Chapter 10

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"And that's why everything has went haywire according to Paris's beloved superhero, Ladybug," the news woman said.

Marinette fell back on her couch, watching the broadcast. She smiled. Everything was back to normal. No more Simulacrum. The secret was out to Adrien and her parents. It felt good.

"So Ladybug," her father said, sitting beside her. "What's next on your superhero agenda?"

Marinette laughed. Her father was very interested in his daughters' superhero pastime. Meanwhile, her mother preferred not to talk about it. I guess it was hard knowing your little girl was out there risking her life.

Of course, she knew her father was worried about his daughter's safety as well, but he was still very curious about it all and tried to have a positive outlook on it.

"Who knows? There are lots of people to save," Marinette replied. She then checked her phone, remembering that Adrien was supposed to stop over to be formally introduced to her parents. "Adrien is gonna be over soon."

"That's nice," Sabine chimed from the kitchen. She poured herself a cup of tea and then sat on a chair opposite from Marinette. "Are you two... you know... dating yet?"

Marinette's eyes widened and she began to cough violently. "D-Date? Adrien?"

"Yes," Sabine nodded. "You two are meant for each other! I see the way you look at him."

"I-I don't know..." Marinette replied, nervously twirling a piece of hair around her finger. She'd never gotten to the point where she debated  asking him out. "Should we?"

"Yes!" Tom and Sabine exclaimed at the same time.

"Okay!" Marinette said, feeling proud. "I'll ask next time I see him!"

"That's my girl!" Tom yelled happily, kissing Marinette on the head. "Adrien is a nice boy. Plus, he likes our cooking!"

Sabine nodded enthusiastically as the doorbell went off.

"I'll go get the door," Marinette offered, jumping up from her seat. She headed over to the door and opened it up. She expected to see Adrien there, but instead, it was a horrible surprise.

The scaly skin, the evil look in his eyes... Viper was back. He grinned evilly.

"Hello," he hissed. His hand tightly wrapped around Marinette's wrist. "Care to have a word?"

"Marinette?" Sabine asked from the living. She stood up, trying to look over her shoulder. "Everything alright?"

"U-Uh, yes," Marinette stuttered. The last thing she wanted was to get her parents involved. "Adrien and I are gonna talk outside."

"Okay... but he's welcome in!" Tom announced.

"No, he prefers outside," Marinette laughed as she was dragged out into the hall.

Viper slammed the door shut and glared at Marinette, his hand still having a firm hold of her wrist.

"You can let go now," Marinette sighed.

Viper released her wrist before crossing his arms.

Marinette rubbed her sore wrist, glancing at Viper. She sighed. "So nice of you to knock."

"Shut up," Viper hissed. "I didn't want to cause a big scene."

"That sounds funny coming from a guy who attacked me while I was in school," Marinette replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Enough!" Viper exclaimed. "You know what I want, girl. Give me the Miraculous."

"What, you think I'm just gonna give it to you?" Marinette asked, crossing her arms. "Need I remind you, I have a special friend who is going to hurt you in about two seconds."

Viper smirked and leaned in closer. Marinette wanted to gag, he smelled like rotten eggs. "And who would that-" Viper began, but his voice dropped when he put the pieces together. His eyes widened and before he could react, a silver pole smacked him into the wall. He fell to the ground, unconscious.

Marinette looked over at Chat who stood at the end of the hall. He rushed over to her. "You okay?" he asked, his eyes full of concern.

"I'm fine," Marinette replied. Her eyes traveled to Viper. "But he doesn't look so good."


"I just feel so lost," the man mumbled as Ladybug guided him out of the building.

"It's okay, just go home," she nodded. The man started walking away.

"Who would've thought that Viper would be the mailman?" Chat Noir observed, his hands on his hips.

"Not me," Ladybug laughed.

"Well, either way, that guy was hisss-terical for an akuma," Chat smirked.

"Yeah, what akuma knocks on their victim's door?" Ladybug asked.

"My point exactly," Chat grinned.

Ladybug glanced up at Chat and she gulped. Now was the best time as any to ask him out.

"Uh... Adrien?" Ladybug asked nervously.

He looked over. "Yeah?"

"I know these past few days have been hectic... but I've realized that no matter who you are, I will always love you," Ladybug admitted, her cheeks flushing. "Adrien, Chat Noir... I will always love whoever it is. So, what I'm trying to say is... will you go out with me?"

Chat smiled, grabbing her hands. "I've always dreamed of the moment you'd say that." He cupped his hands around her face. "Yes."

Ladybug laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck. Chat was taking this confession rather well. "You know, it's okay if you freak out. I expect that from you," Ladybug said.

Chat then laughed like a fool, his cheeks beet red. "Phew, good! I am ACTUALLY freaking out right now!" He picked Ladybug up and spun her around. "I am SO SO SO freaking happy we're dating!"

Ladybug laughed uncontrollably. "Me too!"

Chat stopped spinning her around and set her back down. He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close. "Can we kiss?"

"Yes," Ladybug smiled, leaning in closer. Their lips touched and it sent shivers down her spine. The kiss was like electricity; it was full of spark.

Ladybug backed away, realizing they were still in public. "Uh, how about we take this somewhere else?"

Chat laughed. "Good idea."



thank you all so much for supporting this story! it's been amazing to write it and see all of the positive feedback! more stories will come :) thank you! mwah!


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