Imagine for Katelynthefire101

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*Sorry if it's not what you wanted. I didn't really know what to write...*

Madelyn's P.O.V

I gasped for air as my back pressed against the wall of the building at the back of the school. I wasn't sure how I got away, but I managed it somehow. Jake was a pain in my fucking ass! Why me?! I bent forward and pressed my hands on my knees in an attempt to control my breathing, and after a few moments, it worked and my breathing regulated.

The bell rung throughout the school and I sighed as I lifted myself from the wall and wandered out of my hiding place to return to my shitty classes. Quite frankly I was fucking done with them, they were too much effort, but in all honest, there was no way in hell that I was going to be able to drop out or change schools. That shits costs money.

"Hey Loser!" I jumped slightly as an arm slung over my shoulder, and I turned my head to face my friend Ty. Her bright blue hair almost got her kicked out of school, but somehow she managed to avoid it.

"Hey. What class do you have?" I muttered a small sentence in return and she sighed,

"Science with Bates! Talk about fun!" Sarcasm dripped from her words and I laughed at her.

"You're a dork. I'll have to check my planner to see what I ha—" My words cut off as two bodies rammed through Ty and I. I groaned slightly and Ty cried out in anger.

"Watch it, Freaks!" Jake and Trent were standing in front of us, looking back on us, as if waiting for us to cry, when Ty's face, blew up in a fury and launched herself at Trent. My eyes widened and I ran forward, grabbing Ty by the arm; but not before she smashed her fist through Trent's face.

"What is going on out here?!" My eyes widened and I lifted my head to see Bates standing in front of us. I stuttered, trying to find the words to explain the situation, but there was nothing coming to mind, when Ty burst into tears, sobbing onto my shoulder.

"Mr Bates, Sir! They were hurting us! They came and yelled at us, and Trent punched me in the stomach, and when I wanted him to stop, I slapped him across the face! And you showed up, thank you so much for helping us Mr Bates!" The shock across Bates' face was worth Ty's weird freak out.

"You have no proof that I hit her!" Ty smirked slightly and pulled the left hand side of her shirt up, to reveal a glowing bruise. My eyes widened, what the fuck did I miss?!

"Is that proof enough?" Bates sighed, glaring at Trent and Jake.

"The four of you, with me." He muttered lowly and stalked off, the four of us following in suit, walking through the grub of people that had surrounded us to watch the scene unfold. "Don't you all have classes to be getting to?!" Bates voice broke through the area and everyone scattered.

I turned to Ty, my stomach in my throat. Why was I so nervous? I don't even understand what's happening right now, because before I knew it. I was sitting in Bates' office, and he delivered the words that made me want to die.

"Madelyn, you will be tutoring Jake for the foreseeable future, and Ty, you will be doing the same for Trent." Ty shrugged, crossing her arms across her body but I wasn't having it.

"I can't tutor him! I have normal grades! I can't be bothered with his!" Bates sighed at my outburst,

"Madelyn, you have A's and B's, there is no need to say you have average grades. You are tutoring Jake and that is final." I frowned and slumped into my seat until Bates dismissed us, and I went straight to my locker.

"You know you can't back out of it." I jumped at the voice and I turned to see Jake standing there,

"Well I'm not going to tutor you. Find some way to bring your own grades up, I already work my fucking ass off for mine, I'm doing the fucking work for you!" I was furious to say the least, and I think that shocked Jake,

"Wait, you know how to swear?" I frowned, giving him a blank look.

"Are you stupid? Of course I can fucking swear. It's not that hard, it's just a sequence of letters forming the words 'You're a fucking cock wank'!" I groaned slamming my locker shut as I stormed off to the library. I sunk down into one of the seats, when a bunch of books were set on the desk in front of me, and a figure in the seat next to me.

"Where do you want to start?" Jake asked and I groaned, sliding down in my chair.

"Why should I help you? You bully me." I turned my gaze to Jake, and I felt bad for the look on his face.

"Because I need it, and I know you're a good person." I frowned. I sighed, rolling my eyes as I sat up,

"At least you got one thing right." I grabbed the first book that I could find and I opened it. "So we'll start with—"

It had been three weeks since I started tutoring Jake, and the boy was actually kind of smart when he wanted to be. I sighed as I slumped down on my couch, waiting for Jake to arrive so that we could finish of some homework, when my mother came in.

"How come you got a C on one of your tests?!" I jumped slightly and looked away from her. I guess I forgot that I was neglecting my studies in order to help Jake with his. Jake was doing different course work to me, since we were in different classes for the most part,

"I've been tutoring someone and I haven't had a chance to stay on top of my work. Look, it's not that bad Mum, I didn't get an F" Mum growled and stalked over to me,

"'Not that bad'?! Madelyn, you got an average score! I can't have that! Only A's and B's we agreed." I scoffed,

"And my grades reflect on you how?" Fury pumped its way through my body and I shoved past my mother, making sure to hit her shoulder. "You are not the boss of my grades, unless I am failing. At least I did better than you and is still in school!" Mum gasped and I ripped open the front door to see Jake standing there, about to knock. I sighed and grabbed his hand, pulling him around and away from the house.

"Whoa! What's going on?!" I growled lightly but kept pulling the blonde away from my house and shouting mother.

We arrived at the park and I let go of his hand and went and sat on the swing, moving slightly.

"Um, what just happened?" I growled and kicked the ground lightly, knocking up dirt.

"I got pissed. We can study here. I just— I needed to get out of the house." Jake nodded lightly, sitting his bag on the ground at the poles holding the swing up, and moved behind me to push me on the swing.

I lifted my feet from the ground as I swung thanks to Jake's pushing. A small smile graced my face from the feeling of being on the swings and having someone push me. That hasn't happened since I was a little kid.

"Look Madelyn, if you ever need someone, I can be there for you if you want." I turned my head to face Jake's, whose face was bright red.

"What do you mean?" I asked and Jake sighed, biting his lip.

"If you ever need a friend, or a boyfriend. Or someone to help you! Just— tell me and I'll be there for you, okay?" My face flushed when he said boyfriend, but I nodded. I think Jake was a little different to what I thought he was.


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