Chapter 32

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I hear the alarm go off and reluctantly get up and shut it off. Louis is still fast asleep. I lean down and give him a kiss on his cheek before I get my clothes and head to the shower. I woke up after Liam and Niall brought him upstairs last night. He kept telling me how much he loved me and kept telling me that I wasn't a freak. I know he was plastered, but I also know he meant every word he said. Liam stayed with me while Louis went to the club. He comforted me the best he could. I know that I am a grown man and that things should not get to me, but somethings still hurt. And when they are bringing MY Louis into it, it pisses me off. So, this morning, I have it set up that I am not going to the class I teach in, instead I am going to the Soccer Team that Louis is helping coach. I have it all set up with Mr. Corden. I get in the shower and quickly wash up. When I get out I slip a towel around my waist that is now pooching a bit. I can't help smiling a bit. I go to the room and start to put my clothes on.

"Good morning, luv", I hear Louis grumble just as I pull my pants up.

"Good morning, baby", I say as I lean down to give him a kiss

"You going to work?", He asks as he sets up and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. Cutes thing to see first thing in the morning.

"Going to talk to your class actually. Mr. Corden already okayed it", I explain to him as I slip my shirt on and button it up. He just shook his head and laid back down. I finished getting dressed and slipped my shoes on. I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone. I gave Louis one last kiss before I headed down stairs and out the door. My mind was in scrambles all the way there. I already knew what I was going to say. Was just getting a bit nervous. When I finally pulled into the lot I found a parking space. I sat there in the car for a bit and took a few breaths before I got out and headed towards the field. When I got there, Mr. Corden had the players out there kicking the ball around a bit.

"Good morning sir", I said as I walked up to him

"Good morning Mr. Styles", He said as he looked over at me. "Are you ready to do this?", He asked as he looked out at the boys on the field.

"Ready as I'll ever be", I said to him. With that he blew his whistle getting the attention of the lads calling them in to the sidelines. They all took a seat on the grass. Some looking at me funny and others just wondering what was going on.

"What's that freak doing here?", One student asked.

"Mr. Styles is here to give you boys a good talking to. You will either set there with your mouths shut and listen or you will be excused from the team. your choice", Mr. Corden explained. He then looked at me giving me permission to continue.

"You boys think just because you're on the school soccer team that you're better than every body else. Well, I am here to tell you differently. All of you need to step off your high horse before life comes along and knocks you off of it right on your asses! You can call me a freak all you want to. But just remember that this freak won a good chunk of money at my last and final fight. And one day soon, you will be the one pumping the gas in my car or fixing my burger at McDonalds! I was once a hot headed asshole as some of you are! Until my final fight put me in a wheel chair! That made me re-think life. I even nearly chased Mr. Tomlinson off. The one person that really cared how I was and where I was headed! With his help, I was able to get back on my feet! But it took a lot of strength and a lot of tears and battles to get where I am now! By the looks on some of your faces you could careless because you think that nothing like that could or will happen to you! Well, guess what! Life doesn't care how better off you are from others! It will kick your ass when it feels like it! Now, let me talk a language you may understand! You may see Mr. Tomlinson as just a bartender that is wanting to teach on the side. Let me ask you a question. How many of you here know that soccer is all you have going for you? How many of you put your heart and soul into this game? Mr. Tomlinson did as well. He lived, breathed and slept soccer. Which over in the U.K. is known as football or footie. He played the sport as soon as he was able to kick a ball around. He grew up playing Footie. That was all he knew. His goal since he was a little lad was to play for the professional team in his hometown of Doncaster! His senior year, scouts came out to every game looking for their pick! He got chosen! There was a spot held just for him! He was going to skip college and go right into playing for a professional team! His final game he got severely injured! Final score was in Mr. Tomlinson's control! Just as he kicked the ball another player went to kick the ball as well, kicking Louis in the knee causing him to fall. his knee was knocked out of place! They had to do extensive surgery on his knee, ending his career before he ever got to start! Now he is teaching you ungrateful lads because this is his life! This is what he loves doing! So, the next time you wanna call names or be jerks, just remember life will get ahold of you too! And the next time you think that Mr. Tomlinson isn't good enough to coach or teach just because he got another male pregnant, just remember that a professional coach found him good enough! How many of you can say that? They even called him back a few months ago to be assistant manager! But he'd rather be here! Oh and by the way, he did make the winning goal that day! My point being is that life doesn't always turn out the way we plan it to! The bullying needs to stop! You guys are no better than anyone else! That is all I have to say!", I said as I looked at the lads and back at coach Corden.

"Alright! Does anybody have any questions for Mr. Styles?", He asked looking around at all the lads. No one raised their hand. They all had their head hung low staring at the ground beneath them. "Alright then. Thank you very much for coming here today Mr. Styles!", He said as we shook hands. We said our goodbyes and I headed to my car. I sat there and released a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I started the car and headed back home to my love.

I woke up to the sound of someone banging on the door. I slowly got up and threw some sweats on and stumbled down the stairs. I opened it to see Niall and Liam standing there. Liam's hand in mid air like he was fixing to bang on the door again. I open the door wide to let them in not saying a word. They follow me to the living room where we find a spot and set. I lean back on the couch and prop my feet up on the coffee table. Leaving my eyes shut.

"Hang over?", Niall asked. I could tell he had a smile on his face as he spoke without even looking at him.

"Yes", was all I was able to say. I heard one of them get up and go into the kitchen. I opened one eye to see Liam still in his spot.

"Where'd Niall go?", I ask as I shut my eye again

"To make you some tea", Liam explained. After a bit Niall came back in the room and handed me my cup and then made his way over to Liam handing him one as well. I took small sips on it and let it sooth my dry throat. I also took a pain killer for my horrible headache.

"So, mind telling us what happened yesterday?", Niall asked. His voice laced with concern. He is like my brother after all

"I can do that", I say as I slowly lean up off the couch. "Yesterday during practice a few of the lads told me that I did not deserve to be anywhere near a soccer field because I am gay and I am with a freak that can get pregnant.", I explained as I folded my hands together across my lap. "I didn't run off and cry. I didn't cower down from them. I did however get the privilege to make them run around the track for half the class time and they didn't get to be on the field to practice. Another kid over heard what they said to me and stepped in, saying that his brother got his boyfriend pregnant as well. That it happens. They are different but that doesn't make them freaks. That kid is one of our best players and will go far. Those other lads could learn alot from him. But they have their heads so far up their asses that they can't see straight.", I said as I laughed a bit remembering how that kid stood up for Harry and I.

"I am so sorry Louis", Niall said as he came over and gave me a hug. "You and Harry both deserve nothing but the best. Those losers know nothing about life yet", Niall said as he squeezed my shoulder and went back over to set with Liam.

"Where is Harry at anyways?", Liam asked as he looked around for him

"He is at the school talking to the team about their foolish behavior", I explained with a smile.

"Ohh shit", Liam and Niall said at the same time. "Wish we could be little mice so we could see how that goes", Liam said with a laugh. "Harry has calmed down some and has softened up. But when it comes to you, he don't play. I pity anyone who talks bad about you or treats you unfairly", Liam said shaking his head. At that time we heard the door open and Harry's voice sound through the flat

"baby, I'm home", Harry said as he made his way to the living room. "hey guys", He said to Liam and Niall as he made his way over to me and sat down. "How you feeling love?", He asked as he placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Better", I said as I kissed him back. "Niall made me some tea and I took a pain killer", I explained to him

"Good deal baby. Glad that helped", He said as he pulled me closer to him.

"How did your little visit go?", Liam asked with a smirk. He knows Harry all too well

"Went rather well", He said as he smiled at me. "Don't think those little shits will be saying anymore about you or I either one", He explained. We spent the rest of the day just chit chatting and of course playing video games. Talked about Thanksgiving coming up soon and baby shopping. Liam's classes. He is nearly done and has a spot open at the hospital if he scores good enough on his finals. That is very exciting news.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. So sorry it took me so long to get it written. Writers block. Please vote and comment your thoughts or ideas. Thank you. Much love xx

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