Chapter 7

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Birds flew from the trees as the world shook violently. Marinette gasped, her eyes widening. The balcony trembled beneath her and she could hear it crack. It was going to crumble any minute now.

Terrified screams filled Paris as people ran for cover. Marinette's heart sunk as she felt the balcony give way. It slanted slightly, and Marinette's body jerked backwards.

"Marinette!" Tikki exclaimed desperately. "Transform! Quick!"

"Tikki, spots--AH!" Marinette screamed as the balcony gave way. She quickly reached out a hand and grabbed the railing which was still attached to the building. She hung in the air, teetering back and forth. Her hand ached with pain as she desperately clung onto the railing for dear life. Chunks of debris smashed against the concrete below.

"Say the words!" Tikki screamed, floating beside Marinette.

Another crack was heard as the railing was beginning to detach from the building. Marinette's eyes widened as she was left with no other choice. The railing snapped off and she tumbled to the ground below.

"Tikki, spots on!" Marinette yelled at the top of her lungs. But it was too late.

A cloud of dust exploded into the air. Plagg watched in horror as he witnessed Marinette fall to her demise. He quickly flew down to the debris, unable to detect her or Tikki anywhere.

"Marinette!" Plagg yelled. His eyes watered with tears. "Tikki?"

When there was no answer, Plagg's loud sobs filled the air. The destructive tremors caused by Simulacrum finally stopped. "Come back," Plagg whispered hopelessly.

"I knew you cared about me."

Plagg's ears perked up as he quickly turned around. That voice. It was Marinette's voice!

Ladybug emerged from a cloud of dust. She smirked at Plagg. He scoffed and crossed his arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Plagg replied casually.

"Oh, save the act. You really do care about me Plagg," Ladybug laughed.

His shoulders dropped as he cracked a smile. "Eh, whatever. Don't get used to it."

"I need to check on my parents," Ladybug told him. "They were inside and could've gotten hurt."

Plagg nodded, gazing at the destruction around him. "Okay. I'll... hide." He quickly disappeared into Marinette's bedroom.

Ladybug worked her way around the rubble until she was standing at the front door. She took her finger and wiped away the dust and grime that now lay atop the clear glass. Inside, she could see it was pitch black. Ladybug wouldn't be surprised if there was a city-wide black out.

She opened up the door and stepped inside. The dim light from outside would only help her for so long. She looked around for her mom and dad, but couldn't find them.

"Anyone here?" Ladybug called out.

Further into the house, it would be too dark for Ladybug to navigate through. She needed light.

Luckily for her, she knew where her parents kept lanterns for black outs like these. She walked over to a cabinet and searched through it until she found a lantern.

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