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I rolled around in my sleeping bag next to Gerard. The 'scary motherfucker' was fast asleep and I, being the insomniac I was, was still awake. I never enjoyed being an insomniac, but come to think of it, who did? You were bored out of your mind, you were always tired and because it was so obvious, your parents think you are up all night reading a comic or something and take that away from you. True story.

My parents were long gone, my mom upstairs to bed and my dad somewhere across town at some random hotel. Mikey was still asleep on the other side of the room, too. So no one was awake with me.

I rolled on to the right side of my sleeping where Gerard was invading. His pajama called back took up almost all the space as I was lying on the edge. I poked his back.


No reply.

I poke him again, harder than before. "Gee?" I whisper a bit louder. He snorted loudly and rolled to face me, readjusting his pillow in his sleep. I sat up and crossed my legs. I poked Gerard 3 more times harder than before.

"Gerard!" I whisper-hissed, poking him for the last time. His eyes shot up and he flailed a bit before sitting up. He looked around like a deer in headlights, obviously confused on where he was. His eyes wonder and land on me, filling with realization.

"Aw Frank," He says softly, flopping back down the pillow. He flips his sidekick open, casting a ghostly light over his face, shadowing his facial expressions. He closes it again and turns to look at Frank. "It's 3:35am."

"So?" I ask.

Gerard makes a small sound and peaks 1 eye open at me, looking truly exhausted. "So? You're supposed to be asleep."

"I'm an insomniac."

"And I'm super sexy, but I need sleep too," He says, closing his eyes again. Gerard truly amazing me how he could be so cocky at 3:35am. "Get some sleep."

I slide down next to him. "but I can't," I pout. He sighs again and wraps his arms around me, pulling me close.




"Got any Pop-tarts?"

"Who the fuck eats Pop-tarts anymore?" Frank asked, looking up at the younger Way. Mikey and I just woke up and emerged into the kitchen to look for some food.

"Me and my fat ass brother," Mikey says, rubbing his left eye and gesturing towards the elder Way, who must have just gotten up, pulling out a discovered Pop-tarts from the cabinet. Gerard whips his head around to look at Mikey and squints.

"My fat ass brother and I." Gerard corrects in a sleepy voice as Mikey rolls his eyes. I giggle and walk over to Gerard, giving him a kiss on his forehead, I mean, after I get on my toes.

"Good morning," I chirp. Gerard groaned, but smiled at me.

"Mornings are abominable," Gerard muttered, wincing as he popped 2 Pop-tarts in popped toaster.

"So are Pop-tarts,"

"What is with you and Pop-tarts?!" Mikey exclaims, pouring himself a glass of orange juice. Gerard steals the glass as Mikey goes to drink it, making Mikey let out a struggled noise of annoyance. He grabs another glass and pours himself some more juice.

I rolled my eyes. This is 1 of the rare moments where I felt lucky to be without siblings. "Did you know that Patrick Michaud, a Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, did an experiment that if you leave a strawberry Pop-tart in the toaster for long I could produce a flame over a foot high?" I provide, pretty much avoiding the question.

Almost immediately after I stated the fact, Gerard turned Mikey. "Mikes, this is not our house, we can't burn down the place. Actually no, YOU can't burn down the place. Don't go near the toaster." Gerard warns. Mikey frowns and puts his hands on his hips, Gerard grins and I yawn. Mikey rolls his eyes and walks out of the room. Gerard instantly turns to me.

"Now that Mikey is gone, I can give you your real good morning kiss," Gerard said slyly, leaning forward and capturing my lips. I kiss back, making a accepting sound. Gerard smiles against my mouth, grabbing my lower back to pull me closer. Closing my hands around his face a pull away and look him in the eyes.

They're sparkling wildly, glazed over with sleep. "I wanna taste you again," Gerard whispers. "Because you tasted so fucking good..."

I feel myself blush and I give a shy half-smile. "I think that can be arranged."

Gerard smiles and placed a chaste kiss on my lips, moving his hands down to my ass to pull me even closer into non-existent space between us. I leaned in to kiss him again but I heard someone clear their throat in the background.

"Linda!" I hear Gerard exclaim and jump back. I do the same and look at my mother with a panicked face, probably almost identical to the face Gerard was making. "Me and Frank- Frank and I..."

"Gerard," My mum said, inching a bit closer to us. She pursed her lips and looked between us and how far we moved apart, causing a lazy smile to form on her face. "You two were in front of the Coffee marker." She says with a chuckle.

Gerard lets out a small exhale and I circle around to look at my mum. I added a smile as well when Gerard wrapped his arms around my torso from behind.

"You're dad'll be here soon to ask you something, Frankie." She says, pouring some brewed, thin liquid into a cup. I immediately tense up as I feel Gerard gulp loudly.

My mum smiles widely and walks out of the room, taking her coffee and answers with her. I spin around to look at Gerard.

"Fuck, do you think he's going to something about what we did in the showe-"

"Gerard, I dunno. But I'm pretty sure my mom convinced him-"

"Frank! He gonna know I had my mouth on your dick. Oh God, he's going to know you had your mouth on my dick!" Gerard rambled, looking panicked. I giggled slightly and shut Gerard up with a kiss.

"He's not going to know. I never heard of a 'father's intuition,'" Frank said, smiling widely. Gerard seemed to have calmed down and smiled back, almost genuinely.


I sat cross-legged on the couch, waiting for my father and Gerard to come out of the kitchen. My dad said they needed to 'talk privately' before he asked the so secretive question. I tried to listen, I really did, but all I could hear was whispering. Damn.

While I was waiting, I saw Mikey jog down the stairs with all his stuff in tow. He was changed out of his pajama's and it looked like he even brushed his hair. I wolf-whistle.

"Who are you seeing?" I asked with a huge smirk as Mikey neared the door. He blushed furiously.

"No one!" He exclaimed, readjusting his bag strap. "M'sorry I have to leave earlier."

I shrugged. "It's all good. So who are you meeting?" I pressed again.

Mikey blushed down his neck, looking extremely uncomfortable. He looks down at his naked wrist. "Well look at the time! Gotta run!" He yelped, running out the door.

"I will find out MikeyWay!" I call back as the door closes. "And you're not even wearing a watch!"

Just as I finish saying that, my father and Gerard walk back into the room. Gerard looks uncomfortable with the situation and dad looks thoughtful. Gerard sits down next to me on the couch and my father sits on the coffee table in front of us.

He inhales and blows it out quickly, looking at both of us. "Frank, would you like to take a trip to Florida to meet Carly?" He asks, shifting his weight. "With Gerard too, of course." He adds.

My mouth drops open and I look at Gerard. His face was about the same.

"When?" I stammer out.


I look at Gerard, then back at dad, then back at Gerard, catching his eye this time. I smile slyly.

"You game?"

I get a smirk in return. That's when I knew for a fact my life was kinda amazing.

You're Weird, I Like You • Frerard ✓Where stories live. Discover now