Chapter 49

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A/N: So sorry again for taking a bit to update. I have had so many more ideas popping into my head for this story especially this chapter. I wasn't sure which way to take it. The first part I pretty much settled but I wanted to be a bit longer so I wracked my brain to come up with the second part of this chapter. Hit me today. I hope you enjoy and please remember..killing is still illegal..sooo put all weapons away..*backs away slowly from firing squad*


"So he just came up to you and admitted all of this", Harry asked as he slipped off his sweats to get into a pair of shorts.

"Yes..well sort of", I said as I sat on the bed waiting for him so we could go back down stairs for dinner


I see the hooded person coming closer to us. The closer he gets the more I see of this hooded figure

"Justin?", I say as he is now standing in front of me. His head still pointed towards the ground, he looks up at me with his eyes. The kid looks like he hasn't slept in days.

"Can I please talk to you Mr. Tomlinson?", He asks hesitantly. His voice quiet and raspy. I nod my head and tell Mr. Corden that I will be right back as I guide Justin towards the locker rooms and into our little office. He sets down in the chair by the desk as I set down in the one across from him

"What's going on Justin?", I ask, my voice laced with concern. Yes, the boy was a nuisance when he was on the team. But the kid I am looking at now is not the same kid from a couple of months ago. This one looks beat down..defeated

"I got my boyfriend pregnant", Justin tells me in a soft voice

            End of Flashback

"I am speechless right now", Harry said as we sat on the couch. "He was bullying gays a few months ago and now he is pretty much confessing he is one"

"I know", I say as I take a bit of food. We decided on Chinese take-out for dinner. "Guess it happened during Thanksgiving break and he found out about the pregnancy when he went to see him over Christmas break. His parents kicked him out and everything", I explained to Harry.

"Does his boyfriend not live here?", Harry asked a bit confused

"No. He lives a couple hours from here. The boys parents knew about them dating. Guess that is where he lived before. They were dating while he lived there. The boys' parents knew. But Justin's parents just thought they were good friends. Justin's parents are very homophobic. So Justin had to play that roll in order to stay in good standings with his parents." I explained

"Til now", Harry said

"Til now", I say in agreement. At that time our show was interrupted by an important message

"A shooting has occurred at the Cedar Sinai Hospital. More details as we get updated", The news reporter said as it went back to our show


"Do you want to go see Daddy, babygirl", I cooed at Siobvan as I put her little sleeper on and got her all cuddly warm before putting her in her carrier/car seat. "Get you all dressed warm so Daddy doesn't chew papa out for getting you out in the called", I say as I give her little nose kisses. She keeps looking at me and watching what I do as if she is soaking everything in. Her little arms and legs moving around as she has not gained full control of them yet. I get her buckled into her seat and grab her blanket to put over it to keep the wind from blowing on her. I grab her diaper bag which I have put a couple of diapers in it, an extra outfit, some wipes and formula. Oh and a bottle. "Where is your Mimi at munchkin?", I as as I look around for her sucky thingy. Finally finding it beside her in her carrier. I get her loaded up in the vehicle and head to the hospital to surprise Liam. The traffic wasn't too bad for being  five in the evening. I get there and find a parking spot in the parking garage area. I get out and grab her stroller from the trunk and the go around to get her out of the car. I love this set up as her carrier connects to her stroller. Pretty nifty eh? I get her all settled in and then make my way inside. As I make my way to the floor that Liam usually works on I run into Bailey. One of my favorite Doctors here. She is tough but she has a soft side to her as well.

"Niall?", She says as she sees me coming closer to the receptionist desk.

"Hey Dr. Bailey", I say with a smile. She walks over and bends down to take a glance at Shye sleeping in her stroller.

"Ohh she has gotten big. She is so cute. Can I hold her?", She asks as she looks up at me. I nod my head yes letting her know that would be just fine. "Oh I miss my boy being this small", She says as she picks her up and holds her close to her.

"Niall?", I hear that familiar voice that I am longing to hear coming closer to me. I turn around and see Liam walking towards me with a big smile on his face. "A nice surprise seeing you here", He says as he pecks my check. "And my little Angel too", he says as he goes over to Bailey bending down to give Shy soft kisses

"If you do your rounds real quick you can go on break with your little family, Payne", Bailey says as she continues to smile down at Siobvan. "Yeah, you wanna see your Daddy don't you sweet girl", Bailey continues to talk to Shye.

"Go on up to the Pedes Unit as I am sure they would love to see her and I will meet you up there as soon as I am done here", Liam explains as he kisses me quick like and runs off to do what he needs to do.

"I will go there with you as I'm not ready to hand this bundle of love over to you yet", Dr. Bailey says as we head to the elevators. The elevator ride was filled with Bailey cooing at Shye and Shye looking up at Bailey never losing eye contact with her. When the elevator dinged and the door opened three nurses were standing there waiting for us

"Dr. Payne let us know you were on your way up", One of the nurses said. Dr. Robbins I believe it is. Dr. Bailey reluctantly handed Shye over to her saying she needed to get back down stairs and check on her staff anyways. Dr. Robbins led me to an empty room that we could set in while we waited for Liam. We sat in there and talked a bit about Shye and how well she's doing and about everyday life. We had been visiting for a bit when their pagers went off simultaneously. And then over head lights started going off and a siren followed. More like an annoying loud horn sounding siren.

"We are under a Code Black", One of the nurses whispered in Dr. Robbins ear. I could tell she was trying to remain calm and speak quietly but I heard her.

"What?", I say frantically

"A code Black is where-", the nurse began

"I know what it is, I just wanted to make sure I heard you correctly before I went into panic mode", I explain as I pull Shye closer to me.

"Try to stay calm Niall. Please. For the baby's sake. If we stress they stress and they can't handle it. Just then my phone buzzed in my pocket. I dug it out to see that Liam was calling me

"Hello", I say into the phone

"Hey baby. Looks like I may be longer than I thought", He said into the phone trying to take the edge off the situation.

"Where are you Payno?", I ask trying to stay calm.

"Me and another intern are in a supply closet. All the elevators are locked down and the doors to most units are locked. No one can come or go from where they are currently", Liam explained. "You and Baby Shye will be safe right where you are", He breathed out

"And you?", I ask him about ready to cry

"I will be fine Ni. I am staying in this supply closet. The lights are off and we are trying to find away to block the door so it wont open", Liam explained. We said our 'I love yous' and then hung up. I continued rocking Shye and giving her sweet kisses. Telling her how much her Daddy loves us both. How much we both love her. Each nurse was assigned a baby to look over and they went about doing their job like nothing was happening. Dr. Robbins chose to set with me to try to keep me calm and Shye as well. After a bit of nervous chatter and patiently waiting for more information, Dr. Robbins phone went off. "No no no", is all she said as the voice on the other end explained something. When she hung up she got us all together to notify us

"Three doctors have been shot along with another patient", She explained

"Di-did they say what doctors?", I choked out

"I'm sorry Niall, but no they didn't". I then hugged Shye even closer to me and all I could get out was Liams name as I sobbed into Shye's blanket

 A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this. Please don't hate me too much. Do you think Liam was one of them that got shot? What do you think about Justin's return and him coming out? Please vote and comment me your thoughts and ideas. Thank you for reading and your support. Much love xx

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