My Crush

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Ruby- long wavy blonde hair that stops at her bum. Big green eyes. stands around 5'2.

Bree- long brown hair that reaches he back. big blue eyes. same height as Ruby.

Nicole- long black hair that reaches back. big hazel eyes. same height as Ruby and Bree.

Max- according to ruby the hottest hottie of all hotties.but not hotter than chase.

Chase and Hunter- Max's pals who rubys friends adore.

New guy- name comes later.hahaha

special guest - later

Rubys pov

I walked in the school and all heads turned to me. I smiled and went threw the hall. boys throwing them selves at me. Girls giving me glares. I walked up to my locker and see my besties. " hey ruby " bree says excitedly. then Nicole says " hey ruby ". I smile and greet them with hugs. we are very popular so are the three musketeers. Max,Chase, and,Hunter. Max is the hottest hottie of all hotties but chase is way hotter. they call us over. I hold up a finger signaling them to wait. I turn to my friends they smirk. the night before they dared me at kiss chase. surprisingly Nicole agreed right away I thought she liked him. " do I have to " l whine even though I don't have a problem with it. they nod before walking up to the boys. I sigh and just stand there. Bree clears her throat I send her a death gate. she smirks I am seriously going to get her back. I walk over to chase and give him a 12 second kiss on the lips of course he kisses back. i felt so much sparks what the what. bree and Nicole burst out laughing. the guys look shocked. but that wasn't all I had to do. bree says " and ". I cover my ears for the next part. I look at her she sighs then she yells " AND LIKE MAX YOUR SO HOT BUT SHE SAUD YOUR WAY HOTTER " I walk away embarrassed. then I bump into someone. " oh um I'm sorry " they say. I look up to see the most beautiful eyes ever. " its okay " I reply. I look at him and I starts to feel strange he asks " so what's your name ". I smile and tell him my name. " well my name is Evan ". that's a name fitted for someone like him

he smirks. he smirked oh shit did I say that out loud. I blush redder than a tomato. he smiles. he grabs my hand and we walk back to my locker I ask him what his locker number was and he ended up having the one next to mine I was over excited.

lunch time

I guided Evan to where our group sits. they all stared at me like I grew two heads but chase looked jealous. me and Evan sit down. everyone introduces themselves. under the table Evan puts his hand on my leg I smile. he grabs his phone types something then puts it down. my phone beeps I pick it up and read my text

Evan - can I talk to you

me- sure

" hey guys um we will be right back " I say. they nod. we walk into the hallway he sighs then says " ruby I thought I liked you but I dont ". I was about to turn and walk away but he stopped me. " I dont like you I love you " he said. I smiled and said " I like you too". he leaned and and crashes our lips together. but i dont feel anything

I kiss back we pull away and walk into the cafeteria hand in hand everyone stared at us we sit down. 5 minutes later the bell rings. I stand up say goodbye to everyone but chase walks over to me. " Ruby can I ask you something " he asks . I smile at him then reply " sure ". he looks at me then looks down . " did you feel anything when we kissed " he asked. I look down I can tell I was blushing. " yeah I never felt my sparks rise that high before " I reply truthfully. he smiles at me I smile back. " RUBY " someone yells. I turn around to.see who it was it was nicole. I turn to chase and say " text me ". he nods I walk over to nicole. she grabs my wrist and pulls me to the janitors closet then she pushes me in . wtf. I turn around to see Evan. " hey ruby " he says stepping closer. I wave at him. he comes up to me and pushes me against the wall. " get off of me Evan " I say. he smirks the replys " what if I don't want to ". he starts kissing me and touching my body. he rips of my clothes so now I'm naked. he stares at my body. " GET AWAY FROM ME " I yell at him but he steps closer. he takes his clothes off. " HELP ME SOMEONE " I yell. I start crying uncontrollably he gets on me and just as he about to insert me someone burst through the door. I look at who it is it was chase , Max, and hunter. Evan gets up and puts on his clothes. I would put on my clothes but there torn all I have is my underwear and bra. I can see Max and hunter punching Evan. chase is looking at me. I take off his shirt and put it on. its like a dress to me. he smiles so do I. we walk out leaving Evan in the closet. I walk out the building to see my two brothers standing there when they see me there eyes buldge out of there heads. " what the fuck happened " Bob my oldest brother yelled. I explain to them what happened. they looked pissed but when everything sinks they calm down. we drive home I see I have a text from chase.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2013 ⏰

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