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*Franks P.O.V*

Tap, Tap, Tap. I repeatedly tapped my pencil on my desk. Jesus Christ, that's annoying. I bit my pencil for me to stop tapping it. Tick, tick, tick, the clock mocked my eagerness for it to ring. Five more minutes, Frankie, and you'll be out of this hell hole. You'll be away from bullies and scholastic failures, I thought to myself. I was eager to get out of this classroom and meet Gerard in detention. Whoa, back up, I was excited for detention? I sighed.

I couldn't help it! He just left a spell on me. His eyes oh don't even get me started on his eyes. They were just so...pretty! They were a greenish brown colour with speaks of copper and emerald and his lips, they looked soft and were a light pink. And his nose, perfectly dipped and his jaw line was perfect and complemented his features so well.

Gah! What the hell was I thinking?! I have known this boy for maybe 8 hours and I'm falling for him. No. Frank Iero does not like anyone. Frank Anthony Thomas Iero does not fall in love. Like what was he thinking? All i was going to do is get rejected, and quite frankly, I didn't want to lose my chances of being friends with an amazing guy like Gerard.

And Plus, I didn't know much about him. Yeah, we learned each others names and what grade we were in and shit like that, but I don't know him that well! Also it would just cause problems with bullies and the fact that he was a senior. Well.... Come to think about it, it is pretty cool that an 17 year old befriended me, a 15 year old. And that makes me like him even more.

I grunted frustrated, and slapped myself hard. STOP THINK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT. The slap made a loud noise that echoed the classroom. Aw shit, that actually hurt, I thought to myself rubbing the slapped area on my cheek.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me. "Mr. Iero, are you alright?" asked my confused math teacher. She let her glasses slide down her nose so she could look me in the eyes. I forced a small smile. "Quite." I said sweetly trying not to gag from sounding so innocent. "Very well then, class I have an -" The bell cut her off. "Well class you can head out now." She said as I bolted out of the classroom mid sentence. I ran to my locker and put away my stuff. I grabbed my backpack and some homework that I needed to get done, even though I wasn't going to do it anyways. I looked around my locker for my stash. You see, when you hear a kid say 'stash' you probably are thinking drugs and shit like that, but no. But they were like drugs to me. I roamed through the small locker then found the large back up pack of skittles I had hid away in my locker. I loved these bastards so much; I had stashes everywhere, even in some classes.

I threw the pack of skittles into my backpack along with the less important things like homework and sprinted to detention as fast as I could, eager to see Gerard again. I cut by a sharp corner and slammed into someone. I was sent hurdling backwards and my stuff went flying behind me and eventually meets me on the floor.

"Watch the fuck where you're going, fucktard." I snapped, not even noticing who I said it to or why I said 'fuck' twice. I heard a giggle and an arm extended in front of me. Okay this person was annoying me. I looked up and saw the person. Gerard. "More like 'Geetard'" He said with a giggle. I grasped his hand and faked gasped.

"Did Gerard Way just giggle like a little girl?" I asked smirking. His cheeks turned a bright crimson as he pulled me up to his feet. I giggled. "Dude, I was only messing with you. Anyways sorry I bumped into you." I said laughing a bit. He laughed too.

"S'okay." He replied, accepting the apology while running his fingers through his blonde hair. "C'mon, let's get to detention! Fun!" he screamed in mockery, while running like a little kid at an amusement park. I giggled and ran after him. "Wait up!" I screamed, but he was already down the hall. I ran up behind him, but he came to an abrupt stop, trying to make me crash into him and fall over.

But jokes on him, it didn't go that way. I crashed into him and knocked him over. We both hit the ground with a thud. I landed awkwardly on top of him, just staring into his eyes. His perfection almost made me drool. We both stared at each other for a moment or two, and then burst out into hysterics.

"Frankie, you're pretty strong." Gerard said in between giggles. I laughed a bit then smirked. "And you assumed I wasn't?" he bit his lip. "Never would I think that!" Gerard said in a sarcastic voice. I fake gasped again and smacked his arm playfully smiling widely. "Meanie! I am strong." I screamed. "Yeah, I know that now!" he said bursting to a fit of giggles. I couldn't help but laugh too; damn there was something about that boy.

We sat like that for another minute or two, just with me on top of him. WAIT ON TOP OF HIM? I looked down and surely I was on top of him. He looked where I was looking and laughed. "Frank can you get off me now? We are surely late for detention." he said with a laugh. I turned pink on the cheeks again and got off him and helped him up. He dusted off his Misfits shirt and jeans and proceeded to walk to detention.

We walked into the detention room, nothing had changed. It was still grey and dusty, and Mrs. Humbergar was still watching over it, but usually she would fall asleep at her desk.

"Hello Bertha." I said to Mrs. Humbergar, she really didn't care if I called her by her first name, I was here all time, we knew each other.

"Why, glad to see you back Frank! And you brought a friend I see." She said in her deep voice, looking off at Gerard, who just stood there awkwardly. I zipped open my bag and pulled out a chocolate bar and handed it to Bertha.

"Thank you dear, here's your regular." She said grasping the chocolate bar and handing me a large coffee. Gerard looked at me confused and I shot him a glare that said 'don't even ask' and shrugged.

I walked over the seat in the far back corner of the room and Gerard followed me. I sat in a desk that was my desk. No like seriously, I'm here so much I carved "FRANK IERO'S SEAT" so no mother fuckers could take it.

I pulled out the bag of skittles from my backpack and lifted my feet on the top of the desk. "So is this like you first time in detention?" I asked Gerard, knowing he was a bit of a nerd. But he wasn't concentrating on me; he was staring at my coffee with his eyes full of want.

"Gerard, do you want my coffee?" I asked. He nodded really fast as his eyes grew about ten sizes and licked his lips. I passed him the coffee and he literally snatched out of my hands. He downed the whole thing and one gulp and I just stared at him in awe.

"Haha, sorry. Coffee is sort of my poison, I have an obsession with It." he said turning pink. I laughed. "It's okay; I am IN LOVE with these things." I said holding up the skittles. He
Laughed a bit then took out his homework and started on it.

I scoffed. "You're doing homework?" he lifted his head out of his book. "Yeah, aren't you going to do yours?" he said gesturing towards my backpack.

"Nope, I wasn't going to do it anyways. I'm not boring." I said calmly with a shrug. "Are you implying that I am boring?! You're boring!" Gerard said in fake shock. I giggled. "Fine, I'll be fun!" he looked at me, questioningly. I whipped out my sidekick and quickly sent a text.

'Mikey, your brother is being a boring nerd!' I wrote quickly and showed it to him. "Hey!" he screamed. "Wait how did you get my brothers phone number?" "When your brother was all jacked up on sugar and shit, he used permanent marker and wrote it on the side of my neck." I answered and he just looked at me strangely.

Mikey wrote back almost immediately. 'Typical.' he wrote. I giggled a bit and showed Gerard. He gasped and ripped the phone away from me. 'Oh hey loving brother of mine, it's me, Gerard. At least I'm not a unicorn loving nerd!' he wrote, as I giggled if it were to save my life.

'Just because I'm smarter then you doesn't make me a Nerd!' he wrote back.

'Oh, just go get laid Mikey, everyone knows you like it up the ass!' Gerard finished writing and passed it back too me. I burst into a fit of giggles.

Then Mikey wrote back and my eyes widened. 'Oh that's where you're wrong Gerard... P.s. I found your dildo.' "Oh my God" I almost screamed.

"What?" Gerard said, scrambling for the phone. He read the text and turned red. "I don't have one!" he screamed, embarrassed his fucking ass off. "But Gerard... They sent a picture..." I said squinting slightly, looking at the picture. Gerard turned red all over again. "They probably got it off the Internet." he said biting his lip.

"Yeah, but Rays in the Pict-" "Photoshop!" he screamed. I flinched a bit. He looked so embarrassed, I would feel embarrassed too if my brother sent a fake picture of a dildo to your new friend. What if it was real....NO FRANK NO.

He sighed and turned back to his work. I might as well do my work too, just to pass the time. I took out my algebra homework and stared at it. I didn't understand one single bit of it. I tried to work out the questions in my head but I just sight in frustration. I just ended up doodling Guitar notes on the side of the page.

Wait, Gerard was smart? Maybe he could help me. I called him, but he couldn't hear me because of his earbuds. I called him again, then again, then seven more times. Then I got frustrated and chuck 3 skittles at the back of his head.

"What the hell?!" he screamed, and then covered his mouth. Good thing Bertha was asleep. "Gerard could you help me with my homework, I don't understand it, and your a nerd and shit so can you help me?" I asked him. He stated at me for a minutes decided whether to take that as a complement or to be offended. Whatever he chooses brought a smile to his face, maybe it was just rambling on. "Okay, what do you-" But he was cut off by the bell telling us we were able to leave detention.

"Since you need help -andiwasgoingtoaskyoianyways- do you want to come round my house?" He asked slightly blushing and smiling sheepishly. I turned red a bit too. "Okay." I said in a small voice.

"Okay here's my address, come over at about... 4:30, seeing how it is 3:30 already." He said smiling writing down the information onto a small piece of paper, I smiled widely and took the paper from him and smiled back at him. "Perfect, it's a dat- Arrangement." I said as we both turned red. SHIIIIT I almost said date.

I bit my lip and tugged at my lip ring. "Uh okay bye, see you at 4:30." I said smiling a bit. I turned on my heel and started walking out of the classroom. "Frankie!" Gerard called from behind me. Turned around and Gerard smashed into me, enveloping me into a small hug. I was a bit shocked at first, but then hugged back.

He let go after about 30 seconds turning a bright shade of crimson. "I just felt like I need to do that." he said giving a weak smile. I just nodded, eye wide. "Well, uh bye." he said waving to me slightly, then turning away.

I just stood there. What the fuck just happened?

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