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Somebody grabs my arm as I make my way down the hall.

"I had sex with your boyfriend."

"I'm sure you did, Melina." I roll my eyes, shrugging her off and walking through the cafeteria door. I didn't go looking for Gerard because I knew he had a dentist appointment during lunch. Melina jogs over to me, spinning me around and stopping before her heels knocked her over.

"I, Melina Millar, had sex with your boyfriend, Gerard Way." She says, looking me dead on in the eyes. She stares until my walls break down and I furrow my brow. A sleek smirk sides across her face.

But then I realize how stupid I was for maybe, kinda, a bit buying into this bullshit and I shake my head. I give her a hard look.

"Gerard wouldn't have sex with you." I sneer, trying to get away from her but he's got a tight grip on my arm.

"Yes, I did."

"Prove it." I move close to her, getting close to her face. She sorta bugs her eyes out and steps back, but the same old smirk comes back and she whips her pink backpack around. She pulls out a large, black band shirt and flips it around to show the band logo. I gasp.

Gerard wore the shirt often, it was way too big for him so he only wore it when he went to bed.

"See," She whispers, I barely hear her over the volume of the cafeteria. "He's mine."

I stare at her for a few seconds, shaking my head slowly.

"You're a fucking bitch." I don't stick around to see her reaction, I grab the fucking shirt and stomp out of the cafeteria. I run down the hallway and Into the boys washroom, blinking away the tears in my eyes.

When in the boys washroom, which was thankful empty, I sat in a stall. I didn't let myself cry. Who even knew if what Melina was telling the truth. She was the enemy for as long as Gerard Way has been around. She was not to be trusted. Gerard would probably laugh in his face or be offended I even asked.

I would just ask. What's the worse that could happen.


Maybe it wasn't the best time for me to burst into Gerard's room but I didn't really give a fuck.

Gerard got a couple of fillings, so- after I stormed into the house- his mom informed me that he was fucked up on anesthesia and will be loopy for a while. I throw open the door and it slams against the wall. I toss my bag to the side and Gerard jumps a bit, knocking over the pile of comic books he was making on his bed. But once his eyes land on me, they get scrunchy as he smiles real big.

"Hi, Fwankie!" Gerard cheers, beckoning me over to his bed. I march over there and whip my hand against his face. His head cracks to the side but he quickly looks back at me. His eyes get all big, probably in disbelief that I just slapped him.

His mouth turns to a frown, eyes watering. He places his hand to his face. "Frank... What was that for? You hurt my cheek!"

I pull the shirt out of my back pocket and throw it at him. He grabs it off his head and looks at it. Maybe from the medication, but he doesn't seem to recognize the shirt. His mouth does that smirky thing, like he doesn't know what's going on but he's amused. "Frank?"

I don't move, so he looks back down at it like a disciplined puppy. It takes him a few more seconds for him to catch on, looking up at me with a guilty look. "Oh, Frank..."

I slap him again, turned around and grabbed my bag. Gerard scrambled up and placed his hand on my shoulder and spins me around.

"What do you want?" I snarl, throwing my shoulder back so his hand falls off. He keeps his grip.

"Look, babe, look. My head's totally fucked up right now but I can explain, I promise-"

I laugh out of pure insanity of that sentence. "What's to explain? You fucked someone else." I scream al him.

Gerard blinks at me. A few seconds of staring and one-sided hatred, he speaks. "I'm sorry, I was on drugs."

I shaked my head at him. "You had sex with someone else." I bite my lip, the emotions rushing to me all at once. My eyes water. "I thought you loved me, drugs or not."

Gerard shakes his head, mimicking me but his lip trembling. "I do love you, Frank!" Half way through, Gerard's voice cracks like he's about to cry.

"You don't, you fucking don't!" I scream at him, breaking down into tears. I cover my face, quieting my sobs.

"Frank, please believe me. I love you so fucking much." He wraps his arms around me, but I struggle out of it. He seems shocked, that I didn't want no part of him. "Please," he begged.

I wipe a tear that was travelling down my face. "Was is before or after?"

"What?" Gerard frowns.

"Was it before or after I had sex with you?" I cry out, wiping more tears away. I couldn't show him weakness. I had to be strong.

Gerard turns pink and nods his head, just in time for me to look at Gerard. That's when the sobs started up again. I didn't hide it this time though, just screamed.

"How fucking could you?!" I screamed at the wall, no long facing the eighteen year old. "You knew how much that meant to me! I g-gave you my fucking virginity! I thought you loved me like I love you!" I sob, words stuttering because of a cocktail of disappointment, rage and pure heartbreak.

That's when Gerard started crying.

"I do love you! So, so much. Please, Frank-!" Gerard reaches out to pull me close but I screech.

"Don't touch me!" I yelp but Gerard pushes him up against the wall. "Gerard, stop!"

"No, please- just listen to me!" His face was pink. Water trickled down his face. His eyes burned bright and his nose was running. His eyelash stuck together and his lip trembled as he put them against mine. I shake my head.

"No, Gerard." I cry, shaking my head furiously.

"Kiss me, c'mon I'm sorry. Please, I love you, please. I love you." Gerard sobbed, tears running down on my face. He pushes his lips against me again, and I almost give in.

But I couldn't let him.

I push him off me, and as much as it hurt, I grabbed my bag and turned to him. He was a sobbing mess, but so was I. I mustered up all my courage and shake my head.

"We're done." I croak and watch him fall to his knees in front of me, crying. "I love you, I love you so fucking much. But I can't be with you."

"No, no, no! Please, no!" Gerard sobs and I can't handle it anymore, in the fear of breaking down.

I wipe some of my tears away and leave the love of my life to sob in his room alone.

You're Weird, I Like You • Frerard ✓Where stories live. Discover now