Imagine for XAngelOfTheLordX

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*So heads up guys, this has two endings. If you want the Jake ending, just keep reading. If you want the Felix ending, skip to the bold that says Felix's ending.* 

Gabrielle's P.O.V

I sighed as I forced my face into the bed so hopefully I wouldn't have to look at the world anymore and just suffocate. I rolled over, my head hanging off the edge of the bed, blood rushing to my head in a beat.

I groaned and sat up, the events of the day flooding my head. Felix and Jake... what am I going to do with the two of you? It had been a recurring theme for the last few weeks, Felix and Jake, going against each other, vying for my undying attention, honestly it was lame, and I was beginning to wish that I didn't know as much about the boys as I did.

When I discovered that I could do magic, and that the boys were the same, we grew closer as a group, but... I think they got a little attached. But I can't lie and say that the same thing didn't happen to me, it's just... if I pick one, I hurt the other. But I can't reject both, I like them.

"Having fun?" I screamed and my body leapt up, turning to where the voice had come from. There was a man, standing in my doorway.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" I wanted to move away, attack, do anything, but I was paralysed, my throat felt so dry that I couldn't scream.

"Don't worry. We'll get what we want. We just need you for a little bit." A hand came from behind me and covered my mouth. Tears pooled in my eyes from the smell of the cloth in the man's hands. My dry throat knotted up and my cries came out quiet and meek. My limbs flailed around, trying to find something to grab or hit but it was useless. By the time I had finally found something I could use to hit the man, the strength in my limbs faded and my eyes slipped shut, sleep washing over me.

Choose your ending. Jake or Felix? Jake: read on from here. Felix: skip to the next set of bold writing.

Jake's P.O.V

My phone beeped and I leapt to it, and next thing I knew, I was tearing my way down the street. Gabbie had been kidnapped. What the hell?! I growled as the thoughts kept banging in my head. Someone kidnapped Gabbie, just to get to me. That means, someone actually has the audacity to kidnap someone in this goddamn town!

I growled as I listened to my feet, pounding on the ground, wanting to get to the coordinates I was given as quickly as possible. I was sure it wasn't going to be easy to get her out of there, I have to try... I love her.

At the mere thought of those words, my body sped up and before I knew it. I was at the location, and there was no way in hell I was ready for this. My phone vibrated in my hand and quickly checked it.

'Coming in or what?' I growled, shoving my phone away as I stormed inside, slamming the doors open.

Silence filled my ears, when I heard a slight sobbing. My ears perked up and I followed the sound until I came across the lounge room, where Gabbie was sitting tied up in a chair, her mouth gagged, tears streaming down her face. My eyes widened and I raced over to her, dropping to my knees and untying some of the ropes before pulling the gag out of her mouth.

"Jake..." Her words were quiet and raspy. "... Get out. It's a... trap..." I shook my head, as I finished untying the ropes around her.

"No. I came here to get you, and I am not leaving without you." Gabbie nodded blankly and her head drifted to the side, half asleep. My eyes widened and I slapped her face lightly, causing her to perk up, "No! You need to stay awake until we get out of here!" Gabbie nodded again and stood up weakly. I wrapped my arm around her waist as we started to move out of the room, when a man stood in front of me, cutting me off.

I growled as my free hand clenched into a fist, anger pumping through my veins like a fire. The Man laughed at me, as if I was stupid. But I guess I was.

"Magic won't work in here little boy. Now, hand it over to us." I shook my head and dropped Gabbie down lightly.

"I don't need magic to fight." I muttered, spitting at the man's feet, distracting him while my body launched at him, landing a solid hit across his temple, knocking him out. I turned around just in time to see two men moving in to pick up Gabbie.

I growled and raced over to them, punching one across the cheek, catching the attention of the other one who pulled out a gun. I groaned when I felt a burning sensation across my lower abdomen, and I knew that the man got a hit in.

I launched forward again and fully rammed my body into his, knocking him to the ground. While my lower body sat on his chest, my hands repeatedly mashed into the man's face, even after it stopped being recognisable.

"Jake... stop... we need to... get out." I froze as Gabbie's voice broke through my mental barrier and I turned to her, quickly picking her up again.

"I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have seen that!" I muttered lowly as Gabbie's hand touched my face gently.

"I don't care. We just need to go and get you healed up. How does that sound?" I nodded at her as she leaned up and gave me a kiss on the lips. I... I wasn't expecting that...

Felix's ending

It was close. Thank god, I could get to her quickly! I don't know why someone would kidnap Gabbie, but I bet my book of shadows it has something to do with magic. Gabbie and I weren't involved in anyway, yet I wanted to be with her. But so did Jake, he was my rival, and we were constantly fighting each other for her attention.

Sometimes, I ponder on if she is worth all the drama, but then I know she is. If she wasn't then why would I be fighting for her so hard.

"Don't worry, Gabbie. I'm coming." I muttered as I found myself out front of the house. I took a deep breath in as my phone vibrated, but I ignored it. I placed it on the ground and stood on it lightly, pretending I was breaking it, but my phone was more durable than that, I'm not stupid.

I stormed into my house, and placed a fireball by the front door, setting the place on fire. I smirked as Gabbie's aura entered my mind and I followed it to the lounge room, where she was sitting, bound and gagged, her eyes screaming in terror whilst being half unconscious.

"Gabbie!" I yelled out lightly and ran over to her, pulling the gag out of her mouth, as I started undoing the ropes around her body.

"What did you do?" She muttered, coughing lightly. I finished her ties and pulled her up

"I set the building on fire before I entered. I had a feeling I was going to be able to use magic in here." Gabbie nodded as we started walking. We quickly exited the way we came to find three men standing out the front, coughing the lungs out, one with his face cut open. I guess that guy jumped out the window.

Fire trucks were beginning to turn up, along with the police to investigate what happened. And for the first time in my life, I told the cops the truth... well... most of it. I told them how the three men kidnapped Gabbie and when I went in to save her, the house was suddenly on fire.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I pulled Gabbie's blanket around her tighter as I asked the question again and she nodded.

"I'll always be fine if you're there with me Felix." My face flushed and before I could stop myself, I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers, holding her cheek lightly. Best reward ever!


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