Ch. 2 - I need you

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Sophie sighed as she looked out of her bedroom window.

It was raining, and it seemed like it had been just yesterday when Biana had been squealing next to her.

"We graduated! We actually graduated Foxfire!"

Hold on, it was yesterday.

Sophie sighed.

She was now losing her mind.

When he had gone to the Neverseen, it had taken all her willpower not to take a drug that would seditate her forever.

The only thing that had convinced her otherwise was the thought that Edaline and Grady would be crushed if another one of their daughters died.

She swallowed, and fell asleep thinking about the boy who's pained eyes she could never forget.

Sophie woke up a bit later, and heard silence in her house. That was strange.

She then heard a slam of a door and a faint "owwww".

She sighed, knowing that it was probably Dex or Biana.

There was a knock at her door, and she rubbed her temples, getting sick of the constant worry. She had just said that she needed time, but the truth was, no matter how long he was gone, her mind would never be over him.

The door creaked open when there was no reply.

"Dex, I told you I'm fine. I already got an entire speech from Fitz and Biana about how I should move on from him."

A snort came from the doorway.

"Some friends they are."

Sophie froze.

There was only one person who acted like that, made sarcastic comments like that.

She couldn't move, couldn't breathe.



She didn't turn around.

"You're a dream."

Another snort.

"Yes, how did I not know that you missed me so much you went crazy and started hallucinating?"

By the waver of his voice, though, she knew he was trying to hold back tears.

"No, you're a dream. From so long ago..."

He stepped forward, and grabbed her shoulders firmly, but gently.

"I'm not a dream, Foster."

She couldn't meet his eyes.

"Please, Sophie. Look at me. At least once. Tell me that sacrificing everyone was worth it." His voice cracked.

Sophie looked into his beautiful ice blue eyes, and she saw a deep pain in them, but also a little relief and happiness.

"Tell me you're real. Prove to me that you're not just a memory my mind is torturing me with."

Keefe smiled at that.

So she did miss him.

He opened his arms, and Sophie fell into them.

He felt tears well up in his eyes when he felt wetness soak through to his shoulder.

"You left me."

She pulled away a little, her eyes still leaking tears. They didn't get puffy and red, though. Instead, her eyes seemed even bigger, and her tears made them shine.

He nodded sadly.

"I know, but there hasn't been a single second when I didn't think about you. I'm sorry."

"Do you have any idea what you put me through? You were gone, what was I supposed to do without you then?"

He smiled through his tears.

He knew he had made a terrible mistake, but right now, he was so happy and relieved that she had thought about him.

Sophie buried her face in Keefe's neck and cried of sadness, regret, and joy into him.

He felt his stomach erupt with butterflies.

"Don't go," she whispered. "Not now, not ever. I need you. So much."

Keefe smiled as he put his arms around her thin waist.

She needed him.

"I know, Foster. I don't plan on leaving any time soon."

She smiled against his neck, making him blush.

They just stayed like that for the rest of the day.

That was the good thing between them, they didn't have to talk to be able to understand each other.

They just stayed there, Sophie pressed against the wall behind her and her desk's side at her right.

Keefe was curled up next to her, his arm draped across her shoulders.

"I love you," Sophie whispered.

Keefe had been shocked momentarily, and a tear slipped down his cheek.

This was the first time that anyone had said that to him, and it was also the first time he got to say it back.

He smiled briefly before kissing her hair.

"I love you too."

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