I stood at the now open door to Mr. Robins' office. Tears ran down my face, staining. I didn't mean to break, nor did I want to, but something just made me crack.
Maybe it was the humiliation.
Maybe it was the fact that I was accused.
Maybe it was the taunts.
Whatever it was, it hurt. It hurt more than anything.Mr. Robins, who was sat at his desk; his feet up and spinning slightly on the chair; sprung up.
"Terri, what on Earth..."
"Mr. Robins... Please..." I begged through my sobs.He stood up, walked around his desk towards the door. He pushed it shut.
"Sit down..." He told me, gesturing towards a large armchair against the wall. I sat, well, more like flopped down emotionless.
Mr. Robins is a kind man, to be honest he's about the only teacher in the whole school- other than my Tutor, Miss Parker- that I can actually tolerate, and can tolerate me.
He's tall but chubby; a brown goatee beard and slick back hair. He usually wears a grey or black pinstripe suit with any random colour tie and a white shirt.He sat beside me.
"What's happened this time?" Mr. Robins asked me.
I wiped my eyes, but it didn't help. The tears weren't going to stop.
"I... I don't know..." I told him, confused about everything due to my tired state.
He sighed and shook his head."I... I think I might have fallen asleep in Maths..." I babbled.
Mr. Robins sighed again.Then I told him everything that had happened this morning in Maths.
The accusation of me being a thief, everything."Terri..." He started. I knew he was about to baffle some inspirational speech, as he stood up and folded his arms behind his back.
Instead, he began pacing up and down the room.
I watched as he moved; slowly, but as if he were a wise old man."Sir..."
"No. Don't speak." He said softly.
I obeyed him, closed my mouth. Then he sat back down beside me."I know you have a hard time with your Mother and everything." Mr. Robins softly said to me.
I nodded a little.
"But it's not just her, is it?"
I looked up at him, my face pale and my mouth dropped."W-What?" I asked, confused.
He paused for a moment.
"I know you have people saying things to you." He told me.Then the thoughts all came flooding into my head. Like storms; huge, dangerous storms thrasing, trying to kill.
"Daddy's Girl!"
"Mad Matthews!"
"TerBear, what a scare! Daddy died and no one cares! You're just a freak without a Daddy, ain't your life just so crappy!"
"I'll make your life a living Hell until Daddy saves you!"I broke.
Mr. Robins went white, as if he had seen a ghost.
"I'm so sorry for bringing that up..." He pleaded with me.
I shook my head.
"No, it's not you." I managed through my cries.Mr. Robins looked at me for a moment; his hand on my shoulder.
"You had a smash with Brianna Smith? Right?" He asked me, unsure if he was right to say it.
I laughed a little, still crying.
"You mean, Her Majesty- Lady Brianna-Scarlet Valentina-Smith, The First?"
He laughed with me. Shook his head.We were quiet for a second.
"Suppose I'm gonna get excluded for that." I sighed.
"No. Certainly not." He started.
"Not if there was good reason, and you didn't actually hit her."
I laughed.
"I wish I had."Mr. Robins smiled at me. Sat back.
"She was saying stuff about my Dad, then started critizing Mia." I groaned.
"So I grabbed her and threatened her."
Mr. Robins choked on his tea.
"Good on you." He smirked, wiping his mouth.Fair Teacher, especially considering he's Head. If it had been anyone else, for example- Mrs. Freya, the Deputy Head- they would have punished me. Regardless of what Brianna had done.
Then seconds later, the door swung open.
Ms. Addams.
She stood there, her hair a ragged mess and her face red.
Something must have angered her more than I already had.The door slammed shut.
"SHE..." Ms. Addams bellowed, waving her wrinkly bone of a finger at me.
"SHE IS A DISGRACE TO THIS SCHOOL!"Mr. Robins glared at her, his feet once again up on the desk and him sitting back on his chair- spinning a little.
I stared up at her, bit my tounge. Now really wasn't the time to say anything. All I needed to do was sit back and wait...
So I did.
She rambled on.
And on.
And on.Mr. Robins just sat there- still- smirking at Ms. Addams' rant.
Mr. Robins sat up, his hands on the desk."No, Ms. Addams... The only person who should be getting kicked out of this school, is you."
Ms. Addams mouth dropped open, her face fully white. She stuttered, searching herself for a reply.
"You. Ma'am, cannot go around accusing students- regardless of who they are- of doing things they have not, nor would ever have, done." Mr. Robins stated.
"Especially stealing."Her face went whiter.
"You can't... Just... Just throw me out..." Were her only words.
Mr. Robins stared at her for a moment, as if he were thinking. Then at me, sitting on the armchair watching the whole scene in awe."Wendy Addams..." Mr. Robin began.
"You. Are fired."Both mine and Ms. Addams were in total shock, neither of us knew what to say nor do. I felt bad for being the reason a Teacher was fired, regardless of who he or she was.
"You... You can't fire me half way through a lesson!" Ms. Addams stammered.
"After this week, you're gone." Mr. Robins decided, fairly.Ms. Addams nodded sheepishly and backed out of the door, back to her lesson. There was only about ten minutes of first period left, but it still counted.
"Sir... That wasn't because of me... Was it?" I questioned, feeling bad.
Mr. Robins shook his head.
"Don't beat yourself up about it."I nodded, unsure of if I should or not.
"Stay here until end of period." Mr. Robins ordered me, softly and kindly.
"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." I smiled.Well, that's one good thing today. First and probably final...

Daddy's Girl
Teen FictionSo. Imagine this: You live in a huge house with a drug addicted, alcoholic, botox filled Witch for a Mother; you have one friend- Mia Baker- a crazy girly-girl type with a huge family but hardly any money to keep them all properly fed, who would ris...