Chapter 4

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Marinette stirred under her warm covers, sighing heavily. She sat up and groaned. Last night was horrible. She'd barely gotten any sleep; she was too busy worrying about Simulacrum.

Plagg yawned beside her, snuggling a piece of cheese. Tikki woke up, feeling sleepy. She annoyingly glanced at Plagg.

"Wake up," Tikki said into his ear.

Plagg smiled, holding the cheese closer. "Just two more minutes, Cheese King," he mumbled drowsily. "I'll return your cheese eventually."

Tikki huffed, crossing her arms. "Your master is akumatized and you can't even bother to wake up?"

Plagg opened one eye and groaned. He sat up. "Listen here, Tikki! If we're gonna be roomies then you're gonna have to respect the fact that I like to sleep!"

Marinette quickly intervened. "Come on, you two! We don't need to be arguing right now. Let's all be nice to each other."

"Maybe I wouldn't be so cranky if Plagg hadn't kept me up all night with that nasty Camembert," Tikki whispered.

Plagg gasped. "And what's so bad about that?"

"Let's see. It's stinky, you always complain about wanting it, and-"

"ENOUGH!" Marinette exclaimed. "If we want to save Adrien, you two HAVE to get along. No more fighting."

Tikki sighed, feeling ashamed. "Sorry Marinette..."

"I guess I'm kinda sorry too," Plagg mumbled.

"Good," Marinette smiled. "Now I have to get to school. Do you think you two can handle being in the same space as each other?"

"Well, if we can stay in a room together, what can't we do?" Tikki replied enthusiastically.


"This is not what I had in mind," Tikki mumbled, looking around the fabric surrounding her. Plagg sat beside her, huffing and crossing his arms.

"Gross, I smell cookies," Plagg complained. "Where's the Camembert when you need it?"

"You ate it all. Remember?" Tikki responded.

"Oh yeah," Plagg replied softly. "So now what do we do?"

"What we normally do while our masters are at school," Tikki replied.

"Sit and do nothing? No thanks."

"How about we try to get to know more about each other?" Tikki suggested.

"What's there to know? We've known each other for centuries," Plagg sighed.

"And yet we can never get along," Tikki replied sullenly. "Well, we haven't talked in a while. We're rarely in the same place at once. How about we tell each other what we like about our current Miraculous holders?"

Plagg shrugged. "Eh, sure. Why not? Although, I'd much rather prefer eating Camembert, but I guess a conversation will do."


Marinette rushed into her classroom, a few minutes late. A fiasco with two magical creatures really put a damper on her schedule. Not like she isn't ever late, though. This behavior is normal for a crime fighting superhero.

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