I looked towards where Mia was pointing. I froze.
Brianna-Scarlett Valentina-Smith. Mouthfull of a name, I know. She's a fancy rich kid, one of the "popular" ones- the popular kid of popular kids. I hate her so much, just as much as she hates me. Then again, everyone hates me.
She constantly taunts me,
"How's your Daddy?"
"When's Daddy coming home?"
"Aw look, Daddy's little baby!"
She knows my Dad is dead, everyone knows it. But she still continues to taunt me, make my blood boil to the point where I break down into a great blubbering mess after she leaves.I cringed at the sight of her.
She's absolutely stunning.
Her hair is pale yellow, straight but poofy; her skin is almond, completely smooth, radiant and clear; her eyes are icy gray- cold and haunting, yet beautiful and hypnotising; her eyebrows are drawn on, but they look about as real as possible for a thick pencil scribble; her eyelids are usually painted espresso- a dark brown shade, which blends perfectly with her skin; her lips, they always change colour depending on her outfit and colour code- but it's probably always some sort of MAC Matte lipstick or some other fancy shmancy brand; her skin is always contoured, but it's beautiful. She's actually flawless, within her looks anyway. Her bratty, rich-kid personality throws that all away within an instant."Terri..." Mia whimpers, grabbing my arm. I stand still, try not to make a scene.
"Mia, calm down..." I mumble.We never usually take much notice of Brianna and her Minions, but today was different. Last week, well... Let's say it didn't go too well...
It was Friday afternoon, dinner break. Mia and I were doing our usual; sitting on our own, making no nusance of ourselves. Then Brianna and her Minions; Lacey, Stacey, and her Half-Sister, Juliette-Rose; came prancing along about a metre or two away from us. They didn't notice us, but we couldn't miss them: their heels clipper-clopping and their backsides- almost bare due to their short, slutty skirts and shorts- swaying.
They came prancing past the fountain, in the centre of the field. It's huge, at least ten different spouts spread around the fountain- some on different levels.
Then it happened.
Out of no where; Markus and his friend, I think his name is Ash or something, ran towards the group and shoved them full force into the watery death-trap. They screamed and squirmed, flailing their arms around as if they were being burnt alive.
Both Mia and myself burst into fits of laughter; we couldn't stop ourselves, we couldn't sit straight. We were rolling around the floor in absolute hysterics.The Daring Duo ran away as soon as the deed was done, towards me and Mia.
I couldn't breathe. Not just because of the laughter- because of Markus, too. I don't know why... I don't even know him, we've never spoken.
The pair collapsed onto the floor next to us, exploding. Their faces went from crimson to burgandy; laughing hysterically, unable to catch their breaths; they were holding their sides. They were in absolute stitches, as were me and Mia. Except, we weren't as bad as them.
'Her Majesty' and her Minions pulled themselves up out of the fountain. They were soaked; their clothes almost transparent and sticking to them; their hair a lanky mess of wet strands; they were dripping with water, all screaming and screeching in horror.
Brianna stood up.
Her face full of anger.
She looked straight at us...The Duo ceased laughter for a second, making their faces even redder due to trying to hold it all in. Me and Mia froze, shaking from the strong urge to laugh.
Brianna glared at us; she strongly resembled the Devil at this moment in time. It made everything even funnier.She came charging towards us; dripping wet, her fists clenched by her sides.
"Oh Jesus Christ." Ash mumbled, scrambling a little. Damn, his accent. Austrailian. Beautiful.
"Ash, she's going ter kill us!" Markus squirmed.
I sat there, dumbfounded, listening to the boys talking.
Markus' accent was thicker than I expected- a really strong, stereotypical British accent. He spoke with slang, but a fair share of Queen's English. I expected him to have a strong American accent or an Austrailian one- clearly not.Great. I thought.
I already felt weird enough about Markus, but a British accent... That made things even worse.Brianna screeched something, I couldn't make out what. Then she reached us and stood straight, her fists still clenched.
"HOW DARE YOU!" She screamed, directly at us. Wait, she wasn't talking to Markus and Ash... She was talking to me and Mia."Mi Lady..." Markus stood up, snickering a little- his shoulders shaking. He bowed as if he were some kind of Royal Heighness.
Ash was desperately trying not to curl over laughing, he was doing well so far.
"I do strongly apolagise for myself and Sire Miller's stupidity and audacity to absolutely almost drown a bunch of sluts such as yourself." He smirked, standing as if he were in the Navy, his accent becoming stronger.My heart thumped, my knees becoming weak. Urg.
Ash's face became redder, his mouth dropped open and he almost burst out laughing.
"DO NOT. Call me. A slut!" Brianna scowled at him, about to hit him then stopped.
Markus froze.
She looked towards Mia and I, pointed a soaking finger at us.
"You. Again!" She screached.
"Ay?" Ash looked confused.
"I know you two did this!" Brianna stated.
Mia started to look extremely concerned, then looked at me. Hoping for me to say something.Ash stood up beside Markus.
"They weren't involved in thi' a' all." Ash tried to help us out, bearing in mind it wasn't me and Mia anyway.I looked up at Brianna. My face blank.
"Yeah, it was me." I said.
What did I say that for? Idiot. I thought, mentally face palming myself.
Mia's mouth dropped open, Ash went pale, Markus' eyes widened."Bitch!" Brianna yelled directly at me.
"And I suppose you were involved in this?" She glared at Mia.
Mia became speechless. Her stutter became worse.
"No she wasn't." I jump in.Brianna glared at me, her expression dark and her eyes cold.
"You watch!" She bellowed at me, flipping her saturated hair and twisting on her heels. She scooted away."Idiot." Mia looked at me.
"Well, I got you out of it. It'll be fine." I reassure her.
Markus and Ash stared at me, their eyes wide and their mouths open.
I felt extremely awkward."Forever grateful." Ash mocked Markus' accent, though he was Aussie. He bowed and removed his cap- revealing a blonde, highlighted mess of long, messy spikes. Markus thumped his arm.
"You're stupid." Markus mouthed.
"Thank you." I said back sarcastically. I started to go weaker.He spoke to me! I mentally smiled. Oh, stop. His first words to me: "You're stupid." Great.
Markus looked me up and down.
"Brave, but stupid. Why did you take all that for us?" He asked me.
I shrugged. Wracked my brain for an answer...
"Well, she hates me as it is... Suppose I oughta make her hate me more..." I stumbled over my words, staring into his chocolate eyes.
He laughed, my knees were like jelly now. Mia stared at me as if I were insane, shook her head and sighed.
"God help you on Monday..." Mia mumbled, stuttering.It was Monday now. I was in for it. Whatever it was.
"Terri, she's gonna kill you." Mia mumbled to me.
"Nah." I replied simply. I was unsure about that, but I had to reassure Mia.I started to regret everything that had happened on Friday, regret taking the blame for the fountain incident...
My stomach dropped.
I was in for it.

Daddy's Girl
Roman pour AdolescentsSo. Imagine this: You live in a huge house with a drug addicted, alcoholic, botox filled Witch for a Mother; you have one friend- Mia Baker- a crazy girly-girl type with a huge family but hardly any money to keep them all properly fed, who would ris...