Chapter 3

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"I don't know, Tikki," Marinette frowned. "I feel like I need to say something to Adrien."

Marinette was walking from school to her parents' bakery, thinking carefully.

Tikki shrugged, floating alongside her. "Well, if you want too. But I'm sure Adrien understands."

Marinette nodded. "I think I'll tell him the truth about the scarf. Just so he knows I didn't mean to lie to him about it."

She reached out to twist open the door handle to her house when a tiny, black figure was floating in the corner of her eye. She quickly spun around, only to find it gone.

"Did you see that?" Marinette asked Tikki.

"Yes," Tikki replied cautiously. She flew around, narrowing her eyes. "Something isn't right. I can feel it."

"What is it?" Marinette asked curiously.

Tikki didn't answer and, instead, flew behind a nearby trash can. Marinette jumped in shock, frustrated that her kwami wouldn't tell her what's up.

"Tikki!" Marinette shrieked. She ran to the trash can and looked around it. She saw Tikki sitting on the ground in front of a-- tiny black cat?!

Marinette widened her eyes and inched in closer. "What is that? Another kwami? Chat Noir's?"

"Shh!" Tikki said to Marinette. "He's trying to tell me something."

Marinette huffed and waited around to hear what the kwami was going to say.

Plagg looked frightened as he held the silver ring in his paws. Wait a minute. Marinette narrowed her eyes at the ring. That was Adrien's! She shrieked and jumped away. Was it possible that... Adrien was Chat Noir?!

"What?" Tikki gasped at Plagg in shock.

Marinette hadn't been listening to the conversation because she was mentally freaking out. She tried to regain focus. "What? What happened?"

"Adrien, he... he's been akumatized," Tikki mumbled.

Marinette felt the air leave her lungs. Her eyes widened and her heart stopped. Adrien, her classmate, her love... The innocent boy and the superhero Marinette fought crime with... He was akumatized?

She couldn't make out any words. Her brain was on stun.

"Yes, Hawkmoth took control over him," Plagg said sadly. "He gave me his ring before he fully succumbed to the akuma."

"I never imagined this to happen, not to a miraculous holder," Tikki said gravely.

"We need to tell Master Fu!" Marinette exclaimed.

"No, he won't be able to help," Plagg sighed. He looked directly at Marinette. "Adrien said to get you to help, Ladybug."

Marinette furrowed her brows. Plagg was right. She was the only one who could help. Then again, she was unsure she could do anything as Ladybug without her beloved partner. He was a villain now. A threat.

"Okay," Marinette replied. "But how dangerous is he?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen his powers yet," Plagg responded. "You're the only one that can stop him, Ladybug."

Marinette inhaled deeply. She'd have to do this. Although she was still terribly shocked that Adrien was Chat Noir, she would have to move past that realization. It would only slow her down in the end.

"Where can we find him?" Marinette asked. "Maybe I can snap him out of it?"

Plagg sighed. "Wherever there's destruction."


Ladybug looked around the corner of a building and saw Simulacrum pacing back and forth. His hand was glowing purple.

"Is that one of his attacks?" Ladybug whispered to Plagg, who was floating beside her.

"Looks like it," Plagg said, and then gasped. "What if that is another version of Cataclysm?"

"Then we need to stop him now," Ladybug replied.

Simulacrum stopped and looked at a nearby building. "Where are you, Ladybug?" he yelled out, eyeing the structure. "I won't be ignored forever!"

With a quick leap, he sprinted towards the building, preparing his glowing hand. People screamed in terror on the streets below, racing for cover. He was about to touch the building when a yoyo string wrapped tightly around his wrist, holding him back.

Simulacrum looked around sharply at Ladybug.

"Stop!" Ladybug exclaimed. "You're going to hurt a lot of people!"

"What about me?" Simulacrum barked. He forcefully yanked his arm out of the string.

"You don't need to do this, Adrien!"

Simulacrum's porcelain mask cracked slightly, a sign that he was fighting against the akuma. He quickly recovered.

"I'm not that weak loser anymore," Simulacrum replied calmly. "You don't know what it's like, Ladybug. To feel neglected all your life. You don't know!"

"I don't have to. I know you're suffering, but I can help you get through it," Ladybug said.

Simulacrum smirked as a long sword manifested in his hand. He glanced at Ladybug's earrings. "You sure can."

He started charging towards Ladybug with the sharp sword, aiming it at her chest. She quickly dodged and landed behind him.

"I don't want to fight you," Ladybug said. "You need to stop! Please!"

"Too late for that," Simulacrum responded with a snarl. He moved so fast that it caught Ladybug off guard. He shoved her to the ground and prepared to impale her with his sword when his eyes widened. His mask cracked and he straightened his back. He growled in annoyance.

"Can't do it, can you?" Ladybug asked quietly, her voice strained. She knew Adrien loved her, and that a tiny part of him must still be present. Maybe that's why he couldn't kill her. Yet. She leaned herself up on one elbow and looked at Simulacrum. He huffed indignantly.

"I'll come back when I'm stronger. I need to master my powers," Simulacrum said. "I don't need you as a distraction." His sword disappeared from his hands and he began running away. He then stopped and looked over his shoulder. "And don't follow me."

Ladybug pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. Why was she having such a hard time? She'd fought evil Adrien before, but he was Chat then. I guess what makes it different now is that there isn't the safety of his black mask anymore.

Plagg flew over to Ladybug, holding a piece of cheese. He sighed sadly. "I should've comforted him."

"Now is not the time to blame yourself, Plagg," Ladybug said. "I think we are all a little responsible, but that doesn't matter anymore. We need to find Simulacrum and cleanse his akuma."

"Agreed," Plagg nodded. He yawned. "You think we could sleep a little, though?"

"Yeah. I still have school in the morning," Ladybug replied. She brought out her yoyo and flung it in the air, swinging away and back to her house.

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