Chapter 1

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An alarm blared in Adrien's ears. He sat up and stretched his muscles, peering outside. Here's to another day.

He lazily walked over to his closet and pulled out his signature outfit, yawning as he did so. Plagg flew out from underneath the blanket and joined him.

"Geez, you seem tired," the tiny creature observed.

Adrien rubbed his eyes, yawning again. "Yeah, I barely got any sleep last night."

Plagg flew over and sat on Adrien's shoulder. "Why?" he asked.

"I don't know," Adrien sighed, slipping on jeans over his boxers. "I've just been thinking."

Plagg shrugged, slightly confused. He was too lazy to press the matter. "Oh well." He flew over to the table sitting in the middle of the room and grabbed his precious container of Camembert.

Adrien finished putting on his clothes and grabbed his things. Today was Monday so he had Chinese lessons after school. Fun. He opened the door.

Plagg jumped up in surprise, hauling along his Camembert. "Wait for me," he groaned, flying over to Adrien. He slipped into his shirt pocket.

Adrien closed the door behind him.


Marinette excitedly flipped through a fashion magazine. She gawked at the designs.

"I want to be as talented as Gabriel Agreste one day," she said. Alya peeked over her friends' shoulder.

"Uh, girl? Class is about to start. You better put that away before Ms. Mendeleiev goes crazy teacher on you," Alya warned.

Marinette nodded. "Right."

Adrien walked in through the door. He smiled at his friends and sat in his seat. He was wearing the blue scarf Marinette made him for his birthday.

"I'm glad he likes the scarf," Marinette whispered to Alya.

"Yeah," Alya smiled. "You did the right thing telling him it was from Mr. Agreste."

"Listen up, students!" Ms. Mendeleiev barked. "Today, you're going to be partnered up for an in class project."

Marinette and Alya looked at each other and smiled.

"I will be picking your partners," Ms. Mendeleiev said.

Marinette's face fell. The teacher picking partners was the worst thing ever! She frowned, positive that there was no chance Ms. Mendeleiev would be nice enough to pair her and Alya together.

"Adrien and Kim, you will be partners," she announced. "Nino and Juleka, you'll be partners. Mylene and Rose, you'll be partners."

Marinette crossed her fingers and squeezed her eyes shut. Please partner me with Alya, she thought.

"Marinette and..." Ms. Mendeleiev said, narrowing her eyes at the classmates. "Ah! Marinette and Chloe. You'll be partners."

Marinette buried her head in her arms and groaned. Just her luck! Ms. Mendeleiev really did hate her.

"Alya and Nathanael you'll be partners, Max and Ivan will be partners, and Alix and Sabrina will be partners. Now go work!"

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