Requested Part 1

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So @Mnm4ever8 requested for me to continue the first one-shot to make Sophie find out about both of the boys' feelings for her. Here it is!

I was originally going to make the whole thing at once, but I didn't want to keep you waiting.

Sophie walked back from her training, breathless and staggering towards the dinner table.

She let out a final, tired sigh as she plopped down in her seat, and ran a hand down her face.

A small chuckle came from beside her.

"Are you alright?"

Sophie smiled at Fitz.

"Of course. I'm just a little tired."

Fitz laughed.

"So am I. But at least we'll be prepared when we have to face the Neverseen."

Sophie nodded.

"I suppose."

"Hey Foster."

She looked up in surprise and felt her cheeks flush a little when she noticed Keefe sitting down on the other side of her.

"Hey Keefe.

He frowned, and Sophie immediately cursed herself for letting her emotions get to him.

"Foster, you okay?"

Sophie smiled at him.

"Yeah. Tired because of the sword practice though."

Meanwhile, Fitz sighed as he noticed that he had lost Sophie's attention, and picked at his food instead.

All the adults looked at Fitz in confusion, until they  saw Sophie and Keefe talking animatedly, Keefe cracking corny jokes and Sophie shaking her head at him.

While the adults racked their heads, trying to think of something to say or do to get the attention of all three teenagers, Dex, Biana, Tam, and Linh came in.

Dex and Biana looked at the situation and immediately knew what was wrong, Tam sighed and shook his head at all their stupidity, and Linh looked longingly at Fitz.

When they all sat down, Mr.Forkle stood up and clapped his hands, making everyone look at him.

"We have a surprise for you kids. Tomorrow, we planned a social, where you will get to meet all the members of the Black Swan, at least, the human ones. It's not going to be a formal meeting, and because someone insisted, there's going to be music."

Mr.Forkle glared at Biana, and when everyone turned to look at her, she gave a sweet smile.


"I'm not wearing a bloody dress, Biana!"

Biana pouted at Sophie.

"Oh come on. At least a fancy tunic?"

Sophie glared at her, but seeing as a tunic was better than wearing a dress, and that there was no way out of this, she reluctantly accepted.

Biana squealed and clapped her hands, and started to look through her monster sized closet. She finally pulled something out.

"I'm going to go with something different this time, Sophie."

When she showed it to her, Sophie was impressed but tried not to show it.

The tunic was black, and its sleeves went down  past her elbows but not all the way down to her wrist, and the skirt of the tunic would reach her mid-thigh. It wasn't a v-neck, and around it, gold of all shapes and sizes encircled it.

Sophie smiled lightly, and Biana pulled out a pair of black leggings and gold flats to go with the tunic.

As she changed, Biana, who was already wearing her clothes, sat down to put a little makeup on her face.

Sophie smiled at her best friend, who was currently finishing up the last touched on her own face.

Biana then came to Sophie with a black obsidian hair pin, shaped like a swan.

"Here, Sophie. I had them custom made." Biana winked.

Sophie's smile turned into a grin.

"Thank you Biana. Now come on, we'll be late."

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