Author's note: This is mainly just a filler chapter, but I felt it was needed.
We were about twenty at the time: Kath and I, that is. I guess you could say she was already becoming the monstrosity of a woman that she is now: spending all my money on clothes and jewellery that really wasn't needed; getting un-needed surgery; going out every single night, without me, may I add; getting drunk; the list goes on.
She would wind up at around 3am- that is, if she even came home- slurring, screaming, shouting and occasionally lashing out.
That's if I was lucky.
She didn't come home most of the time.It was one of those lucky nights, one of those where she came home in the early hours of the morning. She came in screaming, yelling, the strong smell of alcohol on her. She was drunk. As usual.
She lashed out at me, giving me a bloody nose and a gaping cut right across my face.
You're probably thinking 'what a pussy!' or something along those lines. But I'll tell you now- if it had been me instead of her, you would be thinking different.I tried to calm her down, placed my hands on her bare shoulders, but then the anger took over me. For the first time in the four years I had known this mortifying side of her, I finally decided to stand up for myself. Tell her what she's becoming.
"You're a drunk, Kath, you're nothing but a DRUNK!" I yelled at her, shaking her body, scared for both myself and her.
"NO I'M NOT!" She screamed, slurring her words, swearing. It was difficult to understand her.I pushed her down onto the nearest chair and got her some water.
She began shouting, swearing, slurring, more than ever. She was always doing this- except I had never seen her this bad before. It was horrific, if I'm honest...Hours passed- at least it felt like hours, though it was only minutes. Kath was calming a little- a little.
She was still shaking, her eyes bloodshot and her mouth foaming slightly. Surely she had had at least six or seven pints, probably more.
"I'M NOT A DRUNKKKK!" She screamed at me, breaking the silence. Thrasing her arms around, hitting me in the face.That was it.
I grabbed her wrists and forced her down, pinning her to the sofa.
She began giggling like a schoolgirl, her usual drunken antic.
"Stop it, you idiot!" I yelled. Looking straight into her eyes. I was shaking, my heart thumping more than it ever had.She snorted, slurring again but I managed to make out what she said.
Let's just say- eight months later a miracle happened...
I sat next to my sleeping Wife, who was lying in the Hospital bed.
I tried my best not to be angry with her for almost making this day never happen. When I say that, I mean she almost got rid of our child, voluntarily.
"You can't end a life just because you ruined yours!" I had told her, forcing her to keep our baby. Let it live.The midwives came, a little pink bundle of blankets in their arms.
I looked at them, tears in my eyes- happy tears; my mouth dry, taking my ability to speak.
"Here she is." One of the midwives began. "Your beautiful baby girl!"
She handed the bundle to me.
She was right. She was beautiful."You're very lucky to have her." One of them says, a look of slight panick in her eyes. "She was about a month early, and..." She trailed off.
"And what?" I snap immediately, desperate to know what she was going to say.
The midwives exchanged looks. Then nodded.
"It seems that your Wife had been drinking and smoking during the pregnancy. Heavily..." One of them sighed.
"You're extremely lucky to have her." They repeated.I looked at them- then at my sleeping, cruel Wife.
How? Why? Why would she do that?
I burst into tears; holding my Daughter in my trembling arms.
So tiny, so delicate, so precious..."You're so beautiful..." I managed to whisper through my cries.
The midwives smiled at me.
"Mr. Matthews, would you and your Wife happen have a name for your Daughter?" They asked.
I looked up, blank.A name?
Of course! A name!
We hadn't thought of any names! Not that Kath could care whether our baby even had a name- she didn't want her anyway. Let alone care.
My mouth was still dry. I wracked my brain...I wanted something unique, something original, something not many people were called.
Lottie, no.
Harper, maybe. Wait, no.
India, heck no.
Charlie, no that was too popular, but I liked the unisex idea.
Crystal, that was popular too and it was too girly.
I had nothing.I looked down at the little miracle in my arms...
Then it hit me."Terri." I say brightly.
The midwives smiled again.
"Terri? Are you sure?" They asked.
I nodded, looked back down at my baby.
"Terri Hope Matthews."

Daddy's Girl
Roman pour AdolescentsSo. Imagine this: You live in a huge house with a drug addicted, alcoholic, botox filled Witch for a Mother; you have one friend- Mia Baker- a crazy girly-girl type with a huge family but hardly any money to keep them all properly fed, who would ris...