Imagine for nowherepotter

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*Wasn't exactly sure of what you wanted but I tried. Here you go* 

Grace's P.O.V

"Good evening Everybody. I do apologise for calling you all to the grand hall on this beautiful night but we do have a rather special occasion tonight. Hogwarts' has one of it very few transfer students. Tonight we will be sorting Miss Grace, a transfer student from Ilvermorny. Grace, will you please come out." I swallow thickly before stepping out from the cloaking spell that was placed on me.

I walk and listen to the murmurs echoing through the near silent room, my newly honed senses picking up on most of their words. What a monster they're thinking. I knew the scar on my face was ugly, but it was worth it.

"Grace, as tonight you are one of the only transfer students to walk the halls of Hogwarts we have decided for you to be treated like the rest of the students and be sorted like them, in front of all their peers. Is that okay with you?" I wanted to say the answer was no, but the sooner everyone knew what I was the better. I didn't want to have to keep repeating myself but I knew that I probably would. Stupid Ilvermorny and not letting werewolves attend school here.

"Yes." I speak confidently. Hide how scared I am about these people judging me like Ilvermorny did.

"Then please, take a seat and we will sort you into your house." I nod and shakily walk to the seat, another teacher lifting the hat from it allowing me to sit. I thank her silently before sitting down as straight as I can.

I feel the hat being gently placed onto my head, barely covering the top of my eyes which was fine by me. I sigh and begin to curl into myself from the fear pumping through me.

"Ah, a werewolf gracing my lining again. It has been a while since I sorted a magical creature such as yourself." I whimper as I hear the voice.

"How did you know that? Who are you?" I whisper quietly, not wanting to seem crazy.

"I am the sorting hat, nothing you have worn will ever compare to thee. I can see the desires deep in your mind. I was birthed to search deep into your mind and see where you belong. You are spiteful, but not greedy or proud enough to be a Slytherin. You lack bravery when it is needed the most, which mean Gryffindor is not for you. You are kind, and smart. You not only think of yourself but you think of what is best for others. That is what cost you your mind on the full moon. I have made my choice. You belong in— RAVENCLAW!" The hat shouted loudly causing me to wince.

The hat was slowly lifted and it was as if I was pulled out of a bubble. I looked around the hall to find everyone clapping happily, with one table shouting and whooping happily.

"That seems to be your new home, Miss Grace. How about you grace them with your presence." Dumbledore speaks to me and I nod softly before cautiously walking over to the table of cheering students. Before I am suddenly bombarded with questions.

"What happened to your face?"

"Are you a werewolf?"

"Did you get kicked out of Ilvermorny?"

"How smart are you?"

"Did you really survive an attack from 'The Street wolf'?"

"Do you like pudding?"

I was confused at the last one but somehow managed to answer most the questions, first sticking with the last one, answering the meek blonde girl sitting across from me.

"Yes, I was with some of my friends when we came across The Street Wolf. I threw myself in front of my friends to stop them from being attacked. I am now a werewolf and the scar is from it attacking me. Ilvermorny has a policy about magical creatures and I guess I broke it. And intelligence? I don't know, I guess. I got good grades and Ilvermorny was expecting me to get good grades on my O.W.L's." I breathe deeply as I finish and smile softly.

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