbyes and have a nice day.

"I wish I could be with you when you talk to Mr. Scheiffer", Louis said as he pecked my lips. I nod in agreement and grab his hand. This is to comfort us both and to show that everything will be okay.

"Do you have the confidential form that he has to sign?", Louis asked

"Right here babe", I say as I hold up the form. This is to keep it between us. So stating that he cannot go to the media or any other source with the information I have to share with him. We kissed each other goodbye and then we headed towards our classrooms..gyms..whatever you want to call them. I am a bit nervous as this is not an everyday type of situation. It is being more heard of, but still not socially acceptable. When I make it to the locker room, I make my way back towards his little office. I knock on the door to be respectful, even though he has stated that this is my office as well. I then walk in and go straight to the coffee pot and pour me a cup and then go set down at his desk across from him.

"Good morning, Mr. Styles. Everything okay?", He says as he looks at me. I just shake my head and then look at him

"Oh God, you're quitting?", He says a bit panicky.

"No! No, I just hoe you don't fire me after hearing what I have to say", I say a bit nervously. He just looks at me questionably and motions for me to continue.

"Soo, I went to the doctor Friday", I started as I pulled the form out for him to look over and sign.

"yes, how did that go?", He asked a bit concerned.

"Before I continue, I need you to please sign this confidentiality form for me", I said as I handed it over to him. He took it and read it. His facial features changing every so often, but still unreadable.

"Harry, I want you to know that anything you have to say to me stays right here in this room, but for your peace of mind, I will for sure sign it", He said as he grabbed a pen and signed his name in all the designated areas. "Now, please tell me what you found out', He said as he handed the paper back to me. We are making a copy for him to keep as well. "You're not dying are you?", He asked as he sat back in his chair. preparing himself for anything that I may have to tell him

"No, no I'm not. Although, for a few days I thought I was", I said as I let out a nervous laugh. "I-I'm pregnant, sir", I tell him as I look away from him not wanting to see the look on his face

"Seriously? Really?", He asked as he sat up and leaned forward on his desk. Me still not wanting to see his reaction. "Harry, please look at me. Are you for real?", He asked again a bit more softer.

"I am", I answered him as I hesitantly looked at him. "That's why I needed you to sign that form. Just cause I'm not fighting anymore, doesn't mean the media wouldn't still have a heyday with this kind of news. And I'm not ready for the media and public to know yet. I'm not ready to see the hate that Louis may get for doing this. Or the hate I may get for going along with a PR stunt such as this one", I said as I looked down at my hands. "Of course this isn't a PR stunt, it is real. But the media would have fun making it look like one. Louis wanting more money by going along with it. Me just wanting more attention from the public. And that is so not the case. We are really pregnant", I say to him as I then look up to see his face. He looks shocked, but yet..happy?

"How does Louis feel about this?", He asked with a small smile

"He's excited. He's already calling me the mummie of the relationship", I say as I laugh a little at what occurred this morning.

"Harry Styles, tough boxer becomes a mummie", Mr. Scheiffer says with a smile. "Well, congratulations to you both. keep me updated with all of the news about this situation. Doctors appointments and such. And this will remain between us till you're ready for the class or anyone else to know", he said with a kind smile.

"Thank you so much, sir. Louis isn't even telling his class, yet. Figures he will in due time. But I know I needed you to know for obvious reasons.", I explain to him. "I will tell the class when I have more to explain to them about it and when I'm ready for the public to know"

"Understandable, Harry. I will keep all news and anything related to this between us til you say otherwise. Even then, I wont go to the media about it. Just the class when you're ready". At that time we could hear the students hustling in and getting changed for class. We stood up to head out to the dressing room and to get class started.

"After you, mummie", he said as he stepped aside to let me go first.

"Yeah, I think Louis is the only one that can call me that", I said jokingly, causing us to break out in laughter. I was so glad that he signed the agreement and took the news as lightly as he did. Made me relax more around him. I know the rest of the world may not take it so lightly, but my world is and that's what's most important to me right now. Now, we just get to tell our mums in a month after our next appointment. They are going to be all excited, I can already tell

A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter. Just a little insight to see what Harry may or may not face during his pregnancy. Please vote and comment. Much love xx

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