Chapter One

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          Jace studied his laptop for a long while, his screen lighting up his pale face, with the random sprawling of freckles. On the screen were millions of comments on his latest video he reviewed another random cat video. He had to admit it was adorable, but he was growing tired of just reviewing funny animals, or the awful videos of people getting hurt. Those videos alone made Jace flinch and wince in pain. Jace scrolled and scrolled through all the comments landing on one that relieved his suffering of another cat pooping in the human toilet video.

        "Oblivion!!! Please, please, please review my favorite music group!!! Pentatonix!" The comment read, Jace knew of the group and probably watched all their videos. The commenter put a URL of their evolution of music video. This was probably their most viewed video that he knew of at the time. Quickly Jace typed up a reply to the request and agreed the next video would be reviewing the wonderfully talented singers. Closing his lap top leaning back in his chair staring up at the ceiling. His thoughts finally reached the surface. He had no musical talent besides the band classes he took all throughout grade school.

         "Great, the one video I have that isn't something completely foolish and I have no actual knowledge on the subject." Jace took out pen and paper and began writing down all he knew of the group, with some research he felt well enough that his lack of singing know how would just fly under the radar with his viewers. Pushing up from his desk he wondered his room looking for his equipment. He needed to get this video underway if he was going to have it out by tonight. Since he never wanted to keep his fans waiting, he posted two videos a day over whatever the comments suggest and sometimes three if he picked one himself.

         Setting up his camera to capture him with his computer out of sight which is where he will be watching the video. Next he made sure he was off to the side so he can put the video there for the viewers to see once he was done. All that was left was to get around, he wondered off to the bathroom of his apartment. He stood in front of the mirror of his bathroom turning his head slowly side to side to see any imperfections. Not that it mattered much, many people just watched for the review not to stare at his ugly mug. He knew he was not ugly, but the more he stared at himself the more he felt he was. He had a short undercut hair style, his hair a bright red. Yes, he was a ginger he had the freckles and all. The little light brown spots covered his face randomly, many right on top of his cheeks under his light green eyes. He was not a small guy by any way his shoulders were broad and he had a good amount of muscle. He stood at about six foot at the least.

        "I should shave..." He sighs running a hand over his jaw and chin feeling the rough dark ginger stubble that grew there. No time for that though. He had to get to this video or he would be late. Sliding on a red and black flannel over his black V-neck tee-shirt rolling up the sleeves so the shirt was about a quarter sleeve shirt.

         Plopping down on his desk chair he began rolling his camera smiling widely with bright white teeth that made up his great smile his fans loved. Running a quick hand through his undercut hair then waving dramatically at the camera.

         "Hey guys and I am sorry for the late video, but I just could not decide on what to review when SOMEONE, I'll put their name rightttt here!" Jace grinned and pointed slightly to the side of him so he could edit in the person's YouTube username. Then moving on with the video, Jace wanted to be sure to give credit where it is due.

        "And she/he suggested I review one of my favorite groups as well as theirs Pentatonix! So without any delay here. We. Go." Jace hit the space bar on his computer to begin the video. The video starting with such a great bass Jace forgot how beautiful their voices were. His eyes trailed the group falling upon Mitch Grassi which made his heart skip slightly. Jace forgot how much he liked Mitch, at this point he just hoped it was not noticeable on camera.

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