the beginning of an ugly friendship

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chapter two >> the beginning of an ugly friendship
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Each of the teens awake at different times. Raehee wakes up early so she can think more about what will happen during the program, Jungkook struggles to get out of bed though he's wakes up pretty early, Soojae wakes up with only five minutes to prepare before she leaves, and Jimin wakes up with only five minutes until the program begins with only half of his belongings packed already.

Each teen takes their small duffle bag and slowly but surly walks to the designated room, room 207. Raehee arrives first. She opens the door and discovers that the giant place is completely abandoned, there are no people around. She discovers that it's almost like a dorm: one decently sized living room connected to a small kitchen, one bathroom, two bedrooms with two sets of bunkbeds in each, it's filled with everything anyone would ever need.

She sets down her bag in one of the bedrooms, she lays it on the top bunk of the bunkbed that's closest to the window, the view may not be great but at least there's a  warm summer breeze.

Just as she walks back to the living room the front door opens and her heart skips a thousand beats and her breath becomes uneven. The door opens wide to reveal a smirking Jimin who spins around and gazes around the wide open area. "This is amazing! And there's even a TV! This place is fucking insane, haha, get it? Insane," he screams and raises his brow to a nervous Raehee. He walks closer to her and her throat closes in and her eyes widen.

"Sup, beautiful."

She starts shivering uncontrollably and she can feel her palms getting sweaty and her face growing paler by the second. Right before he can get closer the door opens again to reveal a sleepy Soojae, her eyes open wide as she sees the place. "Wow, I was not expecting this. I wonder if they have nice bathrooms instead of the dumps we're expected to use."

Raehee can feel herself getting dizzy as the menacing girl strides past her to examine the bathroom, she can smell the strong scent of cinnamon as she walks past.

The front door opens once again and a sad looking Jungkook walks in without saying a single word. He lays his bag on the floor by the coffee table and then stands there awkwardly while examining the room. "Oh look, the buzzkill's here," Jimin teases and walks up to Jungkook who simply stares at him with his lips sealed in a thin line.

"And his little mute girlfriend," Soojae randomly waltzes back into the room and drapes her arm over Raehee's shoulder. The nervous girl immediately starts hyperventilating and stands completely still with her eyes glued shut.

Soojae laughs sarcastically, "don't worry I don't bite." Raehee breathes deeply and opens her eyes slightly but then Soojae immediately snaps at her like she's going to take a bite out of her face. "Oh wait, maybe I do." Jimin and Soojae both laugh while Raehee breathes loudly while feeling absolutely embarrassed.

"Come on just leave her alone," Jungkook's buts in making Jimin immediately turn to him with a smug grin. "Oh look who actually talks now, Jungcock isn't it?"

"It's Jungkook."

"Same thing." Jungkook glares at him while he just continues smiling.

Suddenly the door opens for the last time and all four of the teens turn towards it to see the boy walking inside. Everyone's eyes widen as Raehee's breaths become more rough. Everyone knows this guy as V--for viscous. He's the facilities psychopath who's always cold and serious and has never been the cause of any good fortune, only treachery. Rumour has it that the reason why he ended up here was because he nearly beat his own father to death with a broken wine bottle. Since then he has been deemed extremely dangerous and unpredictable.

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