Chapter 6 - "Don't go... yet."

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"Don't go."

"I'm not going anywhere!"

"Yes you are," Keefe said, pulling on her arm while Sophie hung on to the door handle with her free hand.

Keefe made a final pull to yank her back, and she finally lost her grip. They both tumbled down, landing hard on her bed.

She laughed along with him.

Keefe grinned, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Don't go," he whispered.

Sophie laughed.

"I have to go sometime, Keefe."

He pouted at her, and Sophie chuckled.

The dance could wait.

"Fine," she sighed with a smile.

Keefe grinned, and they hid in Sophie's bedroom through the whole dance, joking and teasing each other, not knowing that just two months later they would be saying the exact same things.

-Two months later -

Sophie raced through the battlefield. She had never exactly been graceful, but right now she was running like lightning.

She arrived at her destination just as a throwing star pierced the body of a cloaked figure near her.

The thrower came to her, panting.

"Foster, what are you doing? Get out of here! You have to, ARGH!"

Keefe bit his lip hard, so hard it started to bleed as he gripped his stomach.

Red seeped through his fingers, and Sophie barely had time to help him gain balance before he stumbled.

She looked around, for Elwin, Biana, Dex, Fitz, someone to help Keefe.

She found no one, but she noticed a small, dark cave that was a bit ways off the battleground.

She grit her teeth and dodged a melder shot as she blinked, letting the light pass through her and back out, basically acting as a temporary Vanisher.

Thankfully, everyone was focused on finding a blonde girl so much that they hadn't realized that the girl was right in front of them, wearing a disguise.

Sophie gasped as the appearance-changing potions started to wear off.

She glanced to her right, and saw Keefe almost unconscious.

She held back tears as she finally reached the cave, and set him gently on the ground. The potions were now all worn off.

She opened her pack and pulled out a little jar, about the size of her palm.

Keefe coughed blood, trying to shove the jar back into her sack.

Sophie met his eyes.

He had a sad look in his eyes.

"Don't, Sophie," he croaked.

Her eyes widened.

"Are you crazy?"

He shook his head.

"It's so rare. Don't waste it on me, help the other injured people."

"They have more. They have much more, Keefe. I have to."

He coughed again, and was about to protest, but Sophie was already spreading a thin layer on her fingers.

He gasped and gripped his stomach.

"Lift your shirt," Sophie told him.

He smirked painfully.

"This is not the time, dearie."

Sophie wanted to smack him, but she couldn't in the fear that it would hurt him more.

She exhaled through her teeth.


He sighed and removed his hands to lift his torn, shredded shirt, revealing the wound.

Sophie's hands immediately went up to cover her mouth in shock.

The wound was bloody alright, deepest where the throwing star had went straight through his middle.

"Oh my bloody Godrics."

Keefe winced.

"Tell me what Godrics is later, will you?"

"If there is a later," he muttered.

Sophie did smack his arm this time.

"Don't say that!"

Keefe cringed.

"I'm kinda dying over here, Foster."

She bit her lip as she applied the incredibly rare balm onto his stomach.

The wound let out a hiss, and so did Keefe.

The wound slowly disappeared, and the Empath slumped back against the wall of the cave, breathing heavily.

"Gods, I never want to go through that again."

He rose up, wobbling a little.

Sophie grasped his arm.

"Don't go."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Yes you are! Don't you dare go back out there!"

She pulled him back down and buried her face in his neck.

"Please don't go. Don't go... Yet."

"I have to go out sometime. You do too."

She didn't move.

"I know, but right now I can't bear to turn into a murderer again."

Keefe wrapped his arms around her waist and ran his slim fingers through her hair.

"It's okay, Sophie. I'm here. I'll always be here. Forever."

He brought her face up gently and kissed her, wishing this mess had never started.

She closed her eyes, wishing they weren't caught up in this.

But they both knew that no matter what happened, neither of them would leave. At least, not without the other.

They wouldn't go.

Not until it was time for them to.

"I'm not going anywhere. Not without you," Keefe murmured.

Both of them knew that he wasn't talking about going outside.

So hi! Please tell me in the comments below what you think they really meant when they begged for the other to not leave them.

What do you think the word leave was code for?

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