Imagine for JStaff_14

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Hey, I'm on a roll tonight and might have one more up, if not it will be tomorrow. Enjoy @JStaff_14, sorry it took so long!

Julia's P.O.V

This isn't fair. I didn't do anything wrong. I was new, I didn't know any better. I wasn't— I was so confused. Someone help me. Mum— Dad, someone stop them! Please let me go! This isn't fair! It's not my fault I'm a freak!

"OMG, look at her eyes, they're such a freaky colour! I wonder if we were to stab them, would they change colour or stay the same."

"Demon! Freak! Witch! Psycho!"

"She can't even look at us, let alone talk. Let's go girls, I'm bored." Thank god— they're going away. I opened up my eyes and looked up to see the three girls that were bullying me just now walk away.

My name was Julia, I was your average teenager, aside from the fact that I had bright Violet eyes, and was called a demon because of it, which is stupid because demons generally have black or red eyes, depending on what myth you are talking about— no she was just being mean, like everyone.

This happened wherever I went. Someone would see my eyes and I would be constantly bullied. I wasn't too bad at dealing with it, but I just needed some alone time, and I won't find that at home with my parents unpacking all of their things. Maybe I can find a park or something.

To be honest, finding a park was easy. I shouldn't have been surprised, this is a small town after all. It was just a small corner park, but it was empty, and that was all that I needed for now. I never let my parents see me sad like this. This was the first time we had moved, and it was because of the bullying at my last school. It got to the point where they beat me to a pulp and threw me in front of the police station.

We moved after that to come here to Bremin, the hole in the wall they call places like this. Small and secluded, with small numbers of people and limited high schools to attend. I groaned as tears continued to fall and I hid behind a tree. This was so cliché, hiding behind a tree because I was crying, but it was the easiest thing to do, the world had that right.

I don't know how much time has passed since I've been crying, but it was getting late, and I knew I would have to be getting home soon, but all I wanted to do was cry and let it all out. Everything had bottled up in me during the day, starting the second my parents dropped me off in front of that godforsaken school.

"Oi, New Girl, are you okay?" I jumped and looked up to see a boy, my age, with black hair and brown eyes, dressed in black from top to bottom. I sighed and shook my head,

"No, everything is horrible. I hate my life and I hate my eyes." The boy shrugged,

"Well I don't care but... you're in my spot." My crying stopped,

"Seriously? It's a fucking tree." The boy nodded,

"Yep, now either fuck off or shove over." I sighed and nodded, moving over slightly, the boy sitting next to me, our bodies pressed up against each other as we both want to be hidden by the tree.

"Sorry I just... I wanted to get away." The boy sighed,

"I know the feeling. I'm Felix by the way." He held his hand out for me to shake, which was covered in a black leather glove. I rolled my eyes and smiled lightly,

"Julia." The boy... Felix smiled,

"Pretty." My face flushed and I looked away. For a while we just sat in silence, not saying anything but not complaining.

"Did you notice?" I turned to face Felix, confused as to what he meant by that.

"Umm, what?" Felix laughed and looked around,

"You aren't crying anymore." I froze. He was right, ever since he sat down next to me, I haven't cried. That was... amazing.

"Felix... that's... oh my god. You might not have realised it but that was thanks to you." Felix shrugged,

"You would have stopped eventually." I frowned at him and pushed him playfully. He smiled at me and caught himself before he face planted with the ground.

"Yeah but that would have been hours later and I would look even worse than I do now. But I got to get back home. It was nice meeting you Felix." Felix nodded and stared at me as I began walking,

"For your information, I like your eyes!" My face flushed and I didn't get that boy out of my head for the rest of the night.

That was four months ago. So many things had changed since then, but one thing that didn't was the two of us meeting at that tree every day after school without fail. He was always there first but it didn't matter.

I was almost running as I approached the tree, rounding its edge before running into Felix's arms. There was nothing in the world that could ever make me happier than being around Felix. He was perfect.

"Hey there Girlie." I smiled and looked up at his face,

"Hey." He smiled and walked me into the tree, pressing his lips to mine. This boy became my boyfriend, and I couldn't have been happier when that day came.


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