Chapter Eleven

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      "I want to be the very best! Like no one ever was!" The two guys sang loudly with the TV as the theme song to Pokémon played. They have gotten through about half of the season Mitch emerged from his room and sat next to Jace quietly.

      "Oh hey party pooper, how are you?" Scott asks with a laugh though Jace could sense the sincerity in his voice.

      "I am okay, just decided to come back out here and not be alone in my room. I see you two have successfully binged half of this season." Mitch smiled making Jace's heart skip a beat his face turning a slight pink. They went silent at the show started Mitch slowly closing his eyes and drifting to sleep letting his head fall onto Jace's shoulder.

      "Scott, what do I do? He is asleep." Jace whispers turning a deep red being very embarrassed that Mitch was sleeping with his head on Jace's shoulder.

      "I don't know, you can leave him there. If it bugs you that he is sleeping on you, just carry him to bed and let him sleep in there." Scott shrugged not positive on what to tell Jace.

      "Okay." Jace went quiet after that letting Mitch sleep trying not to think into why he decided to leave his room then sit very close to Jace then sleep using his shoulder as a pillow.

      "Jace?" Mitch softly murmurs in his sleepy daze lifting his head from Jace's shoulder fixing his hair that was slightly ruffled.

      "Yeah Mitch?" Jace raises a brow and jumps as Mitch smiles and puts his head back down on his shoulder closing his eyes once again.

      "Sis, you want to go lay down in your bed?" Scott asks with a confused look on his face for while Mitch was being so clingy to Jace.

      "No I am good here." Jace reddened as Mitch seemed to snuggle close to him, Jace's heart beating a million times a minute.

      "Are you sure?" Jace managed to get out without sounding like he was in heaven with Mitch being so close and clinging to him.

      "Are you saying you don't want me daddy?" Mitch softly whispers into Jace's ear Making him blush and stutter out weird jumbled up words. Mitch giving a devilish smile as Jace conintues to blush a deeper shade of red. Jace finally letting himself think about what Mitch was trying to do. Was he really trying to make him feel like Mitch was going to be with him and not Lucas?

      "Stop, what are you doing?" Jace stands uncomfortably in front of Mitch and Scott crossing his arms and focusing on not pacing back and forth.

      "Nothing Jace, I was just laying my head on your shoulder." Mitch stumbles as he finally realizes how he was acting and making Jace feel.

      "Mitch." Scott murmurs looking over to him while Mitch looked just as lost in thought as he was.

      "You can't do that to me Mitch, you are dating someone! Someone who does not deserve you I might add! I know I am better for you than he is! I know I am and it took all my power not to beat the hell out of him when he was so possessive with you, because you are not supposed to be property. You are a human being, you don't deserve to be someone's second best." Jace began to tear up wiping his eyes as he spoke making Mitch look to the floor feeling tears stinging his eyes as well.

      "Jace calm down." Scott stands and gets tissues handing one to each guy then pats Jace's back as he choked back a sob.

      "Take me to the airport... please I can't stay here. I am sorry I want to I do but I can't." Jace turned and walked down the hall to the bathroom to try and calm down and stop the crying.

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