Author's Note: This is kind of a weird chapter...
Lexi and I entered the block and made our way- very quickly- towards our class room. It was on the second floor at the top of the stairs.
Miss Frank stood outside, her arms folded and lips pursed.
She's German, hence why she's a German teacher, but her English is pretty good too."Hello, Miss." Lexi said somewhat cheerfully. I've noticed she always seems to talk to certain teachers: Miss Frank; Mr. Kris, an English teacher; Mrs. Harrier, a Science teacher; and a few others.
Miss Frank looked Lexi up and down. I stood beside her, unsure of what to do.Do I go inside? Do I wait out here? Do I stand by Lexi? Yeah, I dunno as usual.
I decided to wait with Lexi.
"Guten Tag." Miss Frank bowed slightly. Her German accent was very strong.
Lexi scowled a little and walked inside. I followed.
"I know she's German..." Lexi started.
"But can she not speak English for a second?"I laughed. She wasn't wrong.
Miss Frank speaks good English; but she always seems to speak German. It gets pretty annoying considering she teaches English students.
Lexi went to her seat, a desk in the middle of the room.
She sat next to a cute boy with short, curly brown hair and big hazel green eyes. I think his name is Alec, Alec Timmins. Either way, whatever his name is, he's cute.I went to mine.
I sat three rows behind Lexi, next to a guy called 'Shaggy'. At least, his nickname is Shaggy. I've never heard anyone call him by his real name- Adam Roscoe- except for teachers, and even they call him by his unusual nickname sometimes.
To be honest, he's actually pretty shy. We sit next to each other a lot- considering we have German three times a week- but the only words we've enchanged are: 'Hey.' or in his case, 'Sup.''Shaggy' looks weird from first glance: messy brown hair; a little stubble; hazel brown eyes; usually wearing a college jacket and really baggy jeans with pretty large holes. He actually kind of looks like the Scooby Doo character, hence the nickname. He seems like a cool guy though, he looks like he has a lot of fun with his friends.
I pulled out my chair and sat down. Went to grab my pencil case and books from my bag...
Damn. I left my bag in Maths!
I started to panick a little. I looked around me, someone I could borrow a pen from...
'Shaggy' was leant back in his chair- rocking a little.
"Sup? Like... Brooo... You left your bag?" He said, his voice pretty slow and hipster-like.I looked round at him.
"Yeah, I had to go to Mr. Robins' office in Maths and I didn't take my bag with me." I told him, avoiding too much eye contact.
"Like... Sweet! You like... got kicked out?" He suddenly sprung forward and leant on the desk. I nodded a little: he looked way too impressed and kept giggling.
"That's like... wavy." He said, leaning back again.I always knew 'Shaggy' was a strange guy, but damn. He's a full on Hippy and he literally is Shaggy from the all-time favourite cartoon. Everyone seemed to be talking to me recently, too... First it was Markus and Ash, then Lexi, now 'Shaggy'. Have I suddenly become hypnotisingly interesting? Or is it just some sort of lame school joke everyone has planned? Probably option B.
When Miss Frank finally walked in, the lesson began.
"Guten Tag." She said to us all. Some people replied, while others did not. I was one of the others.
About now, she should start speaking a little English, so we actually have some sort of wild idea of what random thing we're meant to be doing."Today." She began, her accent strong.
"We will be..." She walked over towards the board and changed the slide to the flag of Germany.
"Learning how to..."I zoned out of what she was saying and began daydreaming.
"Yo, broooo..."
I felt someone shaking me. It was 'Shaggy'. I blinked madly, trying to escape myself from my dreams.
"Dude... You missed like... So much." He sniffed a little.
"Are you-" I stopped myself before I sounded too stereotypical- shook my head. Stereotypical hippies...
'Shaggy' leant back in his chair and began rocking again.
"Like... Probably." He laughed.I suddenly started to realise I had zoned out. Again. Two lessons on the run now, absolutely great. I still didn't have any equipment either...
I began to look over to Lexi, hoping she would notice me. She didn't.
I didn't want to ask Miss Frank; she would probably start to question me on things I really didn't want to answer.I had only one last resort. To ask 'Shaggy'.
"Hey, um..." I started, a little quiet.
"Can I borrow a pen?"
'Shaggy' looked at me, confused for a moment.
"A pen?" He asked me; his eyes narrowed and eyebrows raised.
I nodded.Wow, this guy was baked. Seriously.
"Yeah, a pen. As in the plastic thing with an ink cartridge inside and a nice little bronze coloured tip that you use to print lots of fancy letters onto manufactured pulps of wood." I said, extremely sarcastic. Jesus, all I wanted was a pen.
He nodded at me.
He reached down into his bag. He literally looked like he was about to fall off the chair and sleep for eternity on the floor.
A few seconds later; he came back up with a single pen in his hands. I took it from him.
"Thanks..." I mumbled and started to write.I never usually speak to 'Shaggy', infact, I never really have. He never speaks, to be honest. Just giggles a lot.
But today seemed like it was gonna go different...This was gonna be an eventful lesson...

Daddy's Girl
Roman pour AdolescentsSo. Imagine this: You live in a huge house with a drug addicted, alcoholic, botox filled Witch for a Mother; you have one friend- Mia Baker- a crazy girly-girl type with a huge family but hardly any money to keep them all properly fed, who would ris...