Imagine for NowhereWolf1

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*I'm doing this as Ellen being not Ellen from the show, since you didn't see my message. Sorry for taking so long to write this. Also, sorry if it's really shitty. I wasn't really sure what to write... Enjoy, well... try to.* 

Ellen's P.O.V

I sighed as I sat in the park, bored out of my mind. I want to do something interesting. My eyes widened slightly as I remembered something. I spun my head around, checking my surroundings and once I was sure no one was here, I pulled out a little figurine I found one time.

"Hello." I muttered and before I knew it, it had come to life, and began talking to me.

"Back again I see?" I smiled at it, my hair covering my face lightly.

"Yeah. I was getting bored." The Figurine nodded, looking around.

"Where are we?" I shrugged,

"Some park, near my house though. I needed a change of scenery, thought it would change my mood." The Figurine nodded at me again, sitting down in front of me and crossing it's legs.

"Did it work?" I scoffed, clicking my tongue.

"I'm talking to you aren't I?" The Figurine froze for a moment, before laughing. I smiled and laughed with it.

"That sound fair. What have you been doing lately?" I shrugged. I liked talking to the figurine. He always had good and funny conversation topics. He was a good friend. Most of my friends are boring.

"School, and being bored I guess." The Figurine nodded.

"Have you tried drawing?" I shook my head. That was new one.

"No, is it any good?" The figurine frowned,

"Are you really asking me that question?" I thought about my words before the pair of us burst out laughing.

"Hello?!" My eyes widened and I froze.

"Quick, go to sleep!" I muttered loudly to the figure who was already back to its original form.

"Is someone there?!" I jumped up off of the ground and bolted. I turned around to look behind me where I saw a boy, about my age, picking up the figurine. No! Damn it! What am I going to do now?! The boy lifted his head, and his gaze landed on me. My eyes widened and I turned around, running away from the boy.

"Damn it, why did I let him see me?!"

"I think you mean caught you." I froze, and I turned around to see the Boy standing a metre from me. "You can do magic. I saw it." My throat became tangled and I wanted to vomit. I sounded like a freak when he said it that way.

"No, I can't. You're seeing things." The Boy sighed, as he lifted his hand into the air, a small ball of fire appeared atop his hand.

"No. I wasn't seeing things. I can do magic too. I know what I was watching, but that was different magic. I need to teach you how to use it properly. I don't know what will happen if I don't." I frowned at the Boy.

"Where are we going? I don't want to go with you. Just give me back what belongs to me and we can go our separate ways." I wanted to get away from this Boy. He knew too much. I just wanted to talk with the figurine and not be bored anymore.

"Boredom a pain in the ass?" My eyes widened as I stared up at the Boy. "You talked out loud. Just come with me, and I will show you things that will definitely keep that boredom of yours away." That was a good proposition. I think I'll take him up on it. I nodded and the Boy nodded.

"I'm Ellen, by the way." The Boy nodded.

"Felix." Felix didn't say anything else on the way to his house.

Once we arrived, we sat in silence while we sat next to each other on the couch in his room. This was weird. He was the one that wanted me to come over, yet why isn't he telling me anything?

"How long have you done magic?" Felix sighed, at my question. I think we were both wondering why I was the first person to talk since Felix basically dragged me here against my will.

"A year, maybe two. What about you?" I shrugged, not really having an answer to that question.

"As long as I can remember. There was nothing that ever seemed an interest to me, unless there was magic involved. But even then, I didn't want to believe that it was magic. I just pretended that I had an overexcited imagination." Felix nodded, taking in what I said.

"It's bizarre. Never in all my research on magic have I heard of someone that was powerful enough to do magic without a spell. Do you understand how crazy that is?!" I shook my head, not sure of how to respond to everything that has just been asked of me.

"NO I don't! Look Felix, I don't know what I am capable of. As far as I know, I am a normal girl, with a normal boring life and normal boring personality. I don't know anything about magic or anything around it! I am not special!" I was standing at this point and I growled at Felix, pivoting as I turned away from the boy and moved to make my way out of the room.

"Ellen!" I turned around, ready to yell back but I was knocked over. I groaned as I landed on the floor, my head banging lightly. But as my head banged back up, my lips touched something. I looked to see that it was Felix's lips, against mine.

My eyes widened and my face flushed as Felix shot up off of me. I sat up slowly trying to understand everything that was happening. I think, I might stay around. Things are definitely less boring with Felix around.


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