Imagine for moniquehenry972 *&*

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*I hate smut. I hate the world. I hate being gay. Moving on. Please enjoy this cringe fest. I'll put the smut markers up as per usual. But I hate writing smut, especially hetero smut so it is going to be shit as balls. I actually hate this, but feel free to enjoy it. Buh-Bye!* 

"Girl, you need to chill. If you keep acting like this your powers will mess something up. And it won't be easy to cover up." Ellen drones on from my bed, covering most of the space with her bored starfish position, preventing me from lying on the bed with her, which has resulted in me pacing around my bedroom.

"I don't care if my powers fuck something up! That's not important right now, Ellen! What am I supposed to do?! Sam's invited me over to his house, while his parents and brothers are away for the weekend?! That's basically screaming 'lets have crazy, wild sex'! Neither of us have had sex before! How the hell are we supposed to know how to do anything?! And doesn't it hurt? Why would I want to do something that would hurt me?!" Ellen growls, rising from her spot to grip onto my shoulders and shake me.

"Calm the fuck down, Izzy! For the love of god, you set your bean bag on fire!" Ellen hisses, pointing to the named object as a small cloud forms over it. I go to scream but Ellen's hand covers my mouth before the sound escapes me. "Please don't. My ears already hurt enough from you babbling as it is. Do I need to invite Mia over? She's more experienced in this shit than I am." Ellen asks as the fire quickly disappears under her raincloud, all that was left was the charred remains of the beanbag.

"That uh... that might be best." I mumble, sitting myself on the edge of my bed.

"Okay, I've sent a text off about the situation. She should get it pretty quick." Ellen sighs, sitting next to me and pulling me into a one-armed hug, Ellen's specialty. I sigh, turning to look at her.

"Ellen... what if my powers go off during it? I'm still learning how to use them and what if the pain causes me to set something on fire again?" Ellen laughs lightly.

"You don't have to worry about setting anything on fire unless you are scared. Which there is no need to be. Mia will explain everything when she gets here, okay? Until then, just try not to think about it and pack some clothes, because you are going to Sam's house even if it kills me." Ellen sighs, rubbing my arm soothingly. I tilt myself to rest my head on her shoulder, letting her comfort me much to her dislike.

I know she hates the contact, but just being around magical people helps me control my elements. Phoebe and Felix explained it to me when Phoebe gave me these powers. Spending time with each element allows me almost complete control over that element while I am in their presence, but alone I am much more dangerous.

Even small contact with the person will give me both a power boost without affecting them, and complete control over that element. Water was one of my best controlled elements, simply because I am almost never without Ellen by my side. She was one of my best friends and the one who helped me into the magical world once the others realised, I had the ability to control all the elements and boost all of their spells.

It felt good to be useful to someone, and it was great getting close with everyone and even closer with Sam. Once everything began settling down and we wanted to get in control of my air powers, I ended up spending a lot of time with Sam, but because of how scared I was from thinking how cute he was, my other powers were constantly going haywire and we ended up not having as much alone time with him as I wished since I needed the others nearby to stop me from destroying things.

But the day he asked me out was one of the best days of my life. It was the end of a school day, and he was walking me home since we lived closer together than the others. Once we split from the group and started talking about everything, he asked me out in a very stutter voice, so different from his normal, cool voice.

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