a new beginning

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epilogue >> a new beginning
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Raehee sits silently at a lonesome table in the disgusting, overcrowded cafeteria at the facility.

She used to always sit alone, one small table far away from the others, listening to the abrupt and loud sounds that surrounded her. She used to be confined and hid away, hoping no one would notice her or even ask to join her table. She stares around at her familiar surroundings but then goes back to eating her boring salad.

Suddenly she feels a tap on her shoulder.

She turns around to see Jungkook standing there smiling at her while clutching his sketchbook, she smiles back and moves over on the bench so he can sit beside her. He holds out his skinny hand where he holds two cookies, she gratefully takes one as she sees two more people walking towards her table.

Jimin and Soojae walk away from their old tables with people still laughing at things that aren't funny and gossiping about poor innocent people who have done nothing wrong, now they see no amusement in it. Soojae doesn't see the point in trying to be noticed when she'll just slip back into non-exsistance once the moment passes. Jimin sees no point in losing control over himself just to cause a ruckus and gain attention.

They both laugh together as they join the two smiling teens at the table, they hardly notice the several eyes pointed in their direction, that doesn't matter at the moment. They eat and talk quietly together.

"Hey, Kookie?" Jimin says to the small boy who looks up and smiles at him, "yeah?" Jimin swipes the cookie out of his hands and slides over his plate of pasta, "you need to eat something healthy," he says and Jungkook simply rolls his eyes, "yeah, yeah," he mumbles and sticks his fork into Jimin's pasta.

More eyes follow in the four teens' direction, then suddenly every eye in the facility turns towards the entrance to the large cafeteria when the doors open abruptly and a demeaning figure walks in.

The whole facility goes silent, many thoughts rush through people's minds. What's he doing here? He's not supposed to be here? Isn't he supposed to eat in a separate room? Is he going to hurt us? Is he going to go on a rampage? Why would they let him eat in here?

The boy simply walks down the clear path through the tables while people continue to stare at him nervously, he notices the stares but chooses to ignore them, they're not what really matter right now, all who matter are the four people who actually believe him.

"Hey, Taehyung," Raehee greets and breaks the dead silence of the cafeteria as the boy walks closer. To everyone--but the four teens'--surprise the psychotic boy smiles widely revealing his cute and innocent grin. He walks toward their table and sits down next to Jimin who pats his shoulder a few times as a welcoming.

By now everyone's jaws had dropped right to the floor. They're not supposed to interact. They're not supposed to sit together. It's dangerous, they're all so different.

The five teens simply smile and take in all the stares as a compliment. Soon the whole cafeteria bursts into conversation once again, everything returns to almost normal aside from most of the conversations being about them.

"Why are you eating ramen? We've been eating it for nearly one week straight," Taehyung exclaims as he watches Soojae stuff another forkful in her mouth, she sips her water before talking. "Hey, I don't know about you guys but I actually enjoyed the ramen. I thought Jimin was a pretty good cook," she says and defends the happy and cheerful guy sitting next to her. He smiles and throws his arm around her shoulders.

"Thanks, Song," he says as he pecks her cheek making her blush and the others roll their eyes.

"What a bunch of freaks." They all turn slightly to see a bunch of girls standing there with their arms crossed over their chests with scowls formed on their scrunched up faces. They were formally Soojae's friends in the facility, now she can't even stand to look at them.

The five teens ignore the name calling, the taunting, and the teasing. They've been through too much to let something as simple as that effect them.

"They're so fucking crazy, look at them, " says another obnoxious girl voice, suddenly Jimin breaks out into a smirk and turns around to face the girls who continue to scowl. "We're not crazy..." he begins and glances around at the other four who know exactly what he's going to say.

"We're insane," they all say in unison as they smile like complete idiots, the girls stand there dumbfounded and confused before stumbling away. The five teens break out into a sudden laughter, not caring if anyone around them hears them and thinks they're out of their minds.

They don't care anymore. They're together and that's all that counts.

In the corner of the cafeteria Mr. Jung stands there with a pleased smile plastered on his jolly face. He nods approvingly at his job well done as he selects five new names from a long list of teens in need of a solution for their troubling problems.


Thanks so much for reading!! Insane has finally come to and end *cries* I hope you all liked the ending, I think I'm pretty pleased with it myself. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it😉

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