Requested Part 2

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Sophie looked at the boys asking her to dance. Not a second after she had entered the dance room with Biana, both Keefe and Fitz had asked her to dance with them. As she looked between the two, she cringed knowing that choosing one over the other would ruin some of the friendship between all three of them. 

She looked around the room for an escape, but Linh was at the sweets table, and Biana and Dex were dancing on the floor. Wincing, Sophie looked around desperately, but before she could make up an excuse about going to the bathroom, a tap on her shoulder made her turn around.

"Oh thank goodness."

It was Tam. 

He smirked, and Sophie scowled at him when Fitz and Keefe weren't looking as she was sure that Tam had seen and heard everything that was going on.

"Care for a dance, Sophie?" He asked, looking up with a smug look as he bowed gracefully.

Sophie wanted to smack the grin right off his face, but she was too relieved to care.

She took his hand, smiling.

"I would love to."

As he pulled her to the dance floor, Sophie thanked the gods above that she had managed to convince Biana to let her wear flats and a fancy tunic, because she didn't even want to imagine dancing in a ghastly dress on the floor in heels.

Tam saw her discomfort and laughed.

"You really hate being in the public eye, don't you?"

Sophie scowled at him.

"Can you not tell by my face?"

"Oh no, anyone can clearly see that you wish to jump off a cliff right now," Tam assured her.

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You're not helping at all, Tam."

His expression turned serious.

"Yeah, I wasn't trying to help. Now I am. Who are you going to choose?"

Sophie was taken aback at his sudden, outright question.


Tam chuckled.

"You really are oblivious." He sighed. "I didn't want to be the one to ruin this news for you, but this is getting too out of hand. I would have thought you noticed by now."

Sophie frowned as she looked at him.

"Noticed what?"

Tam ran a hand down his face.

"Merlin." He dropped his hand again and continued leading her in the dance, and he looked down at hr again.

"Sophie, Fitz and Keefe both like you, and they want you to choose one of them. Meanwhile, your mind is off with alicorns, and your innocence is keeping you completely out of what everyone knows."

Sophie abruptly stopped dancing, her mind trying to process what she had just heard.

"But I thought they were just stressed out and not acting quite the same..."

Tam rolled his eyes as he tried to regain his balance after crashing into her as she stopped. He took her hand again, making her dance before all eyes turned on them.

"Sophie, they both like you. Even a blind man could see that."

Sophie shoved his chest lightly.

"Shut up."

Tam smiled lightly.

"So who are you going to choose?"

Sophie nearly reached up to pull her hair out, but she didn't want to face Biana's wrath if she messed her hair up.

"Do I have to choose?"

Tam blinked as if she was stupid.


Sophie frowned at the floor, and Tam did so as well as he noticed this.

"What's wrong?"

She bit her lip.

"I - I'm just afraid that if I choose, something between us will break forever, not just between me and the person that I broke it off with."

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