Chapter 31

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A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you guys are having a great summer so far! It is starting to get a bit hot here. I am already ready for fall. LOL.

It has been two weeks since halloween. It was a lot of fun. But has also been two weeks since Liam and I have had much time together. I definitely understand all the studying he needs to do right now. He has final testing and all that jazz coming up..for both classes he is taking. He was busy with studying earlier for exams and that took a lot of his time. But now it's even more hectic. By the way, he passed his exams with flying colors. He is in the process, and has been for a couple weeks now, of writing a paper on why he wants to be in this line of work. He said he is just about finished with it. This is part of his score for his final testing for CNA. He told me that he has come up with reasons and that one of them is due to us losing our little one. He wants to be one to try and help prevent something like this or at least be able to help other parents cope with their loss. Another reason was seeing Harry go through his surgeries and healing. He wants to be one to help someone in that position. He is a very compassionate person. And who am I to stand in his way of that. He has mentioned that he does miss being a trainer but knows that it takes more of his time than working at the hospital would. All of this being said takes us to where I am now. To take up my spare lonely time, I decided to go back to the club and work more than just the weekends. It keeps me and my mind busy while Liam is doing his studies and classes. Guess that's one of the many perks of owning the place. Pick and choose your own hours. It is a Thursday evening and I am getting myself around while Liam is down stairs lost in his books. I pick out a pair of jeans and my blue button up shirt. I get my hair styled and head down stairs. I walk into the kitchen and see the cutest thing. Liam is reading through one the books, doing a worksheet. His pencil is dangling out of his mouth and he has the cutest thinking look on his face. He is so wrapped up in what he is reading that he has yet to realize that I am in the same room. That comes to my advantage though. I come up behind him and wrap my arms around his shoulders and kiss him on the cheek. It startles him out of his thinking causing him to accidentally head butt me.

"I am so sorry baby!", Liam says as he quickly turns to his side and places me on his lap. Leaving little kiss along my jaw and cheek before he goes for my lips.

"It's okay baby. I got a kick out of watching you jump", I said trying to calm my laughter

"You know, I may just keep you home tonight and take advantage of you", He says as he looks me up and down. "You are looking quite yummy. I'm not sure I can let you leave looking like this", He says as he continues kissing my lips.

"I can always go change into my sweats and a muscle shirt", I tell him with a smirk

"The hell you will! That's even hotter! Hell, you look sexy no matter what you are wearing.", Liam says as he places one final kiss on my lips.

"I will see you when I get home", I tell him as I put my shoes on. We say our 'I love yous' and then I head for the door.

"Be prepared for tonight!", He shouts as I walk out the door.

"Looking forward to it!", I holler back as I shut the door and head to my car. It's 7:00 now and I am only staying till 11:00. Liam will be done studying by then and hopefully up for some fun time.

"Hey, Niall!!", I heard as I walked through the familiar doors of the place I call my second home. I shout out my hellos as I make my way to the bar and walk behind the counter

"Hey Ni!", My cousin Alex says as she comes up to grab more drinks. "How's Harry and Louis doing?", She asked out of concern. She found out about what that Justin kid did and about the reporters questioning Liam and I a couple of weeks back.

"They're hanging in there, I suppose. Harry is or has filed charges on him. Come to find out he is a senior in highschool and is 18 years of age. His parents are pissed because he is losing his scholarship due to his behavior, but that is no ones fault but his own.", I explain to her. She nodded in agreement as she got the drinks on the tray and went to give them to the customer. "Tell them both i said and hi and Liam too", She said as she walked off. The evening went pretty well. But around nine I seen a familiar face come through the screaming crowd. As they got closer I realized who it was. Louis?

"I'm not here to work, I am here to drink!", He explains as he takes a seat at one of the bar stools.

"Ummm...Where is Harry?", I ask him as I make him a drink

"At home.", He answers as he takes a big swig of his crown and coke.

"By himself?", I ask as I stop in my tracks

"No", He says as he shakes his head and swallows the liquid in his mouth. "Your lovely boyfriend came over to set with him for a bit.", He then explains. I look at him in surprise and confusion. "He brought his books over to study and told me to be home early cause you two have 'plans' when you get home", he said with a bit of sass and a smirk on his face.

"oh ok...Everything okay Lou?", I then ask him out of concern. He never comes here without Harry. Not like this anyways.

"Bad day at work and chaotic at home", He explains. "Harry told me to come here and he would stay home to give me space", He explains.  Within the two hours of him being here, he got pretty drunk.

"Zayn, I am leaving his car here and taking him home in my car. We will come get it in the morning", I explain to him. "So if you see an abandoned car in the lot it belongs to Lou", I explain trying not to laugh. That is one thing we do here, if someone is too drunk to drive we will call them a cab and allow them to leave their vehicle here.

All the way to his house, Louis was talking all kinds of gibberish. But one thing caught my attention when he said.."Harry is not a freak. I deserve to coach". Again he was too far gone to elaborate what he said. Will definitely talk to Harry about it tomorrow or something. We finally pull up into their drive and Liam comes out to help me get Louis inside.

"Harry is in bed, but wants us to bring Louis to him when you get here", He explained as we made our way to the front door. We got in and took Louis' shoes off and made our way up the stairs.

"Ni, I wuv woo mate, but no funny stuff. I wuv my hawwy", Louis says as we make it to his bedroom.

"Just getting you to your Harry, Lou", I explain to him. "No funny business", I say as I look at Liam and start to laugh. We got him settled and in bed beside Harry and made our way back to our vehicles, locking the door behind us as we leave.

"I will need to ride with you, love", Liam says as we make our way down the drive. "Louis picked me up and brought me here", He explains. "Fine by me", I say trying to be a bit flirty.

"Did Louis tell you anything about what happened?", Liam asks as we get home and upstairs.

"In his drunken state he said something that caught me off guard a bit', I explain as we both start stripping our clothes off.

"What was it he said", Liam asked as he pulled the blankets back and crawled into bed

"Something about Harry not being a freak and how he deserves to still coach soccer. He meaning Louis", I said to Liam as I climbed into bed and cuddled to him.

"Yeah, Harry kept asking me if I thought he was a freak", Liam said as he kissed my head. "I reminded him of our situation and that in no way is he a freak. And he is worried about Louis and how he is being treated in his class as well", Liam explained. "We will get more information tomorrow, but tonight", He said as he started kissing me "I am going to do as promised and give you a good ride on 'The Payne train'" He said as he started kissing me down the neck. I laughed a bit from his remark til he hit that certain spot and then I was no longer laughing. But instead was turning into a moaning mess

A/N: I hope you enjoy this. Please vote and comment your thoughts or ideas. Thank you. Much love xx

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